When Lu Liangcheng saw her appearance, he felt very sad in his heart. His feelings were in her heart, which could not be compared with a box of ice cream.

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"Qin Sangyu, don't forget who just bought you the ice cream."

At this time, the president also began to haggle, his face was not happy.

Qin Sangyu gently dug a spoon, put it on his mouth, "Na."

Lu Liangcheng was still unhappy. He felt uncomfortable. He wanted to ask which one was more important than ice cream. However, he felt that such a question was really naive. He snorted coldly and got on the car.

Qin Sangyu a face inexplicably looking at his back, said to eat, now do not eat, the man's mind is really strange.

"Ah, woo."

She put the ice cream in her mouth and followed him in the car.

On the way back, Lu Liangcheng looked unhappy, especially when he saw that Qin Sangyu didn't want to come over to coax him. He snorted coldly. After the car stopped, he lifted his foot and got off the car.

How is sangduan Qin still angry?

Lu Liangcheng angry return angry, or go to Qin Sangyu heated milk, brought to the tea table, "drink it, help sleep."

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Qin Sangyu nodded, drank the milk and licked the corner of his mouth. "Lu Liangcheng, I don't feel sleepy now, or I'll take the chicken feet...

" don't think about it! "

Before he finished his words, Lu Liangcheng strongly opposed him. He hummed coldly and turned upstairs.

Qin Sangyu skimmed the corners of her mouth and trotted to follow her. When she stepped into the room, she saw that the bathroom door had been closed and there was a sound of water flowing inside. It seemed that the man had begun to take a bath. She took her pajamas to the bathroom of another room. After washing, she found that Lu Liangcheng was already lying on the bed.

It's strange. What's the man mad at?

In fact, even Lu Liangcheng didn't know what he was angry about. Just thinking of Qin Sangyu's indifference to him, he felt choked to death.

He felt heavy beside him and knew that Qin Sangyu was lying down. He deliberately turned his face to the other side.

Half an hour later, a light breath came from his side. It seemed that the heartless man had fallen asleep. Lu Liangcheng felt more angry.


Qin Sangyu's arm suddenly put on his waist, this subconscious action instantly let him a stiff, he turned to look at the past, found that she was indeed asleep, eyebrows and eyes quiet.

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a soft voice from Wu Nong made Lu Liangcheng's whole body crispy and her face slightly red. She let her hold it like that, and her heart beat very fast.

After a while, he fell asleep next to Qin Sangyu's face.

The next day, they almost woke up at the same time, went into the bathroom to wash up, and went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Are you going to work today?"

Seeing her dress up, Lu Liangcheng asked in doubt.

Qin Sangyu nods. There are a lot of rumors in the office. If she has been skipping work, who knows how the people behind her will slander her.

They got on the car together. When they arrived at the company, she was still waiting for Lu Liangcheng to walk out of a distance before following him.

When she got into the elevator, she heard someone calling her name behind her. She quickly reached out and stopped the elevator door, staring at Ruan Hongzhuang excitedly.

"Ruan Hongzhuang, why are you here?"

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Ruan Hongzhuang is still dazzling. She raises her hair and pushes into the elevator. "Tiancheng is preparing a play recently. I heard that there is no heroine yet. I'll fight for it."

Qin Sangyu nods. When they are talking, they are at the top floor. Ruan Hongzhuang waves and goes directly to Lu Liangcheng's office. Qin Sangyu finds her seat and sits down.

The woman in the office immediately moved her eyes to her body, began to whisper, certainly not to discuss any good words.

Qin Sangyu sat for a while, feeling irritable, got up and went to Lu Liangcheng's office.

Ruan Hongzhuang is still talking about things. Seeing her come in, she nods to say hello, and then continues to speak.

"I need the company to send an assistant to me in the near future, because Liu Wen has a temporary business, so she has to leave to go back to her hometown, not much, just a week."

Lu Liangcheng took a look at Qin Sangyu and found that Qin Sangyu's eyes were bright. He almost didn't grab his collar to ask for the quota. His face sank, but he was helpless. "If you are her assistant, the next time is spent in the crew, because the director just called and said that she has passed the actress's audition."

Qin Sangyu looked at Ruan Hongzhuang with a smile and patted her on the shoulder. "Congratulations. It happens that I want to see the life of an actor. Let me go and have a look."

Ruan Hongzhuang's mouth twitched, and Mrs. Lu's wife was her assistant. She was afraid that she would lose her life. However, seeing the appearance of Lu Liangcheng's beloved wife, she could only nod."This afternoon is the opening ceremony, the heroine is the last choice, do you have time, go with me."

She turned her head and looked at Qin Sangyu. She found that Qin Sangyu almost didn't throw her head away. She didn't know how. She felt funny and liked her more.

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"Well, come with me now."

Say, two people are about to turn around, seem to completely forget the existence of Lu Liangcheng boss.

Lu Liangcheng picks eyebrows. He has heard about those things in the entertainment industry. He is afraid that Qin Sangyu will suffer losses. He frowns. "If anyone bullies you, you can call me. The entertainment industry is not so simple. Many things may happen this week."

Qin Sangyu's heart a warm, turned his head toward landing, Liangcheng bared his teeth and laughed, "you don't worry, there is your thigh in, who dares to bully me."

Lu Liangcheng's eyes are full of smiles. It's really good to be needed.

However, the two people's blatant show of love really let Ruan Hong make-up a goose bumps, she exaggerated with her hand patted, pulling Qin Sangyu toward the outside, "you can forgive me this lonely man."

Qin Sangyu's face is smiling, directly follow her downstairs, on the outside of the parking car.

Lu Liangcheng is not at ease with her after all, or let Mo Yu come to serve as a driver, there is ink rain in Ruan Hongzhuang's heart is completely at ease.

"Miss Qin, many stars are arrogant, they are not as amiable as the usual news, you must not let yourself knock."

Qin Sangyu's mouth smoked. She just came to work as an assistant for a week. Who else could eat her? "I know. I know. Don't worry. Lu Liangcheng is really. Even this has to be told to you."

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