She doesn't deserve baijue? Ha ha, what does Lu Xiao know? Even if Bai Jue doesn't like her any more, she won't take the initiative to do anything to hurt her. She's fallen now, but so what? If baijue really decides to give up her, she won't wait for so long at the door of the hotel.

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Su Jiaoyang's face is full of ridicule. How can the feelings of so many years be denied because of her several mistakes? Baijue is just suppressing herself and not coming to her.

When she returned home, her eyes were scarlet. She did not know what she was going to do next. She felt that life had suddenly lost its hope. She reached out and touched her stomach. What she thought, her eyes were full of malice.

A Qin Sangyu, a Lu Xiao, these two women she will not let go!

"The child of scorching sun must be beaten."

Liu Jiazhen couldn't help but persuade her that she thought she would have had an abortion on the spot, but unexpectedly, she came back with a child.

"Grandma, it's a pity to beat the child like this. I want to use it to frame Qin Sangyu. If everyone knows that Qin Sangyu has caused me to lose a child, I'll see what Liangcheng will do to her then!"

Her face is crazy, anyway, her everything has been destroyed, we must drag the others to hell.

Liu Jiazhen's eyebrows are frowning, which is a way to both sides, when the news of her pregnancy will be known to all, unmarried first pregnancy, in other people's eyes is a very contemptible thing.

"To this point, I still care what face, ha ha."

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Su Jiaoyang's face was full of malice. She reached out and touched her stomach. If things were successful, she would not waste the child's visit.

Qin Sangyu doesn't know that Su Jiaoyang has put her mind on her again. Because of Su Mo's injury, she doesn't feel energetic in doing anything recently. Su Hua has already reminded her that she doesn't want her to visit Su Mo in the hospital, so she has to wait anxiously in the room.

In the evening, Ruan Hongzhuang called her and asked if she wanted to go to Christmas Eve together. She suddenly thought that today was Christmas Eve.

"Where are you going?"

Because a person at home is really boring, she still did not resist to ask.

"Let's go to see the sunrise. Can you tell Lu Shao that we won't go back tonight?"

The sunrise on the sea is the most beautiful. Qin Sangyu knows that with Ruan Hongzhuang's temperament, she must be planning to go to the seaside to watch the sunrise, just two girls. It seems that it is not safe.

"Oh, Qin Sangyu, we will go quietly. No one will know."

Qin Sangyu finally nodded and agreed, and then said to Lu Liangcheng. She thought Lu Liangcheng would refuse. Strangely, Lu Liangcheng didn't say anything at all, just asked her to pay attention to her safety.

In this way, Qin Sangyu happily began to clean up, and took a few thick clothes, afraid of the cold sea breeze at night.

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After half an hour, Ruan Hongzhuang has arrived at the door of the villa. Qin Sangyu hangs the scarf and opens the door directly.

"Come on, I have a lot of food in my car. Don't worry about being hungry on the way."

Qin Sangyu nodded, went up to know that this space is really unique, red wine shelves row by row, a variety of snacks piled together, looking and small supermarkets no difference.

"Is this your new car?"

Ruan Hongzhuang nodded, "good, later I want you to often go out on location, there is no way, can only bite teeth to buy it."

They didn't speak any more. The car drove all the way to the seaside until 4:00 a.m. before stopping at the seaside. Qin Sangyu could smell the sea smell in the air.

She pushed the door down and saw that there were already many people waiting on the beach. Everyone seemed to watch the sunrise.

"It seems that there are quite a lot of people who are as idle as you are."

she could not help but make complaints about her. Suddenly, she saw a familiar figure in the crowd. Her face was black at once. How could she always meet those flies?

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Ruan red makeup to see that woman, face also black, depressed sitting aside, "our luck is really bad."

At the end of Qin Dynasty, he saw them both. His eyebrows were first picked, and finally he came over with a smile, "what a coincidence! You're also watching sunrise?"

At first, everyone didn't say hello to each other, but at the end of the Qin Dynasty, he had the cheek to get together and was accompanied by a man. He looked very elegant.

So Ruan red makeup export began to satirize, "you are also very hard, early in the morning to please the gold master."

Who didn't know that the end of Qin Dynasty in the entertainment circle was to show off her body, which made a lot of resources in a short time, and also robbed the endorsement of many first-line female stars. We all despise her now.

At the end of Qin Dynasty, he knew that his popularity was not good. He didn't plan to make any friends at the beginning, but the men around him changed one after another.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, she didn't care about Ruan Hongzhuang's words. Da Dafang introduced "this is Mr. Julio, a famous violinist."

With a trace of pride in her tone, she did not deny Ruan Hongzhuang's words. After all, she really came to flatter the gold Lord today.Julio took a look at Qin Sangyu and Ruan Hongzhuang. He had not returned home for a long time. This time, the receptionist asked Qin to treat him. Naturally, they rolled the sheets, although he didn't take the initiative.

He was very satisfied with the figure of the late Qin Dynasty, but the two women in front of him were superior to the latter in either aspect. His eyes were glued to Ruan Hong's makeup and could not be torn off.

Compared with the subtle beauty of Qin Sangyu, he prefers Ruan Hongzhuang, bold and unrestrained, like a gorgeous peony, which can catch everyone's attention in an instant.

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"Hello, beautiful lady. May I know you?"

He held out a hand to Ruan Hongzhuang, the whole movement was quite elegant, but Ruan Hongzhuang never handed her hand over. In the eyes of this man, she was plundered. If she did, she would definitely be taken advantage of by the other party. In the entertainment industry, there are many such things, but she doesn't want to be one of them.

The face of the end of Qin Dynasty is not good-looking. The man's companion goes to hook up with other women in front of him, which is a slap in her face.

But her boss has given her a death order. Only when Julio has a good time, can the investment come down.

And with Julio's side, she can also get a variety of big brand endorsements. Although she has just emerged in the entertainment industry, her resources do not need to be poor by anyone.

"Let's go."

Ruan Hongzhuang saw that there was a trace of fish belly white on the horizon. Knowing that sunrise was coming soon, Ruan red makeup pulled Qin Sangyu to pass.

Qin Sangyu takes a look at Julio. He is a famous violinist. He is half a member of the entertainment circle. If Ruan Hongzhuang offends people, there will be trouble in the future.

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