"President, I'll take you in and have a rest."

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She deliberately softened her voice, hoping that Lu Liangcheng would be completely lost under the influence of alcohol and medicine.

Lu Liangcheng knew that he was not very strong now. He felt dizzy in his head, as if he had been drained of strength. An inexplicable dry heat began to attack his abdomen, and then spread to his whole body.

After sending Lu Liangcheng into the hotel room, Mo Hua secretly sends a message to Su Jiaoyang. He turns to close the door and puts Lu Liangcheng on the bed.

"President, let me serve you tonight."

She can't wait to have a night's romance with this person, and she will do anything.

Her lips had almost touched Lu Liangcheng's mouth, but Lu Liangcheng, who closed her eyes tightly, opened her eyes at this time. Her eyes were blazing with madness.

Mo Hua was scared to step back, thought of what, and slowly forward, put a hand on Lu Liangcheng's chest, only one chance, no matter what happened, she would not give up.

"President, you want me."

Her words were explicit, but Lu Liangcheng did not have any reaction. He just stared at her for a moment. About ten seconds later, his hoarse throat just spat out a word, "go!"

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Rao is not clear now, but his powerful reason still hasn't completely collapsed. He knows clearly that this woman is not Qin Sangyu. If he gives in to the bath hope spreading in his heart, there will be no possibility of him and Qin Sangyu.

Mo Hua slightly stunned, that medicine is Su Jiaoyang to her, certainly is not the general medicine, is not said that the man will lose his mind immediately after taking it, but why will this man refuse her.

"Lu Shao..."

she opened her hands and tried to throw herself into his arms, but when she was close to his body, she was directly choked by him. His eyes were full of evil, his mouth was full of cold smile, and her hands were slowly forced, "want to die?"

Understatement of the two words, but a moment to determine a person's life.

Mo Hua's face became pale. Why did he still have so much strength? She wanted to struggle, but the man in the rage didn't slow down his strength at all. Instead, he tightened up.


Her weak body was directly thrown onto the bookshelf, hit the chair, and rolled on the ground two times.

"Cough, cough, cough."

She breathed the fresh air desperately. Seeing the angry man in her eyes, she didn't dare to go up again for a moment, so she could only stay in place and watch the change.

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Su Jiaoyang, who was outside, had a hook. After a long distance, she saw that Mo Hua had helped Lu Liangcheng into the hotel. At this time, they were afraid that they had already started to do that kind of thing.

Thinking of this, her eyes are intoxicating smile, picked up the mobile phone, began to send messages to Qin Sangyu.

This time, she was very clever. Instead of dialing her own number, she used a card she had just bought on the street.

"Hello, Miss Qin? I just saw that Mr. Lu was helped into the hotel by a woman. Come and have a look. "

Qin Sangyu frowned when she received the call. She thought it was a trap. She called Lu Liangcheng, but the phone didn't get through. She called Mo Yu again. Mo Yu said that Lu Liangcheng went to the party alone.

Qin Sangyu's heart "cluttered" for a moment, just that number sent the address, specific to the room number, she did not care about other, immediately put on her coat, rushed to the hotel.

In the hotel, after being thrown to the ground by Lu Liangcheng, Mo Hua did not dare to act rashly. She observed each other silently. After ten minutes, she stood up from the ground and began to take off her clothes one by one.

"President, I'm very skilled. Let me serve you."

Her voice was very humble, like an ancient imperial concubine serving the emperor. After she had finished off, she tried to walk to Luliang City, twisting her hips to sit in his arms.

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Lu Liangcheng's face is full of haze. He can't use it now, but it's not a woman like this. He bit the tip of his tongue, and the whole person is awake for a short time. He turns his head and takes a look at the woman who is scratching his head. He picks up a sneer at the corner of his mouth, tugs her hair hard, and kicks people to the wall.

He used his full strength to make sure that there was no sound coming from the woman. Only then did he dare to relax and stay on the bed and gasp. The effect of the medicine tonight was so strong that he couldn't make any strength. The foot just had consumed all his energy. At this time, he didn't even have the strength to open his eyes.

Qin Sangyu only spent ten minutes standing outside the door. When she heard the loud noise, she asked the hotel attendant nearby to help open the door. "My husband is inside. Open the door quickly."

The hotel attendants have seen this kind of scene more often. Seeing that this lady is flustered, it is estimated that she has come to catch the adultery again. Her eyes are full of gossip. After opening the room, she really saw a naked woman not far away.

Qin Sangyu's face was white, and she turned to close the door directly. With her familiarity with Lu Liangcheng, she knew that the man in bed must be him, "husband?"She gently called out such two words, found that Lu Liangcheng did not respond, immediately trotted over and shook his body.

She knew the woman in the room. When she saw such a picture, she should immediately suspect Lu Liangcheng. However, the smell in the room is very clean, and there is no intoxicating smell after love. I think the woman did not succeed.

Lu Liangcheng vaguely heard Qin Sangyu calling himself. He thought he was wrong. After opening his eyes, he saw Qin Sangyu's small face in front of his eyes.

Oh, does that medicine have the effect of hallucination.

"Get out of here

His voice hoarse low roar, wish to break the woman in front of him, he has no strength now, if this woman really do something, I'm afraid he really can't resist.

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Qin Sangyu's eyes narrowed and pinched him fiercely.

Stabbing pain spread, Lu Liangcheng suddenly sober up, see in front of the small face, eyebrows a frown, "Qin Sangyu?"

Qin Sangyu slightly raised his chin, "or who do you think it is?"

Lu Liangcheng's face appeared a light smile, his face gradually turned red, "can you help me? Why don't you take the initiative tonight

He no longer has any strength, even if he turns over, he feels tired.

Qin Sangyu turns her head and takes a look at Mo Hua who has passed out. She doesn't have to look at what happened in the room just now. She throws the bag and drags Mo Hua's two legs out, regardless of whether she is fruiting or not.


The door of the room was heavily closed by her, and there were two big characters on her white body.


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