Bai Yan's eyes are cruel, since he is not benevolent, don't blame her injustice!

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What Luling was worried about was food and clothing. She didn't have much affection for her father. Now she heard that the villas had been transferred to their name, so she didn't worry immediately.

Bai Yan out of the hospital, on the waiting outside of the car, back home, found that there was no one inside.

Lu Song now has no cover up, Wang Shu connected to his own another house, living a world of two.

"Hello, detective Wang? I want to trouble you

When she got home, Bai Yan immediately contacted the private detective, hoping that the other party could collect the evidence of Lu Song's infidelity, and then she would sue to the court to see what Lu Song took to fight her.

Detective Wang immediately agreed to Bai Yan's request, and took part of the deposit, responsible for following Lu Song's back to take photos every day.

"Boss, Bai Yan hired someone to collect evidence of Mr. Lu's infidelity. It seems that she intends to sue to the court."

Mo Yu stands beside Lu Liangcheng and respectfully says that if they stop him, Bai Yan will not sue successfully, but how to do it depends on the meaning of this person.

At that time, Lu Yan did not give Lu Yan an excuse for holding a pen at his home. It was just that he did not give Lu Yan an excuse for holding a pen at that time.

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"Leave him alone, it's his own family business."

Lu Liangcheng's head did not lift, and calmly examined and approved the documents in his hand, as if Lu Song was a stranger.

As expected, Mo Yu didn't take care of it any more, and let Bai Yan collect evidence there.

The winter in G city is very cold. The snowflakes have been floating for more than ten days. There are snowmen piled up everywhere outside. The Spring Festival is getting closer and closer.

Qin Sangyu called Ruan Hongzhuang and asked her where she was going to spend the new year.

Ruan took a look at the busy man in the kitchen. She was quite helpless. "Two days ago, Julio finished the business there. She lived in my apartment now, serving tea and water, cooking and washing dishes every day. I'm afraid I will spend the new year with him this year."

The corner of Qin Sangyu's mouth took a puff. Was Julio serious this time? "You can not let yourself suffer, some scum men are like this, very take care of people, but once let him succeed, his fox tail will be exposed, Julio is now acting very gentleman, but how to say, gentlemen are patient wolves, not a good thing."

Ruan Hongzhuang's eyes are smiling. She has been rolling in the world for so long. How can she not know who is sincere and who is fake? At least Julio is sincere now. "OK, I know. You can rest assured."

Qin Sangyu and careful advice for a while, just worried hang up the phone, she is very clear, if Ruan Hongzhuang really hate Julio, it will not let her into the house, so in fact, her heart is to try it.

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"Eat out tonight?"

Lu Liangcheng's voice suddenly came to his ears. Qin Sangyu only felt the heat coming into his ears and shrinking his neck, "what do you want to eat out of here?"

Lu Liangcheng raised her eyebrows, pinched her face, and kneaded it hard. "It's suitable to eat hot pot in winter"

Qin Sangyu looked at her suspiciously. She remembered Bai Jue saying that Lu Liangcheng was very particular about eating and would not eat hotpot at all, because everyone's chopsticks were fished and fished in one pot. Lu Liangcheng did not disdain to eat everyone's saliva I have a bad stomach.

"Do you remember the last time I went out to eat and go to hospital? I was hated by the old man for a long time. If I go out to eat hot pot with you again, I will be swept out tomorrow."

Lu Liangcheng's brow frowned. He almost forgot about his bad stomach. For so long, his stomach didn't hurt. Subconsciously, he thought he was a King Kong immortal.

"But in a few days it will be the new year's day, and you will have to go back to your old house for dinner. I'm afraid you will have a very uncomfortable meal."

He knew that Qin Sangyu did not like the heavy atmosphere in the old house, which made her uncomfortable and wanted to escape.

Qin Sangyu rushed into his arms and rubbed on his shoulder, "but I'm very happy to be with you, and I'll be busy after the new year. Then I'll have to go abroad to watch a show. I'm afraid I don't have time to accompany you. I should accompany you more during this period of time."

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Spring fashion week is just after the Spring Festival. She has too much to do.

Liangcheng's eyes are gentle. He knows that Qin Sangyu did all this because of Su Jiaoyang's affair. His lips bent. Now it seems that it is not a bad thing. At least Qin Sangyu has grown up, although the way of growth is somewhat cruel.

"Well, then we'll eat at home."

The nanny at home immediately began to prepare things, and his eyes were full of envy. Mr. Lu and Miss Qin are really in love. They have been together for so long, and they seem to have just fallen in love.

Because the dinner was still in preparation and the TV program was boring, Qin Sangyu found out several game machines he had bought, checked the connection of the circuit, and gave one of the handles to Lu Liangcheng."Is this?" Lu Liangcheng looked at her suspiciously.

"Game, explore game. You can find treasure in it. I'll play with you."

Qin Sangyu said very relaxed, before she just searched the Internet, heard that many men like to play such games, so she bought them back.

"Is it a stand-alone game?"

Lu Liangcheng sits upright. Since it is an exploration type, it is that the game designers have constructed an illusory and powerful world, leading people to discover and explore treasures.

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"Well, stand-alone games are enjoyable. Online games are easy to get addicted to. When you meet pig teammates, you will feel bad."

Qin Sangyu said, eyes are stars, point to start, solemnly staring at the TV screen.

The corners of Lu Liangcheng's mouth sparked a smile. It's reasonable to say that the pictures of exploration games are very exquisite, comparable to the domestic blockbusters. Each frame can be used as a screen saver.

They quickly passed the first level and avoided all kinds of traps on the road,.

"Luliang City, you wait for me, wait for me. Alas, I will be dragged to death by you."

Qin Sangyu said anxiously. As soon as she finished speaking, it showed that she had lost her life and took a sad look at Lu Liangcheng.

"You can't fight here anyway. It's just right if you die. If I pass the customs, we won't have to fight again."

Lu Liangcheng's eyes focused on the above, fingers flexible operation, but also really closed this to pass.

Qin Sangyu some strange staring at him, is not said that has not played the game, how to operate more skillfully than she, is indeed a metamorphosis.

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