Lu Liangcheng snorted, "if I'm gentle with girls, I'm afraid you'll have to cry quietly."

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Qin Sangyu pick eyebrows, see so anxious Xiaoya, really do not know what is the matter, it is worth her to come over personally.

"It's strange that she and I don't know each other very well, but this morning she sent me a text message saying that she wanted to apologize to me in person, and she just called me in a hurry..."

she looked down, puzzled.

Lu Liangcheng sat down on one side depressed, "it's right that you don't go. You're safe by my side."

In particular, Su Jiaoyang came together this time. The man is no longer Su Jiaoyang. Who knows what will happen? So Qin Sangyu is the most correct decision to stay with him.

The sun has been rising slowly, Xiaoya is more and more anxious. When she thinks that she has just killed someone, she is scared. She looks pale all the time. At last, she kneels down on the beach and looks ahead helplessly.

"It's useless."

Su Jiaoyang doesn't know when she appears behind her. It seems that she knows that Qin Sangyu doesn't come out to see this person.

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"Sister Jiaoyang, what do you say I should do... What should I do..."

her hand in the sand was shaking. She couldn't shake it. She wanted to hold Su Jiaoyang's leg and ask her to show her the way.

"Get out of here

Su Jiaoyang hated to push people away. What's the use of such a waste? She turned her face and said, "you really don't give yourself any retreat. Don't you think about it? What should you do if Qin Sangyu doesn't come out? Xiaoya, you are too careless

Finish this sentence, she intended to leave here, but was held by Xiaoya legs, "Jiaoyang elder sister, you let me go to kill, it is you! Please show me the way! Woo Hoo Hoo! I don't want to go to prison...

Su Jiaoyang shook her hand hard and hit Xiaoya in the face, "threaten me? Xiaoya, if you offend me, it's not just prison. If you have backbone, you can tell Lu Liangcheng all this. You can see whether he believes me or you. "

With a sneer, Su Jiaoyang left directly, leaving Xiaoya crying in despair.

She regretted killing Lili so impulsively. Now Qin Sangyu doesn't come out to see her. Lili's death will be discovered sooner or later. No, she has to leave here.

Xiaoya shivers all over, thinking that there is no public flight plane on the island. If she wants to go out, she can only rely on baijue's one, but baijue must not want to send her out by plane.

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Thinking of what, her eyes brightened. If she was seriously ill and the medical conditions on the island were insufficient, then baijue would take the lead in sending her out!

A smile flashed in her eyes. Tonight she would bathe in cold water all night. Tomorrow, she would have a bad cold. As long as the cold is not good, she will have a chance to leave the island and immigrate abroad. Even if everyone knows that she killed people.

In this way, she was not so flustered.

Not far away under a tree, Lili pale face, gloomy looking at Xiaoya.

It turns out that all this is Xiaoya and Su Jiaoyang that cheap woman planning, two people really damn!

Her throat is burning now. If it wasn't for pretending to be dead at that time, I'm afraid she would have really warped her hair. Damn it, she won't let go of these two women!!

Lily's eyes are full of hate, hiding in the dark not to let others find themselves, until it was very late, the river in a bonfire party, she dare to be careful out.

Looking at the slowly burning bonfire, Qin Sangyu thinks that the holiday is still very cost-effective. There are barbecues on the beach and swimming. The most important thing is that Lu Liangcheng has always been with her.

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Suddenly, she frowned. Who is holding her chin

Lily's throat is swollen and painful, and she can't say anything. She can only point to a tree not far away, which means to chat in the past.

There are so many people here. Qin Sangyu is not afraid of anything. If something happens, she will shout for help. Therefore, she does not hesitate to get up and follow Lili.

Lily is now wearing a hooded sweater, which almost blocks her face. No one knows who she is.

Qin Sangyu followed her to the tree, frowned tightly, "what do you want to say?"

Lily put down her hat, throat is still uncomfortable, she reflexively rubbed her throat, "it's me."

Hearing this hoarse voice, Qin Sangyu almost couldn't believe looking at the face in front of her. Only one night, how did the young and beautiful girl look like she was ten years old? "Are you Lili? What's the matter with you? "

It's OK not to ask. When I ask this question, Lili's heart is filled with rage. She grits her teeth and says, "you should be careful of Su Jiaoyang and Xiaoya. They want to deal with you. When Xiaoya called you today, I was beside her. She went to see me in the room today and covered me with a pillow. She wanted to ask you to go there and plant my death on your head."Qin Sangyu's scalp is a little numb. Since this person is dead, is the person talking now a ghost?

"You and you..."

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Lili talks very hard, drooping her head, perhaps a sequela, she always has a feeling of dyspnea, "I pretended to be dead and escaped a robbery. Today I saw Su Jiaoyang and Xiaoya discussing things at the seaside. I think they are discussing how to plant the matter on your head."

Qin Sangyu's face is very gloomy. She has never tried to provoke others, but the two women always seem to have a hard time with her. There is a spark in their eyes. They kill people in order to plant her. There is no difference between those two women's hearts and poisonous snakes!

"Qin Sangyu, I only want to remind you of this. You can do it yourself."

Lily turned around, put her hat on her head again, looked around and left carefully.

Qin Sangyu calmed down his breath for a while before returning to the bonfire party. The party was surrounded by all kinds of delicious food prepared by the hotel. Everyone is having a good time now.

She raised her eyes and searched for Xiaoya's shadow in the crowd. She found that the man was chatting with a young and handsome man. This time, more than half of the young men and women in G city came to visit her in disguise.

Qin Sangyu's heart is more and more cool. This woman's heart is really strong. After killing her good friend, she can still come to the bonfire party with such calmness. It seems that nothing has happened.

Her sight shifted to Su Jiaoyang and found Su Jiaoyang smiling and saying something to Bai Jue. Qin Sangyu's eyebrows frowned. Did baijue like Su Jiaoyang? Is this possible?

"What's the matter?"

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