"No way! She must have stolen the card! Qin Sangyu! I really didn't expect, so many years no see, you have begun to steal other people's things! Don't be shameless. I'll just hook up with those men in high school! Now I've been reduced to this level. I'm really disrespectful of you

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Meng Rui scolds fiercely, in the heart has a terror idea to be called out, but then does not have the background Qin Sangyu, how may collude with the rich person.

Qin Sangyu's brow frowned and was about to speak when he found Lu Xiaodong standing in front of him.

Lu Xiao directly slapped Meng Rui's face and shook her hand lightly.

"That black card was given to Qin Sangyu by my brother. My brother is the president of Lu and the boss of your man. Qin Sangyu is your boss's wife. Meng Rui, who gave you the courage, started to frame up in public."

She is Lu Shao's wife?!

After all, Lu Liangcheng still ranks first among the single nobles. When they got married, they didn't know. Now when Lu Xiao said this, they thought it would be eight or nine.

Meng Rui's face is white, Qin Sangyu married Lu Shao? The man that all women want to marry? blamed?! How can this bitch's life be so good!

Zheng Ting next to him was also very ugly. He thought Qin Sangyu was a soft persimmon, but now he found another piece of iron. He slapped Meng Rui with his backhand, and his face was flushed with anger.

"Don't apologize to the president's wife! Meng Rui! If she goes after it! I can't protect you today

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Zheng Ting soon pushed Meng Rui out. Now it's so ugly that she has to have someone to block the gun. She can only aggrieve Meng Rui and then give her a piece of jewelry to compensate.

Meng Rui was beaten by Zheng ting a little dizzy, but this slap did not show any mercy, the corners of her mouth shed blood, her face immediately swollen up.

In her private heart, she didn't want to be trampled on by Qin Sangyu, and did not believe that Qin Sangyu would become so noble. But now the facts are in front of her. If she continues to make trouble, she will be more ugly.

"I'm sorry, Qin Sangyu. I didn't mean to."

Not on purpose?

Qin Sangyu picked up her eyebrows and hooked her mouth. She lost millions for no reason. This woman didn't mean to do it. Is it over.

the perfume on the floor is still smelling, and the salesman has calculated the lost price, respectfully bowed her head, "Miss Qin, the total is two million and ten thousand."

Qin Sangyu nods. Anyway, it's Lu Liangcheng's card. It doesn't matter. It's just that he's just laid out. He's really uncomfortable.

"I'll give you the money! I knocked down the shelf just now. I lose money. "

Meng Rui pale face, take out her bank card, put in front of the salesman.

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The salesman looked at Qin Sangyu suspiciously and didn't know what to do.

Qin Sangyu raised her eyebrows and drew back her black card. She said sarcastically, "since Miss Meng admitted her mistake, then bear the consequences. I really didn't touch the shelf just now. I believe Mr. Zheng also saw it?"

She looked at Zheng ting.

Zheng Ting's whole body trembled. At this time, he didn't dare to lie any more. He nodded hard, "that frame is really Meng Rui's trip, and it has nothing to do with Miss Qin."

The shop assistant took Meng Rui's card and spent more than two million yuan.

Meng Rui's heart is bleeding, although she can buy tens of thousands of luxury goods, but more than two million for her, has been considered to be bleeding.

She is in a mess now. The once humble little girl has become a lady of a powerful family. She has been hit too hard. She thinks that she has just provoked her. If she starts to retaliate afterwards, what should she do.

Qin Sangyu looks at Meng Rui's face from white to red, finally turns green, and sneers in his eyes.

"Mr. Zheng, you should have heard how Miss Meng scolded me just now. Unfortunately, it was not me who ganged up with me in school. She was a famous social figure in our school at that time. She colluded with gangsters in the street and bullied other people all day. I didn't expect that your vision would be so good."

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Meng Rui's fist slowly clenched, no matter how Qin Sangyu taunts her at this time, she has to suffer, all this is her right!

Zheng Ting's face is also white. He can bear Meng Rui's vanity, but he can't entangle this woman with too many men. He was a social flower in high school, and now I don't know what hand he is.

Thinking of this, he just felt disgusted. How could his eyes be so poisonous that he fell in love with such a woman.

"Thanks for Miss Qin's warning. I'll break up with her soon."

He put on a pose deeply deceived by Meng Rui, but Qin Sangyu is to see through the nature of this man, he is also a hypocrite.

"No, I think you are a good match. If Mr. Zheng and Miss Meng break up, they will not harm others. I hope you will stay together for a long time."

Finish this sentence, her eyes are smiling, looked at Lu Xiao one eye, "go."Lu Xiao thought that Qin Sangyu's words were really sharp. He scolded both of them and said, "sister-in-law, when did your mouth become so poisonous?"

As soon as the word "sister-in-law" was uttered, the onlookers believed that Lu Liangcheng was married, and they beat their chests and feet one after another. How could the male god get married.

Meng Rui and Zheng Ting's faces are not good-looking. After Qin Sangyu and Lu Xiao left, the onlookers began to point at them. They lowered their heads and left quickly.

"I don't know if I dare to challenge Lu Shao's wife."

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"If Lu Shao knew, the woman's death would not be far away."

The onlookers saw a good play and made a mockery of Meng Rui and Zheng Ting as much as they could. They laughed when they saw them leave like mice passing by.

Meng Rui only felt that she had lost her face and lost two million in vain. In front of those rich people, her face was gone.

"Zheng Ting, listen to my explanation. My high school is not what Qin Sangyu said."

Now she has to appease the gold Lord immediately, and she must not let him kick her.

However, Zheng Ting's face is not very good-looking. If this happened today, I don't know whether it will spread to the president's ears. If the president knows, he will not be able to get along in Tiancheng. He pushes Meng Rui away in anger.

"Didn't you say it was the first time you were with me? Meng Rui, you really make me sick, high school even began to have men, get out! I think you are dirty

Meng Rui's heart is like needle prick general, eye socket is red, "that is the thing of the past."

"Don't come to me! I can't afford to lose this man! "

Zheng Ting gets on the car directly and leaves Meng Rui here. Meng Rui grits her teeth and writes a note to Qin Sangyu in her heart.

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