Qin Sangyu suddenly played a small temper, covered himself in the bed, only a pair of small feet, a refusal to discuss with Lu Liangcheng posture.

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The corner of Lu Liangcheng's mouth puffed. What he wanted to do this time was really dangerous. But before, he often did such things, but he had no choice but to arch up the quilt. "Qin Sangyu, be obedient. If you are here, I can't take care of you."

Qin Sangyu listened to his words, and found that the man finally wanted to send himself away. With a curl of his mouth, he would not go out in the quilt. "What about Zhong Sisi? Will he go back home?"

If she left and Zhong Sisi stayed here, she would not have given them a chance to be alone.

"Her home is here. Where can I go back to? Qin Sangyu. Let's have a good discussion."

Qin Sangyu is depressed, but in order to let Lu Liangcheng change her mind, she can only first aggrieve herself.

After waiting for a long time, she found that there was no sound in the room. She opened a corner of the quilt first. She did not see Lu Liangcheng. The corners of her mouth were hooked. As expected, her endurance was good.

"Is Ken out?"

Lu Liangcheng quickly pinched her chin, eyes are soft smile, "also hide? How can you look like a child when you are so old. "

Qin Sangyu was pinched under his chin and couldn't move at all. He couldn't move any more. He could only look at him pitifully.

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Lu Liangcheng was supposed to have a good discussion attitude, but seeing the water spray in her eyes, somehow, her heart seemed to be pricked. She could only open her chin and kiss her lips.

Qin Sangyu also quiet down, suddenly found himself just a little vexatious, stuffy drooping his head, "OK, I'll go back tomorrow, then you'll come back early, one day you have to call, once I don't get a call, I'll come here to pick you up in person."

Finally, she compromised and pulled him over. They were quietly lying on the bed. It was supposed to be a lingering night, but both of them seemed to have no other meaning. They just hugged the world quietly.

Qin Sangyu went to sleep directly. She didn't know what time Lu Liangcheng had ordered for her. When she woke up, she stood up and looked around. She was relieved to find that Lu Liangcheng was still there. She was really afraid that she would be left behind by him.

"Two o'clock flight tickets in the afternoon. There's still time. Let's go down to dinner first."

Lu Liangcheng saw Qin Sangyu in the eyes of not giving up, reached out to rub her head, "good girl."

Qin Sangyu was not good to say anything. He followed him to wash and wash, then went downstairs and sat down at the table.

Zhong Sisi is still there. Although she is fed with their dog food, she has strong survivability, just like Xiaoqiang who can't fight to death. "Yo, I heard you're going back. Qin Sangyu, you can rest assured. I'll take good care of Lu Liangcheng, and soak hot milk for him on time every day."

It's rare that after such a long time, I can finally breathe.

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Zhong Sisi proudly raised his neck, looked at Qin Sangyu's eyes are all teasing, very intimate to Lu Liangcheng clip a chopsticks dish, "come on, eat, can't be hungry thin, after ah, let me take good care of you."

Zhong Sisi had the feeling that there was no tiger in the mountain and that the monkey was the king. His eyes and eyebrows were smiling, but he didn't set off firecrackers to celebrate Qin Sangyu's departure.

Qin Sangyu put the dishes in Lu Liangcheng's bowl into his own bowl. It seemed that it was Zhong Sisi's fingers.

Zhong Sisi felt that her scalp was numb. When did this woman develop such a poisonous look, she picked up another chopstick dish and tried to keep putting it into Luliang City's bowl. However, Lu Liangcheng moved the bowl slightly, and the dish she picked fell on the table.

People who are not blind can see that Lu Liangcheng was intentional, and Zhong Sisi was not upset. Anyway, Qin Sangyu was going to leave, and she had plenty of opportunities.

Qin Sangyu felt that the meal was not delicious, and there was a covetous Zhong Sisi beside him. If the other party took the opportunity to do something to Luliang City, who would he cry with? "Luliang City, after I left, can't you let her into this villa, or I won't worry."

In front of Zhong Sisi's face, she still made this excessive request. Seeing that Zhong Sisi's face was black, her mood was miraculously better.

"Good." Lu Liangcheng almost did not want to agree to her, and put a piece of fried eggs into her bowl, "eat well, don't care about irrelevant people."

This irrelevant person naturally refers to Zhong Sisi. Zhong Sisi's face is crooked, and he only feels that his heart is blocked.

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But Qin Sangyu's eyes were bright, and he took a proud look at Zhong Sisi. Then he finished the dishes in Luliang City. "OK, we don't care about her. After all, it's just an irrelevant person."

She specially accentuated her tone. Seeing that Zhong Sisi's face turned white again, she was in a good mood to sing.

Zhong Sisi held the chopsticks tightly, and finally put the chopsticks on the table and ran out crying.

Qin Sangyu didn't expect that her psychological quality was so poor that she cried. She didn't react at all. After looking back, she looked at Lu Liangcheng at a loss. "I didn't mean to. I didn't expect her to cry. What should I do now?"After all, it was Lu Liangcheng's benefactor's daughter. Even if she didn't like it, she couldn't go too far.

"Leave her alone and eat well." Lu Liangcheng's head was not raised, and his voice was still cold, which made Qin Sangyu feel at ease.

After dinner, Qin Sangyu simply packed up his luggage and hugged Lu Liangcheng for a while. He was satisfied with his relatives and got on the bus reluctantly.

"Bang." The door was opened again and Lu Liangcheng sat in. "I'll take you to the airport."

Qin Sangyu's face is ecstatic, a grasp of his neck, "husband, I know you are the best!"

The corner of Lu Liangcheng's mouth was slightly hooked. His hands passed through her armpits and held her over, as if holding a child.

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Qin Sangyu has been chattering endlessly, occasionally pecking twice on Lu Liangcheng's chin, and smiling at the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.

After arriving at the airport, her face collapsed again, and she waved goodbye feebly. She felt terrible.

"Call me when you get there."

"Don't drink cold water at home and eat less ice cream."

Lu Liangcheng turned into a housekeeper and explained a lot of things. Finally, she rubbed her head, "OK, go up."

Qin Sangyu one step three back, after the security check, the heart is stuffy, but also know that he can not be unreasonable.

Lu Liangcheng has been watching her figure disappear, the smile in his eyes all fade away, turn to deep, disdainful of the corner of his mouth to hook up, "ink rain, have you contacted the people there? When can I come? "

Mo Yu's face is also dignified. This battle is not easy to fight. After all, it is not their territory. If you want to save Mo Lei, you have to do some dangerous moves.

"It'll be there tomorrow."

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