With that, he looked at Qin Sangyu, and his eyes were worried. "Protecting the short is a terrible situation. No matter whether it is the fault of the Su family, he will not allow his own people to suffer a little loss. Su Mo is his favorite grandson. If you let him know, you will not have a good time in the next day. So Su Hua's practice is very correct. You should not go to the hospital next time I can't speak clearly when I see the Su family. "

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Although Qin Sangyu's heart has regrets, he still nods solemnly.

After returning home, there was still a little time before dawn. She didn't sleep all night last night. Now she was sleepy. So she put on her pajamas and went to sleep directly.

In the hospital, Su Hua yawns. Seeing that Su Mo is asleep, she curls up on the temporary sofa and sleeps in the past. Just after dawn, several members of Su's family come over. All of them are talents transferred from the headquarters of sumo. They will hold important positions in the branch company.

"How is he? Yesterday, I already investigated all the companies in G city. Tiancheng's strength is really strong, but Lu Liangcheng has promised us that it will not hinder our development. Young master, do we need to wait until the second young master wakes up? "

The leader respectfully asked. As we all know, the future of the Su family is in the hands of two young masters.

Su Hua's eyebrows twisted, secretly blame Su Mo hurt at the wrong time, in the heart scolded again, then slowly opened his mouth, "first according to your ideas, you can tell me when you encounter problems, when he wakes up, I will discuss with him about our branch office."

A few people nodded, and said some other ah's instructions, then left from here.

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As soon as they left for ten minutes, Su Mo woke up, coughed a few times, and then turned over weakly, feeling uncomfortable all over.

"Branch business?"

Just now he faintly felt that someone had come to the ward. Recently, the schedule of the branch office was imminent. At this time, he was injured and disrupted everyone's steps.

"Well, we have relatives in G City, do you remember? I just heard that Su Jiaoyang is in charge of the Su family in G City, and I don't know how much she knows about the Su family headquarters. "

Su Hua light said, although it is a relative, but these years have no contact, so this time and strangers no difference.

"Don't compare us with the Su family in G city. The woman Su Jiaoyang and Qin Sangyu can't get along with each other. I don't want to get involved with relatives."

Suhua heard his vomit, and his mouth corners drew out. His feelings were to make complaints about Qin sang Yu. Some of them were angry with Su Mo's head.

"What are you thinking about?! Qin Sangyu has been married and her husband has been married. What are you going on like this? "

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Su Mo bowed his head. Of course, he knew Qin Sangyu was married, but he just wanted to be nice to her, like a family member, and even felt happy to find a good man for her. He had always been a blessing in his heart.

"Brother, do you say there is pure friendship between men and women?"

Lengbu Ding asked this sentence, was su Hua a white eye, "there, the uglier the purer."

Su Mo carefully thought about his and Qin Sangyu's beauty, which was a good-looking type, so he immediately took this sentence.

"Anyway, I only regard Qin Sangyu as a relative, whether you believe it or not." With this sentence, he slightly closed his eyes, as if angry.

How can su Hua not know this man's dog temper? All eyes are smiling. "Yes, yes, it's a relative. Now you'd better think about the branch office. This time you want to open the branch office to G City, but your idea is not to let grandfather look down upon it."

Su Mo heard him say this, immediately serious, "you don't worry, I will blind your eyes."

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Seeing that he was in good spirits, Su Hua didn't want to continue to bicker here. He turned out of the ward and was ready to find something to eat.

Just out of the gate of the hospital, I saw Su Jiaoyang and a man come in. He knew Su Jiaoyang. He knew Su Jiaoyang more or less in recent years, but Su Jiaoyang didn't know him.

Su Jiaoyang's mood is very irritable. Since the last relationship with Rongjiu, this man has always seized the opportunity to take advantage of her. She has been avoiding him for the past two days. But today, she suddenly found that her big aunt has not been here for a long time.

She was flustered for a moment, and then she decided to come to the hospital. However, the man was haunted for a long time.

"Scorching sun, if you are pregnant with my child, you will be born. Don't worry, I will bring him up."

Rong Jiu said gently on her face. Seeing Su Jiaoyang's face more and more ugly, she knew that this woman didn't like her own, so she said a few words before she shut up.

Su Jiaoyang has not seen her children in the past?

And the man next to her, he knew, was not Rong long, the second ancestor who only knew to eat mixed food.

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Rongjiu also saw him, and his smile was stiff in an instant. Su Hua was very clear about his affairs abroad, so he was a little flustered when he saw him standing in front of himself.Su Hua never gives face. Seeing such a rare woman as Rongjiu, she can't help but tease, "master Rong, long time no see. How come the girl companion around you has changed? Ah, yes, there are so many women in the young master's room. He once took ten women in a night in a foreign bar, and it's normal to change female partners often. "

As soon as he finished his words, Rongjiu's face turned green, and so did Su Jiaoyang. She didn't know about Rong Jiu's life abroad. She heard that the children who grew up abroad were open-minded, but they didn't expect that he was so open-minded that ten women a night didn't know whether they were infected.

It's really true that they have a relationship. If this person really infects her with something, she won't let him go.

Rong Jiu saw Su Jiaoyang's face getting darker and darker, and immediately began to comfort him, "Jiaoyang, that's all lies in you. I have several ex girlfriends abroad, but my private life has been very good, absolutely no such thing!"

Rong Jiu gave Su Hua a hard look, which meant that he would stop talking about it, but Su Hua did not like his wish and continued to demolish the stage.

"Miss Su, these things are not secret in foreign countries. If you ask one or two people who mix with foreign circles, they will tell you the truth. I really didn't expect that you would stay with Rong Jiu. He could not do anything but eat and wait for death. At the beginning, he was expelled from the Su family by master Rong and never repented."

Su Hua said light, but every word is a fatal blow to Su Jiaoyang.

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