Su Jiaoyang was half dead by his words, almost breathless, "baijue, you must be so angry with me?"

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She slowed down her tone and planned to hold a good talk with baijue.

But Bai Jue just looked at her lightly, put his hands into his trouser pockets, opened the door and left.

If it wasn't for the flowers in the garbage can, Su Jiaoyang would have thought this man had never been here.

As soon as baijue left, Liu Jiazhen came in, smiling, "that young man has a beautiful face. It's really good, but it's much stronger for a long time. In the scorching sun, you should find a good way out for yourself."

She said very well, said is the way back, but who does not know, this is to let Su Jiaoyang look for a spare tire.

Su Jiaoyang's face is full of impatience. She wants to take baijue as a spare tire. But Bai Jue's attitude is too strange. She says she likes her, and she always says some words to hurt her maliciously. It's not like.

"Grandma, I know how to do it. Has Rongjiu made trouble recently?"

After the wedding, she had Rongjiu locked up, preferably for a lifetime!

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"He can't get out of there. Don't worry."

Su Jiaoyang breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking of baijue, she felt headache and could only knead her temple. "Grandma, I'm a little tired. Please let me have a good rest."

Liu Jiazhen nodded and looked at her lovingly, "then you have a good rest."

Su Jiaoyang looked at the door of the hospital bed slowly closed, lenglengleng looked at the ceiling, she was frightened by Bai Jue's words, baijue said that now is not her most pitiful time, then when is it? Does Bai Jue know anything? Or Lu Jiagen didn't intend to discuss it, and was ready to attack her secretly?

Su Jiaoyang thought of these, where can still sleep, call his bodyguard, let them well around the hospital, can not let go of any suspicious person.

Su Jiaoyang is very concerned about her personal safety recently. She will let people check for a little noise for a long time. When the nurses saw her abnormal behavior, they thought that this person was hit too hard and was a little crazy.

"It's really pathetic. I'm so beautiful. I'm going to get married soon. As a result, I've lost everything."

"The man is also a scum man. I heard that after her child was gone, she didn't plan to get married."

All these news are released by Su Jiaoyang. She puts herself in the victim's perspective and tries to win the sympathy of the public. Even Rongjiu plays the role of slag man in this play.

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The nurses who came in to change the dressing were very careful about what they said to her, hoping that she would like to open up earlier.

However, some people in Sangyu city have not heard of such a bad reaction in Sangyu city recently From where did the road flow out the grapevine that Qin Sangyu had gone to seek refuge abroad.

Netizens, who can still sit down, rushed to the outside of Tiancheng one after another, hoping that Lu Liangcheng could give an account.

Many of the netizens were extremists. They started to denounce Qin Sangyu with dahongfu, shouting and scolding, hoping that Tiancheng could give an explanation.

"President, what to do?"

Senior officials rushed to Lu Liangcheng's office, hoping that he could come up with a reasonable solution.

The atmosphere in the office was very depressing. Everyone looked at Lu Liangcheng.

Lu Liangcheng quietly stares at the documents in his hand and puts a stack of information on the table. His face is cold. "If the security guard can't solve this problem well, what else should he do? He's fired."

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The high-level people went out of the office in dismay, and conveyed the message to the security guards. The security guards of Tiancheng sent out one after another to arrest all the troublemakers in Tiancheng, and then sent them to the police station.

Lu Liangcheng knew that this was not the way to go, and immediately called Su Mo, "the plan to rob customers can start."

Su Mo had been unable to control himself for a long time. He began to contact his customers from door to door. His company was a new company, and everyone didn't dare to cooperate with it. However, when he saw that sumo was so rich and had so many resources in hand, several companies soon fell out of business.

When Su Jiaoyang heard the news, she was so worried that she almost discharged from the hospital. Suddenly, she announced that she would not cooperate with her family, but all of them were their old customers. If she left like this, the company would be in a panic.

"Grandmother, do you have any connections there? Fill these vacancies. "

Liu Jiazhen is embarrassed. She seldom comes back to China these years. Although she has contacts in G City, it is also in the early years. If she goes to find someone else, she will lick her old face. But for the sake of her granddaughter, she has to fight for everything.

"Yes, my grandmother just knew a few investors and was able to withstand these vacancies for the time being, but the customers of the Su family couldn't go any more, or they couldn't make it."

Su Jiaoyang nodded and immediately contacted the senior management of Su family company.The senior management is also in a panic, and the old customers suddenly come to say that they are no longer cooperating, which is a big blow to them.

"Miss Su, we are also trying to find a way. Several customers quit suddenly, but we haven't found the reason for that."

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Su Jiaoyang took a hard breath. "No matter what, we must stabilize the remaining customers. The lost old customers also try their best to bring them back to me. We can't let the company lose money."

The forehead of high-level is cold sweat, not to say that this person is about to suffer from depression, how to listen to the voice is still full of gas, can only desperately respond, "OK, Miss Su, I will try my best to do it."

Su Jiaoyang hung up the phone and felt something was wrong. Why suddenly the customer was robbed. She thought of Bai Jue's words. Could Lu Liangcheng do it?

Face a white, if it is really Lu Liangcheng do, it seems that the other side is forcing her to take the initiative to negotiate.

She closed her eyes and thought that her grandmother's contacts could be made up for the time being. She still had time to think about what to do. But the next day, just as she got up, the company called, saying that all the old customers cancelled their cooperation with them overnight.

All the old customers? That's half a company!

Su Jiaoyang was stimulated to step back directly and wanted to rush to the company, but was stopped by Liu Jiazhen. "Jiaoyang, don't forget that all the media want to interview you now. If you stand out in this good state, wouldn't you slap yourself in the mouth"

Liu Jiazhen's face is full of sadness, and she doesn't know who stabbed the Su family in the back.

"Grandma, please help me find out which company stole our client. If it's Lu Liangcheng, I'll have to talk to him tonight."

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