The old man is not showing off, but a light statement of the facts.

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He is not satisfied with Qin Sangyu, but Qin Sangyu is one day the Lu family, he will not let her suffer.

Next, the housekeeper continued to read, as if in the arrangement of aftercare, so that the atmosphere in the room was very depressing. After reading, he respectfully displayed his will to confirm that every word he said was true.

Bai Yan's face is not very good-looking, especially after seeing that the lawyer has stopped reading the contract, "Hua" stands up and glares at the old man, "Dad, do you have any opinion about Lu Song and me? All the houses we are assigned are in the suburbs, and there are more Xiaoxiao than ours. Besides, there is Xiaoling. Do you completely forget the existence of Xiaoling

Lu Tian didn't have any expression on his face. He waved his hand and motioned for the lawyer to put away the will. "When I drove him out, I said that he was no longer the Lu family. You wanted to call people back."

Bai Yan is shaking all over. She is clearly the hostess of this family. But now she feels that she has no status at all. She can bully her head at will.

"Dad, even if Xiaoling didn't have one, why did Lu Song and I only get a few properties...

her voice was hoarse, and she felt that her eyes must be red. She was totally holding on to argue with the old man.

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"Those houses are enough for ordinary people to struggle for a lifetime. If you don't want them, you can return them. I put them all under Xiaoxiao's name."

He likes this granddaughter very much, because he has been training the successor of the Lu family for years. He ignores this granddaughter, but at least the other side doesn't grow crooked, at least three views are very good.

Bai Yan was so angry that she couldn't speak. Since she married into the Lu family, she didn't go to work. All the time, Lu Song raised her money and gave her luxury goods. Those houses were really valuable, but they were a little bit shabby compared with what she wanted.

Lu Liangcheng alone almost took most of the Lu family's property. How could she be reconciled? She quickly took a look at Lu Song, hoping that Lu song could stand up and say something.

Although Lu Song was a little afraid of the old man, he could not get out of the tiger and said, "Dad, it's too shabby to give only a few houses..."

the old man snorted coldly, and his tone was full of hatred for iron but not for steel.

"Humble? Little town has not spent a cent of the Lu family in recent years. He has established Tiancheng Group from scratch. He is always in charge of the family affairs. Lu Xing has been helping me manage the affairs in the army. As for Dongqiang, whether he moved the painting in the past remains to be verified. At the beginning, I gave him a small company, worth millions, but he has also developed it in recent years When I'm older, I don't forget to send things to the old man every month. But you and Bai Yan, what have you done for the Lu family? In your present position, I pushed you up in the first place, or did you really think everyone would choose you? "

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A light sentence destroyed all Lu Song's beliefs over the years. He thought about it carefully and found that what the old man said was right. He really didn't do anything for the Lu family. He also trained such an incompetent son. Bai Yan spent a lot of money on eating, drinking and Lasa these years. At least hundreds of thousands of a bag was needed.

And they have been looking for the Lu family to get things...

thinking of this, he was pale and did not dare to say anything more. When the truth was so punctured, he felt embarrassed and could not raise his head in front of his brother.

No one spoke at the scene. The air was quiet, and Bai Yan did not speak. However, she strongly disagreed with the old man. She thought that the old man was biased and biased. However, in front of so many people, she still did not have the courage to challenge him.

Shen Bizhi patted Lu Tian on the back, and then said, "since you have all been given something, let's just let it go. Now that the old man has already distributed all his things, he will no longer care about the affairs of the Lu family. Small town, your grandfather and I are looking forward to your retirement."

The old man's will divided all his property and left nothing for himself. It seems that he trusted Lu Liangcheng very much.

"Don't worry, grandma."

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Lu Liangcheng nodded slightly, saying that he would not be moved. It was just that he hid his emotions very deeply, and outsiders could not easily see it.

But next to Qin Sangyu still saw the crystal clear in his eyes, a heart instantly soft, quickly followed the opening, "he and I will be filial to you."

After all, the Lu family didn't intend to admit her. Others must think she was ridiculous.

Shen Bizhi is slightly stunned for a moment. Qin Sangyu is in the Lu family. She has always been a little transparent. I didn't expect that she would bravely say this sentence today. Her eyes are full of love.

"Good." With that, she helped the old man go upstairs to have a rest, and the people who stayed downstairs had different thoughts.

Lu Dongqiang and Lu Xing have no objection to the allocation of the old man. After all, they have seen what Lu Liangcheng has done for the Lu family in recent years. Moreover, they are not at home all the year round. It is all his credit that the two old people can be taken good care of. As an elder, they really can't afford to have a look at them.But Bai Yan was not the same. She only felt indignant. When the old man disappeared, she took a look at Lu Liangcheng with red eyes. "All your things should be my son's! You're just an illegitimate child. I don't know what kind of ecstasy you've given the two old people. "

Lu Liangcheng did not speak, lightly holding Qin Sangyu's hand.

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Lu Ling was crying. She thought she could get a piece of soup when she came back, but she didn't expect to get anything. She was humiliated by the old man. Where had he been wronged before, she looked at Bai Yan with scarlet eyes.

"Mom, I'd better go abroad. I'm not welcome here at all."

When Bai Yan saw that her son was so frustrated, she became angry on the spot, "what country is coming out of?"?! This is your home! There's a man robbing you now! You have to find a way to get it back! What do you think I did everything to get you back? "

Bai Yan's voice is hysterical, her son is not a success, and her husband is a soft eater. She has never felt this oppressive and bent, her chest fluctuates violently, and her anger is burning all over her body.

Lu Ling was startled by her. After all, there were so many people standing here. It was not good to be heard by them. "Ma..."

he said yes and was slapped directly by Bai Yan, "if you are a little bit successful! I'm so worried about it! Sending you abroad doesn't look like it! Waste

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