As soon as they arrived at the door of the hotel, there was an explosion from above, which was from the direction on the third floor.

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Lu Liangcheng's heart shook violently and pulled Lu Xing down. Then he saw a man fall in front of him. It was not Mo Yu who was it. Mo Yu now looked very embarrassed, all over his body was wounded, and his arm seemed to have been shot. He was weak and had only one breath left.

"Ink rain?"

Lu Liangcheng helped Mo Yu up and found that he was in a coma, so he pinched him hard.

Ink rain hums a, opened his eyes immediately, vomited a mouthful of blood from his mouth, "he... He was rescued, the other side is very strong, many people."

Lu Liangcheng's lips pursed into a straight line, so the second uncle has been saved. Now, as long as he can safely return to G City, this task will be completed.

"Let's go out of the Vatican first and go to Italy to find a good hospital. When you two get better, we can go back home."

Lu Liangcheng put the two men in the car. He went to the driver's seat and drove the car outside.

Vatican is a magical country, bordering Italy on all sides. It takes only half an hour for cars to cross the border here.

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After arriving at the hospital, there was a heavy rain in the middle of the night. The doctor quickly wrapped up the wounds of Lu Xing and Mo Yu. Lu Liangcheng was smoking in the corridor of the hospital. He didn't know why. He was always insecure. When he thought of that whisker, his fingers shaking violently and took out his mobile phone to call Qin Sangyu.

Unfortunately, Qin Sangyu's mobile phone has been turned off. Lu Liangcheng grabs his hair anxiously and calls baijue.

It's midnight, but it should be early morning in G city.

"Liangcheng, what's up?" Bai Jue's voice is hoarse at the beginning of waking up. Lu Liangcheng seldom calls him, but when he calls, there must be something wrong.

"You can help me to watch Qin Sangyu. When I come back, it's better to let her stay in the old house and not go out."

Bai Jue felt Lu Liangcheng's serious tone, and her eyebrows immediately frowned, "is something wrong?"

Lu Liangcheng is not worried now. He only feels his heart is clenched. "I don't know who the beard is. He said he would deal with my wife and torture her severely. Now he has been rescued. Qin Sangyu is in a very dangerous situation. Please."

Lu Liangcheng's voice with begging and uneasiness, let Bai Jue's heart also followed to pull up, immediately get out of bed to put on clothes, "you don't worry, I'll help you look after her."

"Don't hang up. I want to hear her voice." Lu Liangcheng sat on his chair and said quietly.

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Bai Jue nodded, put on her clothes, and immediately went out of the door, took her two mobile phones and drove the car out.

The mobile phone that Lu Liangcheng called just now is one that he doesn't use very much. Once Lu Liangcheng has an emergency, he will call the phone number of that mobile phone, but his most commonly used one is now in his hand.

Bai Jue knew Qin Sangyu's telephone number and immediately called her, but the other party's mobile phone was turned off. He was a little impatient and immediately called the Tiancheng Building. The receptionist who answered the phone said that Qin Sangyu was in the top office.

Bai Jue's heart slightly calmed a little, let the front desk miss to inform Qin Sangyu, let her not go out in Tiancheng, waiting for him to find her.

The front desk lady knew that this was the young master of the white family and did not dare to disobey his orders. She just hung up the phone and the phone rang again.

"Hello, hello."

"Hello, beautiful lady, I want to talk to Ms. Qin Sangyu. I am her friend abroad, but her phone is off. Can you tell me where she is now?"

The other party is not very proficient in Chinese and can tell that it is a foreigner. The front desk lady doesn't know Qin Sangyu's circle of friends, but she still knows that Qin Sangyu is the president's wife. It's normal for some foreign friends to reply politely, "she's in the company now. If you can wait, please don't hang up. I'll go to the top to inform her 。”

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The man was slightly silent for a moment, then replied, "is it the top office of Tiancheng?"

"Yes, sir. Do you have any other needs?"

The front desk lady was very polite, and probably didn't know that Qin Sangyu almost died because of her own words.

"No, I'll come to her myself."

When the phone is hung up, the front desk girl frowns in doubt. Thinking about how many people are looking for the president's wife today, she thinks of Bai Jue's order and immediately enters the elevator. She plans to go to the top floor to remind Qin Sangyu.

Qin Sangyu was sitting in Luliang City's office at this time. There was a huge French window in the office. Seeing a helicopter not far away approaching, a small thing suddenly threw out of the helicopter and stuck it on the floor to floor window of the office. Within three seconds, the French window was blown up. Two men in black came down from the helicopter with guns and put them in Pointing to Qin Sangyu.

"Miss Qin, don't move. Your husband asked us to pick you up."

Qin Sangyu hugged her head in the moment when the French window broke. The broken pieces did not scratch her face. Now she saw two men who appeared inexplicably. She stood up and stepped back, knowing that they must not be good friends.Suddenly, the door of the office was pushed open. Several employees heard a loud voice and were worried about Qin Sangyu's safety.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

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But as soon as they appeared, they were shot into a sieve by two men's machine guns. "If you delay any more, everyone in this building will die."

The man's voice is cruel, his sight is like a snake, and he stares at Qin Sangyu tightly.

Qin Sangyu clenched her fists and wanted to know who the man was. But there was no time for her to think about it. This is the top office of Tiancheng. After the explosion, reporters will rush to come at the first time. When the two men are forced to hurry up, they may kill all the people in the top office.

"Ah!! Ah

There was a scream outside the office. The faces of the two men were impatient. The helicopter was still waiting outside. Qin Sangyu saw that they were going to go outside with guns in their hands, so he quickly stepped forward and said, "I'll follow you."

Two men's corners of the mouth are smiling, slightly side, the middle of the position to her, "please."

Qin Sangyu summoned up his courage and stepped on the helicopter. Soon he was knocked unconscious.

At the moment of the explosion of the French windows, baijue had already arrived outside the Tiancheng. Hearing the loud noise from the sky, she felt a "thump" in her heart. Looking up, she saw a burst of smoke from the top of Tiancheng. As for the specific situation, he did not know.

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