When the girl said this, she suddenly stopped and then began to speak slowly, "so the young master hates Lu Liangcheng very much. He thinks that as long as Lu Liangcheng is killed, no one knows his past. Therefore, he has been sending people to kill Luliang City all these years, but Lu Liangcheng is very capable and has never been hurt."

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Qin Sangyu has been listening to the girl quietly. She is very surprised how the other party can know so clearly. She looks at her suspiciously and finds that the girl suddenly gives out a bitter smile. "I have been with the young master since I was a child. During the two years since he disappeared, everyone has been looking for him crazily. I saw his change with my own eyes, so even if he did this to me, in my heart, There are still no complaints, just suffering other girls

Qin Sangyu did not speak. She went back to her bed and put the quilt on her stomach. Her mind began to turn quickly. She would not have any pity for the young master because of his previous experience. The poor people must have hateful places.

In the morning, she soon woke up, and the people around him came to pick her up, saying that she was needed to accompany him to play golf today.

Qin Sangyu was led to the golf course and found that the boy was dressed and looked fresh and clean. There was a cup of black tea in front of him. This time it was not coffee.

He waved with a smile on his face. It seems that he is in a good mood today. "I heard that people in your country like to drink this kind of drink. Today I asked them to buy it. It seems that it's called Dahongpao. Try it?"

Qin Sangyu didn't hesitate. If this person wanted to kill her, she didn't have to worry about cutting materials. She just shot her. So she decided that there was nothing wrong with the tea.

"Good to drink?" The boy opened his mouth to talk, probably did not expect that she so believed to drink, eyebrows and eyes gentle.

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"There is no good drink in China."

Qin Sangyu lowered her head and did not know what to say when she stood in front of this man. Two barking dogs came from a distance. She heard the girl's voice, the charming voice.

"Ya, you are here. I look for you everywhere."

The girl flew over like a butterfly. Qin Sangyu knew that the boy's name was ya. She was impatient when she saw Ya's face. Maybe she didn't like the girl she met.

"Who are you?"

The girl did not come near. After seeing her, her voice suddenly became sharp. She carried a small foreign skirt and went to her side. She raised her hand and planned to give her a slap. However, before the slap fell, she was stopped by Yagi.

"Don't make trouble. This is the guest." Ya's voice finally became like a real man.

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Qin Sangyu saw the anger on the girl's face and knew that she was hated again. She turned her mouth and did not speak.

Hearing Ya's words, the girl looked at Qin Sangyu suspiciously and found that Qin Sangyu had not been disfigured. She knew that her identity should be unusual. Her mouth curved and suddenly became sweet. "It's a guest. Hello, I'm Ya's fiancee."

Qin Sangyu couldn't believe that such a boy had a fiancee. He pulled his mouth, shook hands with the girl, and then he was silent.

But the girl has been chattering, "Ya, don't be bored in the manor all day, take me out to play, we are going to get married soon, should we cultivate a good relationship?"

Ya's face is impatient, but it can be seen that he didn't mean anything to the girl. He just broke her hand. "I'm very busy and I don't like to go out. Can you please leave me alone."

The girl's face froze for a short time, and then she looked at Qin Sangyu and found that Qin Sangyu didn't notice them here, so she hated her less.

"You always say busy, you just don't want to accompany me! Ya! We are unmarried husband and wife, from tonight on, I decided to move to your villa, you don't want to leave me

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As soon as she finished her words, she saw Ya's face completely changed and got up angrily. "Go back to your own place. I don't welcome you here."

The girl proudly raised her head and waved. Suddenly, several bodyguards came in outside, all of which were her luggage. "I will not go back. My uncle told me that you are too lonely every day and need my company."

Qin Sangyu in the side of the mouth, can see, this girl is really protected too good, do not know what kind of devil is standing in front of him, still need to accompany? Is it possible.

Those bodyguards quickly moved the luggage into the manor, ignoring Ya's embarrassed face. The girl turned her head and looked at Qin Sangyu and took her arm. "My name is Ruili. From today on, you are my friend. If you have any difficulties, I can help you, but you can't rob Ya with me."

Qin Sangyu's eyes flashed, perhaps this girl is a good breakthrough, "good."

Ya was shaking with anger. He hated other people interfering with his life. If he changed to someone else, he could throw people out immediately, but this girl couldn't. She was the princess of aristocracy. She had been engaged to him since childhood and loved him very sincerely.If those things hadn't happened, maybe he would have married the girl, but since he was found, he has hated clean and beautiful things and wants to destroy and go mad.

"Riley, if you go back now, I can still think about your engagement."

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His voice was cold, his eyes were poisoned, and he wanted to dig a piece of meat off Ruili's face.

Ruili's eyes are all lost, drooping head, also no longer holding Qin Sangyu, as if by a great injustice, "you never thought of marrying me, I move back or not is the same, since this, I should stay here, maybe you understand the real me, will hope our wedding held early."

It's a girl who is so naive and terrible.

Qin Sangyu felt in her heart that the girl was hopeless. However, seeing the sincerity in her eyes, she was moved. Maybe Ya was an evil devil in others' eyes, but she was always her angel.

Ya didn't speak, his face was still not good-looking, he also knew Ruili's temperament, has been very arrogant and domineering, he looked at Qin Sangyu, said the words full of threat, "you'd better not pay attention to her body."

Qin Sangyu raised eyebrows and pretended not to hear what he said. Ruili took her to pack her luggage. She knew that her opportunity was coming.

"Your name is Qin Sangyu, right? When I heard my uncle say Ya wanted you on his own initiative, I was very flustered, so I planned to come and have a look personally. All the girls here are found by my uncle for ya to calm down the evil in Ya's heart."

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