"Your grandfather said that he would announce his will tomorrow. You should know what was written in the will, Xiaocheng. I admit you are excellent, but in the end, your origin is not clean. If the Lu family is handed over to you and is known by other families in G City, you will laugh."

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Lu Liangcheng's face was full of ridicule. Seeing Lu Song's solemn and righteous appearance, he felt depressed and flustered and leaned back lazily, "so, what's your idea?"

Lu Song's eyes are bright, see he didn't immediately refute his speech, pick eyebrow to continue to say.

"Anyway, you are a bastard, and your mother is still a madman. If you really take charge of the Lu family and convince the rest of the Lu family, Xiaocheng, if your grandfather decides to hand over the Lu family to you tomorrow, you will refuse, and I will give you another compensation."

"What kind of compensation can be valuable to the Lu family?"

Lu Liangcheng's tone also became ironic. I don't know if Lu Song's IQ has dropped. Talk to him about this, when he is a fool?

After all, it's hard for us to understand the meaning of Liangcheng

As soon as he finished his words, he heard Lu Liangcheng give out a light smile, and his mouth curved, "Dad, where have you heard that I am sensible? I owe Bai Yan nothing. I don't owe her anything. You owe her. "

With that, he got up and planned to leave the room, but Lu Song said, "if it hadn't been for your birth, our husband and wife's feelings would have been very good. In a small town, illegitimate children are illegitimate children after all, and can't be on the table."

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Lu Liangcheng's hands were in his trouser pockets, and his whole body was faint, "if you had your third leg under control, you don't have to say these things here."

Lu Song was said to be blue and white. Under such circumstances, which man can control it? Besides, if there was no wrong night, how could he have the opportunity to be arrogant now.

He also wanted to persuade the other party, but found that Lu Liangcheng had already pushed the door out, without hesitation.

Lu Liangcheng saw the man standing outside the door and frowned. Was she here all the time? Or by chance?

Lu Xiao didn't speak, and the expression on her face was very ugly. She heard the conversation between the two people just now. To be honest, she really didn't want to admit that the person who said that kind of words was her father. In the past, she had a grudge against Lu Liangcheng, but she never denied his power.

When the Lu family is handed over to him, she will feel relieved.

"My mother has already called my brother. Maybe tomorrow, he will come back, and then I'm afraid..."

before her words were finished, Lu Liangcheng missed her and walked forward in a big stride. "Is it useful for him to come back? At the beginning, my grandfather had stripped his identity of the Lu family. Could he still want to have a share of the pie? Dream. "

The light words, let Lu Xiao's incomparable rest assured.

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After Lu Liangcheng left, he said hello to his two uncles. Then he got on the bus and went back to his villa. Looking at the dark night outside, he felt a little melancholy.

Although he knew that in a family like Lu's, it was a luxury to ask for family affection. But when his father said such a thing, he felt cold in his heart and began to feel cold all over his body inexplicably.

He did not enjoy maternal and paternal love since he was a child, so when he met Qin Sangyu, who was in the same situation, he felt pity and was attracted by her step by step.

When he got home, it was eleven o'clock in the evening. He pushed the door and saw Qin Sangyu eating supper, and put a lot of junk food in front of him. Seeing him come in, he put the chicken wings that had just been opened into the drawer in a hurry and laughed at Liangcheng.

Lu Liangcheng didn't take care of her. Knowing that she had been shut up for so long, she was estimated to have no taste in her mouth. "Go to Lu's home with me tomorrow, and Luling will come back."

Lu Ling?

Qin Sangyu had never heard of the name of such a person before. What did he think of? He looked up in surprise and said, "can't it be Bai Yan's child? Is it the one who was expelled early in the morning?"

Lu Liangcheng nodded. If the old man officially announced that he would take over the Lu family, Bai Yan would not be able to sit still.

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"Is granddad Lu going to announce something? This time you all arrived, even the second uncle came back. Just now Lu Xiao called me and said that you might be in a bad mood and asked me to take care of you more."

She chattered on and on, seeing that Lu Liangcheng's face was really gloomy, she would like to reach out and wipe his frown.

"It's not a big deal, but you have to go tomorrow."

Lu Liangcheng took off his coat and put it on the coat rack. As he passed Qin Sangyu, he wiped the cake crumbs around her mouth and put his fingers into his mouth.

Qin Sangyu's face suddenly rose red. I don't know who learned this person's tricks. Anyway, she was lifted to her.


She seemed to be under a spell, almost without hesitation. After reaction, she felt that her whole body was almost hot and exploded.Lu Liangcheng went upstairs to take a bath. Everyone is busy recently. It's rare to have such a relaxed time tonight.

Qin Sangyu wiped his mouth, and then he went upstairs and stopped at the door of the bathroom, lying on the frosted glass like a spider.

She forgot that although the frosted glass could not see the people inside from the outside, it could clearly see the outside from the inside. So when Lu Liangcheng saw such a large spider lying on the glass, the corner of his mouth twitched and knocked on the door, "what do you want to do?"

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Qin Sangyu a Leng, after the reaction, embarrassed opening, "I... I just want to ask you, do you want to wash mandarin duck bath."

As soon as she finished speaking, the door was pushed open. A powerful hand stretched out and pulled her in. The nozzle on her head was still spouting hot water, which made her wet.

The shirt in the wet situation, instantly become translucent, Qin Sangyu was pushed to the wall, followed by a blanket of hot kisses.

"The bathroom is good, too."

Lu Liangcheng's hoarse voice said, hands along the clothing pendulum to touch in.

Qin Sangyu had to admit with shame that she also missed her and missed his kiss and touch, so when his hand reached in, she almost instantly obeyed, and she nestled in his arms and allowed him to play tricks.

An hour later, she was put into the bathtub. Lu Liangcheng squeezed the shower gel on her hand and rubbed it on her body. Because of the love affair just now, their faces were flushed. Qin Sangyu was more like drunk and dizzy.

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