She immediately gave Su Mo a call, said his great achievements, and then proud straight hem.

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Su Mo didn't want to listen to her nonsense, put the mobile phone beside him, took the porridge in his hand, and entered the basement.

Qin Sangyu has got a full rest, and his spirit is getting better. Seeing Su Mo bring porridge in, he feels that he has an appetite. He asks him to sit down beside him, "when will Luliang City arrive?"

After all, if she is worried about his action in Liangcheng, she will not fight in Liangcheng.

"Because of your disappearance, people in the shadow have begun to alert the whole city. All passing vehicles will be subject to the most stringent scanning inspection. Lu Liangcheng's mobile phone seems to have been eavesdropped, so I haven't dared to contact him for the time being, but I have already told him my location before. Please wait."

Su Mo explained patiently, hoping that Lu Liangcheng would come slowly, so that he could cultivate a good relationship with Qin Sangyu.

Although Qin Sangyu is worried, but at this time there is no way, can only stuffy finish the bowl of porridge.

"Ding Ding Ding."

The message prompt tone has been thinking, Qin Sangyu looked at Su Mo in doubt, and found that Su Mo turned on the mobile phone in flight mode calmly, like deliberately not returning the other party's message.

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"Who is it?" She can't help gossiping, look at Su Mo's expression, should not be a man.

"A very annoying woman who says she wants to elope with me every day. She's bored to death." His tone is uncomfortable, it seems that it is a shame to be stuck by a woman like this.

Qin Sangyu raised her eyebrows and thought that straight man was a straight man. Other men were eager to be stuck by women every day. Smiling, she put together a head and said, "it can't be Ruili, right? I said how could she promise to help me out. When she talked about you, her eyes were shining. Her acting skills were very good. At the beginning, she wanted to beat me because of ya. I really thought she liked that abnormal man

Su Mo's corner of the mouth took two, did not expect Qin Sangyu also so gossipy, helpless in a trace of funny, "you are good to stay, I have something busy, can't stay here for a long time."

He took the bowl and went out of the basement.

Qin Sangyu sighed leisurely, because she didn't know what was going on in Luliang City. She didn't dare to contact people, so she had to wait passively.

Lu Liangcheng is really in a bad situation now, because his people have just arrived in this country, they found that there are more soldiers in every place, and these people do not speak any reason. As long as they feel suspicious, they will take them to have a good interrogation.

He and Mo Yu wore masks on their heads. The lifelike human skin masks completely covered the whole head and turned into the appearance of other people. Even if Qin Sangyu stood in front of him, he would not recognize him.

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"Boss, there are ten times as many people patrolling the street as usual. It seems that Miss Qin has not been found yet, but it is very difficult for us to take her away."

Mo Yu said in a low voice on one side, because he wore a mask, no one knew his real emotion.

"Two days later, it will be ghost day. Isn't everyone here wearing masks to celebrate? When the time comes, all the people in the city will be wearing masks. I'll see how the bodyguards check one by one. We'll wait until then.

Lu Liangcheng felt that this trip was just at the right time. He estimated that the other party also knew that ghost festival was coming, so he was in a bit of a hurry, and had begun to search wantonly.

Following Su Mo's geographical location, he quickly found the villa in front of him. Because he was afraid of being followed, he specially transported the goods and pretended to be a porter.

Su Mo heard the report of the guard room and immediately let them in.

Lu Liangcheng saw Su Mo, nodded slightly, and then began to aim at other places, clearly looking for Qin Sangyu's figure.

Su Mo skimmed his lips. If it wasn't for his inability to send Qin Sangyu out, where there was Lu Liangcheng, he would hide all the news.

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"Come with me." His tone is not very good, went to the basement door, turned on the switch, did not want to be a light bulb, cold hum left here.

Qin Sangyu heard the sound of the door open, thought Su Mo sent things in again. He turned over the magazine and did not lift his head. "I'm not very hungry now. I just finished my porridge. There's no need to bring me food in."

But the person who came in didn't speak. She looked up in doubt and saw the face of a strange man. Although she was strange, her nose smelled the familiar smell. She was familiar with the bone, and her eyes were instantly red.

"Luliang City?"

Lu Liangcheng pulled the mask off his head, as if he were tearing apart the human skin directly. Qin Sangyu was shocked and looked at what he was holding in his hand.

"What is this? It's just like that. If it wasn't for the familiarity, I really thought I didn't know you

Lu Liangcheng threw the mask away and held her in his arms. "I'm not good. I lost you."

Qin Sangyu originally wanted to ask about the mask again, but he also knew that it was too ugly to ask about it at this time. He could only touch his shoulder warmly, "I miss you."Lu Liangcheng's eyes are gentle, with deep dark circles around his eyelids. The old man's condition is very bad. He is busy looking for Qin Sangyu, almost under double pressure. So he has not slept these days and can only occasionally take time to sleep for an hour or two.

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"How's grandfather Lu doing?" Qin Sangyu still remembers that before his disappearance, the old man was in bad health. I don't know how he is now after these days.

"As usual, I don't know how long I can last. I'm going to take you back and accompany my grandfather during the ghost festival. Now the Lu family is completely out of order. I have to go back to preside over the situation. There are Bai Yan and Lu Song. I'm really worried."

Qin Sangyu nodded. At this time, she knew how tired the man was. She took a gentle breath of his smell, "I'm sorry, if I'm more careful, I won't be caught..."

Lu Liangcheng took her and looked up and down, and found that she had no trauma, and the darkness in her eyes had subsided.

"What's the matter with that mask? It's too bad for heaven."

Qin Sangyu was interested in the mask again. He picked it up and looked at it carefully. He felt the same as his skin. He could not see any clue when he wore it.

"It's a newly developed weapon. There are many things you don't know. Don't worry about that."

This time he came here, but even his old money was sent out. This was just developed by his people. He originally planned to use it in espionage operations in the future, but he didn't expect to let it see the sun so soon.

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