Lu Liangcheng's eyes flashed a trace of smile, pinched her small face, "well, you are also tired, let's hurry home."

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Qin Sangyu nodded, immediately got up to clean up himself, and then followed him out of the hotel.

Not far from the hotel, Mo Hua is still lying. Many kind-hearted people want to move her to a shady place, but they are stopped by the bodyguards.

The sun is very strong at noon. The ground temperature has risen to 60 degrees, and the direct sunlight temperature is about 50 degrees. Today is the hottest day. In addition to the shelter on his body, Mo Hua has nothing to wear. His smooth back directly contacts the hot ground, and now it is estimated that he has already peeled.

Qin Sangyu saw her tragedy, a little smile flashed in her eyes, and robbed her of a man. She really deserved it, "husband, let's get on the bus."

Pretending not to see the scene, she pulled down to Liangcheng and got on the side of the car.

Mo Hua was still begging Qin Sangyu's conscience to find out to save her, but when she saw the sneer at the corner of Qin's mouth, she shivered inexplicably and began to shiver. She was able to support her for a while, and then she fainted immediately, and the security guard sent her to the hospital.

Last night, I almost felt a pain in her body.

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Lu Liangcheng also knows his fault. He went to see some foreign guests yesterday, so he didn't pay much attention to it. If he was more careful, he would never be defeated by Mo Hua's inferior tricks.

"Thank you for coming in time."

Lu Liangcheng's face rarely showed a flattering smile. He rubbed her waist, but the hand settled down for a while, and then moved towards some unspeakable place.

"Luliang City!"

Qin Sangyu angrily clapped his hand open, moved some sour neck, frowned, "I'll go to sleep again."

Lu Liangcheng nodded with a smile. When her figure disappeared at the stairway, his face gradually became gloomy.

Ink rain this time also came in from the outside, respectful gesture, "boss, Mo Hua has been sent to the hospital."

Lu Liangcheng nodded, and he didn't believe that this time it was mo Hua who tossed it out by himself. The corners of his mouth were hooked. "The people in the back also checked it out for me to see who she contacted recently."

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Mo Yu thought of what she had found. Her eyes were a little dark. "It's almost the same. Since she was dismissed, Mo Hua has no source of income. She has been working in that kind of place. She has been in financial difficulties. But recently, she began to spend money freely. I checked the source of funds, which seems to be related to the Su family."

Speaking of this, both of them understand that they are not fools after all. If the Su family wants to do this, who else can su Jiaoyang be.

The cup in Lu Liangcheng's hand was suddenly crushed by him. In terms of his childhood love, he had let Su Jiaoyang go more than once, but the man was getting more and more aggressive. He snorted, "has she been to the old house of the Lu family recently?"

Mo Yu nodded, "according to the information to check, it's really like this. It's estimated that there's no support from the old man, so we decided to do it ourselves."

Lu Liangcheng's mouth hook, the debris in his hand into the next garbage can, "Su family recently has a big contract, grab that contract."

Mo Yu knows that this man is going to make a move. The Su family's company has been in a bad situation in recent years, but the lean camel is bigger than ma ma. Even if it declines again, it does not withdraw from the ranks of large companies. The recent contract is an opportunity for the su family to save the situation. As long as they can win the contract, the company may return to its former state.

Now what Tiancheng wants to do is to cut off the road of Su's company, and a smile flashed in his eyes, "boss, don't worry, I'll do it well."

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Now, no one plans to help Su Jiaoyang any more, and that person should learn to grow up.

The Su family has been in a high state of tension these days. The cooperation project with foreign countries is about to sign a contract. This contract is worth several billion yuan. If it can be run well, the company of the Su family may enter another realm. Recently, all the people of the Su family are in a state of extreme self-discipline, and they want to get the contract down as soon as possible.

However, seeing that the contract was about to be signed, the foreign company suddenly called, saying that it was a temporary change of mind and decided to sign a contract with Tiancheng, because Tiancheng gave better conditions.

Su family's face is red, white, purple, fat to the mouth even so fly!

"What's the situation of Lu Liangcheng? Why did he rob our business?"

Su Wei immediately jumped off his feet. The expression on his face was not good-looking, and he was almost at the door. As a result, he killed a Cheng Yaojin at this time. What a damned thing!

"Dad, you have a good relationship with Mr. Lu. Can you call and ask?"

Sude's face is also a little blue, he never expected that Tiancheng would cut off their list at this time. With a fist, he immediately asked people to bring the phone. He wanted to make a call to Mr. Lu.

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Lu Tian was very surprised when he received the phone call. There was a kind expression on his face, "Su Lao, you haven't come to play chess with me recently."Sude tried to keep his face steady and try not to let his voice tremble. "Mr. Lu, this time I called, I was looking for you. Su family company recently encountered a large list. You also know the situation of our company in recent years. If we can get this list, the company will return to its peak state. But the day before signing the contract, the list was intercepted by Tiancheng of the small town Well, it's said over there that Tiancheng has given better conditions. "

Lu Tian's face turned red when he heard the man's accusation. Lu Liangcheng was scolded in his heart. He shouldn't have cut off the Su family's list. The relationship between the Su family and the Lu family has always been good. This time it's really overdone.

"Are you sure it's made by the town? He has no reason to cut your list. "

Su Dechang took a breath, because there was no reason for him to feel angry. Companies like Tiancheng never lack cooperation. Why should he stretch out his hand so long and steal from them.

"Mr. Lu, the relationship between the Su family and the Lu family has always been good, but this list is very important for us. We have been preparing for this for most of the month. I hope you can talk with the town."

Sood was quite polite. If he was someone else, he would have scolded him. After all, it was an opportunity for the company to recover.

Lu Tianhou had the cheek to agree. After hanging up the phone, his face was still slightly hot. Sun Tzu made a mistake. As a result, he accepted the criticism from others, the beast!

"Where is the town? I'll find him right away. The boy is really more and more disobedient."

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