But let his second uncle go to such a terrible place. If there is an accident, how can my grandfather explain it? What happened to the Lu family has already made the old man very unhappy. If he lost another son, he would probably faint directly.

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"My second uncle..."

he wanted to fight for it again, but several old men's faces were serious. "Liangcheng, we know how you feel, but your second uncle has always been a talent in the army, and all his talents are outstanding. If you send others, you will surely die. Only he has a trace of hope of survival. This is the order of the superior. I hope you don't interfere."

The tone of several people has been very tough. Lu Liangcheng doesn't know what to say. This is the sorrow of Lu family man, or the sorrow of being a soldier. Even if he knows that it is a tiger's den, as long as the superior gives an order, he can't disobey it.

"Good." He closed his eyes slowly, feeling a little uncomfortable.

The institute soon opened, and the gatekeepers sent them out.

Mo Yu was waiting in the hall and saw that his boss had lost all his weight, so he rushed to meet him.

"How long has it been?"

Once inside, it is totally regardless of the day. Only when you are tired can you rest. Moreover, there is no concept of time. Therefore, Lu Liangcheng has no idea how long he has been here.

"It's been more than half a month, boss. We'd better hurry back."

Mo Yu also remembers Qin Sangyu, the boss quietly disappeared for most of a month, also do not know what Miss Qin will become.

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"Well." Lu Liangcheng got on the bus immediately, his heart almost jumped to his throat.

When they got to the villa, they found that Qin Sangyu was wearing a suit and came out with a small bag.

"Wife." Lu Liangcheng immediately met him, but Qin Sangyu bypassed him directly and looked at him strangely.

After a meal, Lu Liangcheng touched her face. Could it be that she hadn't shaved for half a month? Now she's so sloppy that she can't recognize herself.

"Wife, it's me." He followed Qin Sangyu to the car, but Qin Sangyu closed the door indifferently and motioned the driver to drive.

The driver was afraid, but it was Mr. Lu. Even if he was given a hundred courage, he did not dare to stop Mr. Lu outside.

"Drive, or get out of here today!" Qin Sangyu's voice is very cold, the cold driver shivers, almost reflexively stepped on the accelerator, leaving Lu Liangcheng far behind.

"Miss Qin, it seems to be Mr. Lu." The driver shivered and said in his voice that he was afraid that the man really did not know Mr. Lu.

Qin Sangyu's face is sneering, "he turned gray I know, quietly left home for more than half a month, as soon as I appear called my wife, really think I have such a good temper, if I easily forgive him this time, next time he will be more excessive than this time, men can not get used to it."

The driver shrunk his neck and had to admit that his analysis was very reasonable. He accelerated the speed and the car stopped in Tiancheng in a short time.

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Lu Liangcheng, who stayed in the same place, had already been muddled, and his face was covered with ashes. Now, I don't know what happened to Qin Sangyu.

"Ink rain, is my face dirty, so she can't recognize me now?"

Mo Yu's face is very stiff. She wants to say that boss, you think too much, your face is very clean, but Miss Qin is too lazy to pay attention to you.

But if he had told the truth, he would have to be sent to Africa tonight. He could only lie by sticking his neck and lying, "maybe it is...

Lu Liangcheng immediately went to the villa, quickly dressed up, and changed his clothes. Knowing that Qin Sangyu should have gone to Tiancheng, he immediately asked Mo Yu to drive him there.

When he arrived in Tiancheng, he felt very wrong. He thought that he had disappeared for most of a month. When the senior officials saw him, they should be the same as seeing his father, and then they would hold on to him, hoping that he could handle the documents. But now, he has met several high-level leaders in a row, but everyone's response is very cold and bows slightly.

"President, you're back."

Lu Liangcheng

It's not right. Do we all have sex change and are now so independent? No need for him to deal with any documents?

When we got to the top office, the feeling was even more strange, because everyone said hello to him normally. It seemed that he had not disappeared for half a month.

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After entering his office, he saw Qin Sangyu sitting in it, with his head down to deal with the documents. His body was full of the breath of no admittance.

"Qin Sangyu?" He stepped closer, stopped in front of her and raised her face. "What's the matter with you? I feel that you are not very strong today... "

Lu Liangcheng does not know what a woman is thinking or how to please a woman. He can only ask so clumsily.

Qin Sangyu is about to be angry with him. What's the matter? He asked him what was wrong?


The document in her hand was directly waved on Lu Liangcheng's face, full of anger, "disappeared for most of a month, you still have a familiar posture, can't you think I lost my memory?"Lu Liangcheng was stunned by those materials. There was a perfect lyric to sing out his mood. The cold ice rain slapped on his face.

The door of the office was not closed. Everyone saw Qin Sangyu slapping a pile of information on the president's face. The president was confused and didn't seem to know what had happened.

"It hurts."

Lu Liangcheng rubbed his face and looked at Qin Sangyu with astonishment. He didn't know what she had gone through for most of the month, and how she had changed.

Qin Sangyu saw a piece of red on his face. He felt uncomfortable for a moment. He stretched out his hand clumsily and began to rub it. "I didn't mean to. Are you... Are you ok?"

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Lu Liangcheng sat on the sofa next to him and hugged her. "Don't do it. Let's talk about something. It's not good for outsiders to see it."

Qin Sangyu looked up and saw that everyone was petrified in place. He quickly got up to close the door, his face flushed.

Lu Liangcheng is still rubbing his face, "wife, how can I be so grumpy? Is there any dissatisfaction with me?"

Qin Sangyu saw that Lu Liangcheng was still so innocent. He was angry and funny and sat beside him.

"Why disappear?"

Lu Liangcheng responded that it was because of this, but he could not say for specific reasons. Otherwise, it was a blasphemy of his position, because he had made a heavy oath and could not mention the slightest thing about the Institute to other people.

"I have something important, but I can't tell you about it. It's complicated."

"Is there any danger?" Qin Sangyu only cares about this. As for others, he will talk about it later.

"There is no danger for the time being." Lu Liangcheng gave her a kiss on the face, and a huge sense of happiness spread in her chest.

"That's good." Qin Sangyu was relieved and her eyes were red.

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