"Can you do it?"

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Lu Xiaofei quickly gets up and gets dressed. He sees that Bai Jue has finished washing and goes downstairs. He follows him suspiciously.

Bai Jue tied up her apron skillfully and began to knock eggs. Her face was a little more warm and moist.

Lu Xiao almost felt that he was going blind. He reached out and rubbed his eyes. He found that the man who was making breakfast was baijue, and he was doing it in a good way. He felt uncomfortable for a moment.

"Did you often make breakfast for other women before?"

Bai Jue's hand a meal, looked up at her one eye, "you listen to who said?"

Lu Xiao was strangled and bent on his face, "isn't it? So many girls like you. If you show your hands at will, they will be dead set on you, and Su Jiaoyang will not be well-known for her good fortune. "

When it comes to Su Jiaoyang, the air is stagnant for a short time. Lu Xiao feels very uncomfortable. Why should she mention Su Jiaoyang at this time? Sure enough, she still cares. Bai Jue likes Su Jiaoyang for so many years. How could she put it down so quickly? She had a relationship with her last night because she was too impulsive.

"What are you thinking?"

Bai Jue saw her nodding and shaking her head, knowing that this person was trying to make a mistake. She turned out a bottle of yogurt from the refrigerator and put it on her hand.

"If you can't do anything, don't get in the way here. Go out and wait."

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Lu Xiao turned her mouth and regretted that she only knew how to eat, drink and play, and didn't learn cooking well. Otherwise, if she could show her hand at this time, maybe baijue would fall in love with her immediately, and she would love her with all her heart.

She was very obedient to sit on the sofa and saw the busy man inside. Her happiness was like a dream that lingered in her heart and finally came true.

Half an hour later, Bai Jue brought out two bowls of noodles with a complete fried egg and several pieces of meat floating on the surface. She had a good appetite. Such a light breakfast made the atmosphere in the room more warm.

"When shall we get married?"

After Lu Xiao inhaled a mouthful of noodles, she heard this sentence coming from her ear, and immediately began to cough, "cough, cough, cough, you... What do you say?"

Bai Jue's face is full of doubts. If she has a relationship, she is not married, or does she say that this person has not thought about this problem.

"When shall we get married?" I said

Lu Xiao's face flushed. She thought that baijue was just playing around last night. She had planned for the worst. As a result, the uncertain man suddenly said he was going to get married. She just felt that her heart was going to explode.

"Didn't you think about it? Lu Xiao, you didn't mean it last night? "

Bai Jue's face is a little black. Is he the only one who thinks so much?

Lu Xiao took another breath. "I can't believe that there are so many women around you. How can I know what you think? I thought you were just impulsive last night, so I didn't pay much attention to it."

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Didn't care much about it?

Bai Jue was almost angry with her smile. Her feelings were in her heart. She was such a casual man.

Seeing that his face was not good, Lu Xiao immediately put a piece of meat from his bowl on his side, "but since you asked me that, I really should think about it."

Bai Jue breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to eat noodles. However, she thought of something and looked up at her. "Don't talk about Su Jiaoyang any more. I will slowly forget her. I will always remember that you are my girlfriend."

As soon as the three words came out, Lu Xiao's mouth suddenly turned into beans. He grinned with love, "OK."

They were bored for a while. When she went back at noon, she deliberately put on silk scarves to cover up the madness of last night. However, there were all people in the old house. When we saw her rippling face, we found that the nondescript silk scarf had some cracks on her face.

"Xiaoxiao, where did you go last night?"

Shen Bizhi didn't hold back. She asked. Looking at the girl's early love, she didn't do anything good.

"Grandma, I have a boyfriend, Bai Jue, whom you know. I'm thinking about when to get married."

One night, we started to discuss the marriage. We all thought it was too fast.

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"Xiaoxiao, think about it carefully. The boy in the Bai family has a bad reputation."

Lu Tian said with a stiff face. Thinking of his grandson almost because Bai Jue didn't rescue him, he made a bitter note in his heart. Who could have thought that his granddaughter actually fell in love with each other.

"Granddad, grandma, we are serious. Last night we made it very clear that we were running to get married."

Lu Xiao's face is full of happiness, not listening to everyone's words.

Shen Bizhi and Lu Tian can't do anything about it. They can't do it now.

However, when they were about to make a statement, Bai Yan stood up, full of anger, and almost slapped Lu Xiao's face, "do you know what kind of person baijue is?"?! You want to marry himThe smile on Lu Xiao's face gradually disappeared. She and Bai Jue had known each other for so many years and paid attention to him for so many years. How could she not know what kind of person he was.

"Better than the man my brother asked me to go on a blind date last time."

A word that is not salty or light, like a slap in the face of Bai Yan.

Bai Yan's face is not very good-looking. The last thing was her negligence. Lu Ling couldn't handle such a small matter. She also expected him to rob the Lu family. It's really a joke.

"That's your brother's fault. I'll find a good candidate for you in the future."

Lu Xiao is a little angry. For so many years, she has been listening to her parents' words. She lives like a puppet. But she wants to make her own decisions about marriage.

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"No, Ma. If you had a good eye, you wouldn't have taken a fancy to Dad."

Lu Xiao's words offended all the people present. First of all, Lu Song's angry face turned white. She was publicly ridiculed by her daughter. She couldn't tell what it was like.

The rest of the Lu family's faces are red. After all, Lu Song is the Lu family. Is it really good for Lu Xiao to say so?


Bai Yan raised her hand to slap her, but was stopped by Lu Liangcheng and looked at her with disapproval. "Lu Xiao is an adult now. You don't have to look at your face. Her grandfather has also given her property. She has the right to decide her own life."

Bai Yan was not used to Lu Liangcheng, but now she saw him intervene. Her words were not polite at all.

"What's your business if I teach my daughter a lesson? Lu Liangcheng, if I didn't agree, you thought you, the illegitimate son, could have lived so long in the Lu family? "

A good Chinese New Year's day, instantly made a mess.

"Get out of here!"

Lu Tian's face is red. Now the Lu family is not like a home! He didn't want to see these people at all. He wanted everyone to be gone.

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