Lu Liangcheng didn't want to play with her any more. He bent over and hugged her. He got up and walked to the second floor. "Don't lie next time."

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"Good." Qin Sangyu promised, but she was a little nervous. What if the man she saved was really that terrible one? She was just an ordinary person and didn't intend to take part in the fighting and killing.

When she went to bed at night, she couldn't sleep. Until early in the morning, she barely slept for several hours.

When she woke up, Lu Liangcheng was still there for the first time, sitting in front of the computer, seemingly processing some documents.

"I will go abroad later. I won't come back in a week. You are not allowed to run around. The man you saved last night is one. He has a rather perverse temperament. He can smile at you one second, and light his knife the next second. If possible, don't go to him until I come back."

Lu Liangcheng is not stupid. He knows that Qin Sangyu certainly didn't send people to the hospital. As for where he was sent, he doesn't want to investigate. Although Yi's temperament is perverse, at least he is a master who knows how to repay him. He won't mess with Qin Sangyu for the time being.

Qin Sangyu clenched her hand with the quilt tightly. She also planned to change the bandage for that person. She sipped her lips. Should she tell Lu Liangcheng whether to talk to Lu Liangcheng...

Lu Liangcheng had already got up at this time, went to her, reached out and rubbed her head, "take good care of yourself, don't let me worry."

Qin Sangyu nodded her head cleverly, but she also knew that Lu Liangcheng was very busy and didn't say anything to keep her. She could only send people on the plane in person. Seeing the plane drawing a line in the sky, she could not help but withdraw her sight and plan to return home.

"Drop by drop."

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The prompt tone of the mobile phone rings at this time. It's the man who can't die.

The corner of Qin Sangyu's mouth took a puff, thinking whether this man had predicted well, frowned, turned the car and drove towards Qin's villa.

Su Mo is sitting on the sofa, bandage should be changed, but his arm can't be lifted at all. He can only think of the girl yesterday. He tentatively sends a text message in the past, and doesn't know whether the other party will come or not.

About ten minutes later, he heard that the door of the room was opened. He turned around and looked at it. He found that it was the girl who came so fast.

"Do you need to change the bandage?"

Because of Lu Liangcheng's warning, Qin Sangyu doesn't want to go too close to this man for the time being, so he starts to talk about business.

Su Mo a Leng, slightly nod, see she will take the medicine box, bow head clever looking for bandage.

Maybe it's because it's very hot outside. The girl's face has some thin sweat. Her face is slightly red. There are several small beads of sweat on the tip of her nose. Her hair is gently hanging over her ears, reflecting the light outside. He even thinks that the girl is damned beautiful.

"What's your name?" He couldn't help but ask out the voice. After reaction, his eyes were a little dark. This was the first time he asked a person's name, or a woman.

Qin Sangyu's hand holding bandage was stiff. She felt a trace of gloom from the man's body. After asking that sentence, he seemed to be in a bad mood.

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Qin Sangyu?

Su Mo's eyebrows frown. He seems to have heard of the name and think of something. His pupil suddenly shrinks. His next business is to take Qin Sangyu's life.

He stopped talking and looked down, not knowing what he was thinking.

Qin Sangyu removed the old bandage, replaced it with a new one, and applied the ointment, "your wound has recovered very well, there is no bleeding, there will be some itching when you scar, you should bear it, don't scratch, otherwise it will be infected."

She ordered very carefully, afraid that the man didn't hear, and put out her fingertips to poke his leg, "do you hear me?"


Su Mo seems to be just revived in general, see suddenly close to the face, the conditioned reflex of the back Yang, "what do you do?"

Qin Sangyu's mouth took a puff. Seeing the man's defensive face, did he think he was eating his tofu? He sighed, "I said that the wound will itch when I scar. You have to control yourself and don't scratch it."

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Su Mo had suffered a lot of injuries from childhood to adulthood. Almost all the scars were on his back. He came from the forest of knives and guns. How could he not know that he could not scratch the scar when he was scarred, but no one ever told him so seriously.

His heart miraculously warm, like the desert has already dried up, suddenly injected into the spring water, eyes also began to have a smile.

"Well." The ending is up enough to show that he is in a good mood now.

After changing the bandage, Qin Sangyu went to the refrigerator and found that only one box of rice was missing, so he put a box of curry rice into the oven to heat it.

Su Mo looked at her back, thought of what, immediately opened the mouth, "by the way, can you borrow your mobile phone, my mobile phone is broken, can't make a phone call."

His unreliable brother never reads any news. If he chooses to send news in the past, it is estimated that he will not see the man come back to save him in several years."Good."

Qin Sangyu put the mobile phone on the tea table and had already unlocked it.

Her mobile phone desktop is a photo of her and Lu Liangcheng. Last time because of this, she complained with Lu Liangcheng, but the man insisted, and she couldn't help it.

Su Mo saw the familiar face on the screen, and her eyes narrowed. It was really that Luliang City. Was she a woman of Luliang City?

I can't help but think of the coincidence between Liangcheng and Lianglu. I can't help but wonder if it was just a coincidence that he met with a woman in Liangcheng. It was just a coincidence that he met with a woman in Liangcheng.

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"Is this your husband?"

He asked casually, took his cell phone and began to make a phone call.

"Well, I haven't been married long."

Su Mo's eyes some doubt, how he does not know that Lu Liangcheng has been married, that person is really hidden deep.

Soon, the phone was picked up, he said his current address, there is no other nonsense, the phone will be returned to Qin Sangyu, and quickly deleted the call record, "thank you."

Qin Sangyu took over and put the heated rice on the table. "You have a good meal. I came out to hide from my family. My husband doesn't want me to run around, so I have to go back now. If you need to change the dressing, you'd better send me a text message."

Su Mo nodded, knowing that she was going back, he felt a touch of other feelings in his heart. He couldn't say what it was. He just felt that his mood was not so good.

"Then I'll go first."

Qin Sangyu took his small bag, went to the door, turned and looked at the man eating.

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