Ruan Hongzhuang lowered her eyebrows and eyes and allowed her to say so, because she knew that what was said was right and could not be refuted.

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Qin Sangyu turned her head and took a look at Ruan Hongzhuang. She was really worried about her. Whether it was true or not, she could not admit that, "Miss Qin, if you did not see it with your own eyes, it would be slander and would go to prison. Do you think Ruan Hongzhuang seduces other people's husbands? You've just returned home. You don't have to step on other people even if you want to go to the top. "

It's common for entertainment circles to step on other people's top positions. Qin Sangyu raised her voice specially to let everyone understand that the reason why the end of Qin Dynasty said Ruan Hongzhuang was because she wanted to be on the top and wanted to be famous.

At the end of the joke, Qin began to whisper! I am in Hollywood film as the leading lady, still need to step on Ruan red makeup on the top? You think highly of her

"Leading lady in Hollywood power? Miss Qin, you are not well-known in China. Ruan Hongzhuang is already a first-line star in China. Besides, who has seen that movie? "

The corners of her mouth hook, see Qin Mo's face more and more white, can't resist to continue to mend the knife, "should not according to the so-called film, will not be released in China at all, no wonder, no wonder, an unknown woman as the leading role, how can the audience buy it?"

The end of Qin Dynasty bit his teeth. Although the film has been broadcast abroad and received good response, the domestic cinema has not yet made a film. It is said that the head office is still reviewing the film, and it will take at least three days to produce a result.

Ruan Hongzhuang was moved to see that Qin Sangyu had offended the end of Qin for herself. She stepped forward and protected her behind her. "Miss Qin, my friend is right. If there is no evidence, it is slander. In a few days, I will send a lawyer's letter to your residence. Since you dare to make rumors, you must bear the consequences."

At the end of Qin Dynasty, she was very angry with the two people's singing and singing. Those things were obviously true. Damn it. When she came down to find her classmates in the same class as Ruan Hongzhuang, she could see how she could explain it.

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She snorted and stopped talking. At this time, she couldn't talk to each other.

The atmosphere in the crew is very delicate. It was originally because of the identity of Hollywood hostess at the end of Qin Dynasty that they were kind to her. However, Qin Sangyu was right. The film was not shown in China at all. In the end of Qin Dynasty, people around her were scattered.

The end of Qin was so angry that she didn't see her for such a long time. When she bit her teeth, she came back to defeat Qin Sangyu and let her never turn over!

"Qin Sangyu, thank you."

Ruan Hongzhuang takes Qin Sangyu's hand and sincerely thanks her. She only responds now. There is no evidence for those things. As long as she kills and refuses to admit it, no one will believe what the end of Qin said.

Qin Sangyu glanced at her, "I can't think of a way to get drunk like you are. The more you are afraid of her, the more violent you are."

Ruan Hongzhuang's eyebrows and eyes are all smiling, "good, good, Miss Qin, you are right."

Next, Qin Sangyu sat quietly in the crew and witnessed Ruan Hongzhuang's filming. I have to say that Ruan Hongzhuang's acting skills are very good, every shot is very involved, and completely brings people in. No wonder Lu Liangcheng will sign this person. For two years at most, Ruan Hongzhuang will become a sister in the entertainment circle.

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After shooting, the director arranged the schedule for tomorrow and waved his hand to let everyone dissolve.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, Qin Sangyu and Ruan Hongzhuang were chatting and laughing. Their eyes were gloomy and they got on their own car.

There was no light in the car. It was a bit dim.

"I told you that you can't rush ahead. Lu Liangcheng is behind Qin Sangyu. If Lu Liangcheng makes a move, you won't have a chance to regret it." The woman's voice sounded in the carriage, full of disdain, looking at the end of the Qin Dynasty's eyes contained discontent.

At the end of Qin Dynasty, he knew who the man was, and lowered his eyebrows and eyes. "I just can't reconcile myself. At the beginning, that humble person turned into Lu Liangcheng's wife. Those things shouldn't be hers!"

Her tone is unwilling, maliciously curse Qin Sangyu.

"It shouldn't be hers. Is it yours? If you want revenge, just listen to me. If you are impulsive like today, no one will help you! "

Qin Mo's face suddenly filled with fear, if this person does not help her, she can not revenge, "I listen to you, you say what I do."

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Su Jiaoyang was satisfied with this, motioned the driver to drive, took out the red wine from the side cabinet, and poured himself a glass.

"What's your hurry? Now the Su family is in my hands. We can plan slowly."

The end of Qin nodded. When Su Jiaoyang rescued her from prison, she said that she would listen to her.

Qin's family was destroyed in Qin Sangyu's hands. She was really unwilling to think that she was in hell, and Qin Sangyu had been staying in heaven. The huge imbalance hit her heart, and she wanted to destroy everything about that woman.

Don't worry, take your time. You can always wait for an opportunity. She comforts herself.

Qin Sangyu always felt that the voice of the woman today was very familiar, but she did not see that face. After a long time of thinking, she couldn't remember whose voice it was, so she had to give up.She just took Ruan Hongzhuang's car to the crew. Now that the filming is over, she doesn't take her car again. Instead, she plans to walk back by herself and go shopping in the supermarket.

As soon as she turned the corner, she pulled her in with both hands. She was ready to scream, but the owner of the hand tightly covered her mouth. Her eyes were full of panic. Suddenly, a voice came from her ear, "really, I've been looking for you for a long time. I have something for you."

It was su Mo's voice. Qin Sangyu put down his hanging heart and waved his hand. "Do you know it's frightening?"

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Su Mo was stunned, scratching his head, "sorry, occupational disease, right! The last time I went back to Europe, I saw this and thought it was suitable for you

He took out a box from his chest and put it directly into Qin Sangyu's arms.

Qin Sangyu originally wanted to refuse, but when she looked up, there was still a figure of the man in front of her, "inexplicable..."

she frowned and opened the box to have a look. It was a beautiful stone with complete insect shadow inside, which could be seen clearly even with her feet.

Su Mo hides not far away to observe Qin Sangyu's expression, and finds that she put the box into her small bag. A smile flashed in her eyes and hummed a tune to leave.


A voice sounded in his ear. He leaned over slightly and saw the dagger inserted at his feet. His face was cold, "can't you say hello like this next time! I will be killed by you sooner or later

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