"But it's your money after all. Tiancheng's income in the first half of the year is not a small sum."

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Qin Sangyu stood up and turned a few times, "you see, I'm fine now. I've made such a big accident, I can't always stay at home."

Lu Liangcheng didn't say anything. He knew that the old man had already known about it. Although Qin Sangyu was framed, as the Lu family, there was no such precaution. The old man was probably dissatisfied. He was just in the way of him and could not say anything.

"What do you want to do?"

Last time for Bai Yan's things, some were too rough, so that Bai Yan is still waiting in the hospital, do not know when to come out.

"I'm going to talk about business. I want to add silk to the popular elements of spring clothes today, and persuade several international brands to cooperate with them."

It's really a good idea. If silk can be added to the popular elements, the project will definitely become a big project and the money will be immeasurable.

"Well, protect yourself." Lu Liangcheng couldn't resist her, so he let her do it.

Qin Sangyu immediately began to write down her plan. It seemed that she had to go to Suzhou again. She contacted Yang Jie, agreed on the time of meeting and reserved a ticket for herself.

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The person who looked for sweetie last time has not left yet. Countless men stand on the square in Suzhou and say they want to marry Xiaotiantian home.

Qin Sangyu listened to the numb words all the way. She felt that her goose bumps had fallen all the way. When she got to Yang Jie, she made a profit in the workshop and finally went to the place where the silk was placed.

"Everything you need is here. It's all driven out by my staff. I have carefully checked every piece. The quality is absolutely up to standard."

Yang Jie is very confident in her workers. Almost all of them are old employees. Her ancestors have been engaged in silk business for several generations. Naturally, their craftsmanship is good.

Qin Sangyu squatted down and checked piece by piece, and found that the quality of silk was indeed excellent, so he transferred the money to Yang Jie's account.

"I hope I can cooperate with you for a long time. Yang Jie, I will go to Europe and contact the show over there and add silk elements to fashion. If it succeeds, silk will be a big fire this year. I hope that after success, you don't promise to cooperate with anyone, and continue to wait for me to come to you and cooperate with Tiancheng. How about it?"

Qin Sangyu's ambition is very big, she let Lu Liangcheng lose a lot of money, so she has to do her best to make up for his vacancy.

Yang Jie knows what Qin Sangyu means by saying this. He just wants to monopolize the silk business, and wants to have a big family. Qin Sangyu, who used to be a yes man, has grown so fast.

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With starlight in her eyes, Yang Jie stretched out her hand and put it in front of Qin Sangyu. "Don't worry, if you can take the silk to the international T-stage, I will cooperate with you in the future, and will never accept any invitation from anyone in private."

Qin Sangyu's eyes are full of smile, silently reached out to hold her, two people's a promise, the birth of the future leading fashion brand.

After returning from Suzhou, Qin Sangyu began to contact fashion designers in Europe. These designers are top international designers, and almost all the fashions designed every year lead the fashion storm.

For Qin Sangyu's request, they refused at the first time, because no designer likes to be forced to indoctrinate the design concept, the designer's idea is free.

Qin sang Yu had no choice but to fix a ticket to Europe. Her airline ticket had just been bought. Ruan Hong makeup called. "I am very busy recently. I heard that you are doing a major event. Shall I go with you?"

Ruan Hongzhuang is a typical oriental beauty. Such a look is very popular in Europe. Qin Sangyu has a little Jiu in her heart and immediately agreed.

As soon as Ruan Hongzhuang goes, she naturally follows huliao, the little tail. After Hu Rio had a big loss in Fuzhou last time, she doesn't want to see Qin Sangyu. After all, Qin Sangyu told him that Ruan Hongzhuang went to Fuzhou.

As a result, he stayed there for more than half a month, but was told that Ruan Hongzhuang was not in Fuzhou at all, but in Suzhou. He could only come back after the performance meeting in a hurry and wrote Qin Sangyu on his mind.

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Now three people sitting on the same plane, Qin Sangyu somewhat embarrassed, can only rely on Ruan Hongzhuang as much as possible, some guilty.

Ruan red makeup will blanket on her body, "sleep, sleep, wake up on the arrival."

Qin Sangyu nodded. Because of Su Jiaoyang, she did not sleep well these days. She has been thinking about how to make money. No matter how difficult it is, she will persuade those fashion designers.

"The fashion designers you're talking about have a little friendship with me. I can help."

At the side of the silent Julio began to speak, a pair of eyes affectionately looking at Ruan Hongzhuang, eager to take out his heart.

Qin Sangyu, who had already closed his eyes, opened his eyes and stared at Julio, "are you serious? If you ask them to add silk to fashion shows for a few years, will they agree? "Julio touched his nose. They were friends who had been playing together since the start of the crotch pants. If he really asked, it might be possible. But...

he took a look at Ruan Hongzhuang. He helped Qin Sangyu because of Ruan Hongzhuang. Should Ruan Hongzhuang have something to say.

Ruan Hongzhuang's mouth took a puff. Knowing that this event was very important to Qin Sangyu, she did not hesitate, "if you can persuade them, I will be your girlfriend."

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As soon as the three words came out, not only Julio was shocked, but also Qin Sangyu. After reaction, he wanted to cover Ruan's mouth.

"You know what you're talking about, Ruan Hongzhuang. It's not a joke."

Ruan Hongzhuang raised her eyebrows and took a look at Qin Sangyu. "I'm not joking. What I said is true. Julio's character is not bad. Maybe he can get along with each other. Although it's a bit of a flower, it's not reliable, but who can tell the future."

Julio was blushed by him and turned his head in silence, saying that he was unreliable and flowery. How to see this relationship, he could not last long.

"If you want to be my girlfriend, I'll persuade them."

This is not to see the right eye, this is clearly a transaction.

Ruan Hongzhuang immediately agreed, the two brothers patted him on the shoulder, "then this matter is wrapped in your body, if you can succeed, please have a meal after returning home."

Julio suddenly felt strange in his heart. He pulled at the corner of his mouth, and agreed depressed. It seems that in order to get the beauty back, he really tried his best.

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