Qin Sangyu had come to watch the excitement, but she didn't expect that the fire would be burned on her. She stepped back and calmly looked at the girl, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

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The girl's face is provocative, just when Qin Sangyu was playing in the water, several men were looking at her not far away. Oh, it's really a show off.

"You threw the toy snake, Qin Sangyu. I saw it with my own eyes. Do you still want to play tricks?"

Qin Sangyu conditionally looked at Lu Liangcheng, and found that he was staring at himself, and his face was instantly red, "Luliang City, I, I have not."

Lu Liangcheng did not speak. He remembered that when Qin Sangyu came, her swimsuits were very conservative. How could she put on such a sexy swimsuit in the blink of an eye.

His face was red with anger. There were so many men here, but Qin Sangyu didn't have any cloth left on her. He reached out and dragged her over, "you go back with me!"

As you can see, Lu Liangcheng was really angry. Almost all of them stepped back in an instant. Their scalp was numb by Lu Liangcheng's momentum. The girl who complained was even more proud. She thought that Lu Liangcheng wanted to punish Qin Sangyu for throwing snakes.

"I said I didn't throw the snake!"

Qin Sangyu was a little aggrieved by Lu Liangcheng's roar and tried to break away from him. However, Lu Liangcheng's hand was like a wall of iron, holding her tightly, and she was pulled almost to the ground.

Seeing that things were not good, Bai Jue was afraid of something wrong with Qin Sangyu, so she quickly stood up and said, "Liangcheng, Qin Sangyu didn't mean to do it. Everyone came out to play. It's inevitable that some accidents happen. You'd better let her go..."

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the more Bai Jue said, the less confident he felt, because Lu Liangcheng's momentum was so frightening that he was forced to close down directly Mouth.

Qin Sangyu's eyes were red, he was so embarrassed all the way, directly pulled to their room.

"I didn't throw that snake, Luliang City. I'm really going to be angry!"

She roared, her face flushed, her eyes as clear as deer's eyes. She sat on the bed with her chest folded, her back to him, and her nostrils kept making a "hum" sound.

Lu Liangcheng was all over, but his burning chest seemed to subside at once, because he found that Qin Sangyu at this time was really damned lovely.

"What snake?"

After calming down completely, he raised his eyes and asked, bending over to take out a bottle of red wine from the side cupboard.

Qin Sangyu's face is cracked. Isn't this person punishing her for the snake?

She turned and looked at the man who was pouring the red wine. "Why did you pull me in?"

"That's what you're wearing. Qin Sangyu, don't you see several men's eyes sticking to your body? Can you be a little ashamed as a wife?"

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Qin Sangyu's mouth smoked, so many girls outside wear that, what's the problem?

However, seeing Lu Liangcheng's gloomy expression, she finally knew why this person was depressed. She must be jealous.

"I'm not afraid of losing your face when I see them wearing them. After all, this is the first time I've come to the seaside..."

as soon as she finished her words, Lu Liangcheng felt a slight pain in her heart and drank a mouthful of red wine. "In a word, change your body, wear the sets you brought, and don't make it yourself!"

Qin Sangyu curled her mouth and lay down on the bed. At this time, she was too lazy to go out again. Those women, like Su Jiaoyang, were not used to her and pushed everything on her head. She could not be provoked. It was not good to hide.

She stares at the ceiling and repeats for a long time, "that toy snake is not really thrown by me. That woman is framing me."

There was a cold light in Lu Liangcheng's eyes. Of course, he knew that Qin Sangyu had not done it. The woman dared to frame him up openly, but he was totally ignored.

He went out with the red wine in his hand

Mo Yu also heard about just now, standing at the door at this time, "boss, do you need me to let her taste some pain?"

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Lu Liangcheng nodded with a slight hook in his mouth and a trace of interest in his eyes.

Mo Yu received the order and left immediately.

At this time, the onlookers were still standing in groups. They were all frightened by Lu Liangcheng's momentum, and felt that Qin Sangyu would not come to a good end.

Su Jiaoyang's eyebrows picked up, looked at the girl, "Xiaoya, well done."

The girl named Xiaoya is the one who just framed Qin Sangyu, and the one who faints is her sister Lili. They usually hold Su Jiaoyang in their hands.

Xiaoya has always been loyal to Su Jiaoyang, but the arrogant Su Jiaoyang doesn't pay attention to their two sisters at all. She didn't expect to take the initiative to greet her today, and her face flushed with excitement, "Jiaoyang elder sister, I should, I knew you didn't like Qin Sangyu. You can rest assured that in the next few days, I won't let her have a good life."Su Jiaoyang's mouth hook, just Lu Liangcheng so angry, Qin Sangyu's current situation should be very uncomfortable.

Lu Liangcheng can get angry about the signing of the contract because of that matter. It seems that he doesn't love Qin Sangyu much.

She comforted herself in her heart and watched the excitement for a while before leaving.

Xiaoya clenched her fist and rushed to the hotel to take care of Lili who had fainted. However, with the help of the doctor, Lili had woken up, but her face was still a little pale, "Xiaoya, what about the snake? Is it still there? It's so terrible that a snake fell on top of my head

Xiaoya chuckles and grabs her wrist. "That snake is fake. Qin Sangyu intentionally throws it on your head to frighten you."

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Lili's eyes were round. She was looking at Qin Sangyu at that time. She was so far away from them that she could not throw the snake on her head.

"You mean?"

Soon she understood the meaning of the man, and the radian of her mouth widened. "I couldn't stand that Qin Sangyu. How is she now?"

Xiaoya's face is complacent, "Lu Shao is now teaching her. I think Lu Shao has made a big fire, and Qin Sangyu's fate is expected to be very miserable. Lili, sister Jiaoyang just talked to me and said that I did a good job. It seems that she doesn't like Qin Sangyu either."

Lili is also a master of power. She usually thinks about how to flatter Su Jiaoyang. Now a big opportunity is put in front of them. How can they not cherish it.

"But Qin Sangyu seems to be a little grandmother of the Lu family. If she tells Lu Shao the truth, we will suffer."

Xiaoya's face is more disdainful, just Lu shaoke didn't pay any attention to Qin Sangyu.

"I think Lu Shao must have married her for some other reason. He just pulled Qin Sangyu back to the hotel full of anger. Qin Sangyu will be severely punished."

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