Lu Liangcheng and Bai Jue didn't speak. They just stood like two sculptures.

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Several old people who sat around chatted for a while, then looked at each other and nodded in succession, "you two have made a big mistake this time. If the nightingale is not chased back, I'm afraid the bottom of the prison will have to wear it."

The old man was right. The Nightingale was finally found, which saved Lu Liangcheng and baijue from prison. They would be punished in the end, otherwise they could not be convinced.

However, both of them are children of a large family, and both of them are sitting here. If the punishment is really severe, they will have a quarrel with Bai Jialu's family. How can they stay here.

Bai Yuan squinted at Bai Jue, and suddenly he gave a big drink, "son of a bitch! Don't get down on your knees yet

Bai Jue almost immediately knelt down with soft legs. His Majesty in the White House was inviolable. Even if he was old now, no one dared to touch him.

"It's a shame to our white family. Kneel down here and reflect."

When the old man of the Bai family said this, he was just thinking about how to punish Bai Jue and Lu Liangcheng. The old man was already like this. If he punished their grandson again, it would be unreasonable to punish them. After all, the two children also made great contributions to the country. When they were young, they also had a lot of fighting merits.

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"Bai Lao, don't be impulsive. It's normal for children to make mistakes. After all, they are young, not like us old bones."

Some people immediately came out to play the game, but Bai Yuan's face was full of grief, and he looked at baijue angrily. "I'm just such a grandson. If something happens to him, I'm an old bone, maybe it's time to go to the ground."

A few antiques listen, where dare to punish Bai Jue again, afraid that the white old man what accident.

However, it's not right to punish Bai Jue and only to punish Lu Liangcheng. Everyone looked at each other and had the answer in their hearts, "well, two people go back to write a review, and then fine some money, as the loss of this research institute."

Bai Yuan and Lu Tian's faces are loose, obviously satisfied with the punishment.

Lu Liangcheng and Bai Jue were relieved. They thought they would be in prison for at least half a year. They didn't expect that several old antiques would be so reasonable.

The punishment came down immediately, with a review of 10000 words per person and a fine of 10 million yuan. For Lu Liangcheng and Bai Jue, this amount of money is a drop in the bucket.

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After returning to the hospital from the Research Institute, Lu Liangcheng continued to guard Qin Sangyu's side, carrying porridge and pouring water for her. When the wound on her face was scarred, he took her back to the villa.

When Qin Sangyu returned home, she felt as if she had not been back for a long time. She stood in front of the mirror in the French window. Through the mirror, she could see the scar on her face. She looked like a centipede. She looked terrible.

Suddenly, she did not dare to take another look. She returned to the sofa and sat down quietly.

Lu Liangcheng stewed Soup for her in the kitchen, saying it was conducive to the recovery of the wound, but she still did not know whether the wound on her face would recover or not, or that Lu Liangcheng deliberately said such words to comfort her.

"The soup is stewed. Have some." Lu Liangcheng brought out a small bowl with golden soup, which was full of fragrance.

Qin Sangyu looked up at him, thought of the scar on his face, and quickly dropped his head, "are these really useful?"

Lu Liangcheng picked up a small bowl, took out a spoon and fed it to her, without any impatience, "useful, you believe me."

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Qin Sangyu nodded and drank the soup bit by bit.

When sleeping at night, Lu Liangcheng hugged her from behind and rubbed her gently on her back, "have a good rest. Don't think about others. Your face will be fine."

Qin Sangyu sleeps vaguely, hears his assurance, still happily nods.

She didn't want to go out during the period when her face didn't recover, so if there was anything wrong with Ethan, she would email her and she would send it back after she dealt with it.

Ruan Hongzhuang said that she wanted to see her, but Qin Sangyu refused. She didn't want to be seen by anyone, even Ruan Hongzhuang.

Lu Liangcheng always goes out early and comes back late these days. It's said that the reason is that his superiors attach great importance to the bombing of Tiancheng last time, but public opinion has already fermented. Tiancheng's shares fall down quickly, and there is a possibility of falling down.

Yes, after such a bad bombing incident, who dares to work in Tiancheng? What's more, there were no major projects in Tiancheng in the first half of the year, and the front-line staff had complaints for a long time. Such bombing can be regarded as a trigger for everyone's rational chord, and Tiancheng has ushered in a large-scale resignation peak.

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Qin Sangyu also knows the news from the Internet, because the only person she contacted recently was Lu Liangcheng, and Lu Liangcheng didn't tell her about it at all. Although she believed that with Lu Liangcheng's means, Tiancheng would eventually survive the crisis, but as his wife, she couldn't bear to see him so busy at this time.

Lu Liangcheng is also a human being. She is also tired. During this period of time, in order to save her, she has not slept a stable sleep. Now, she has to go out early and return late for the company's business, which makes her feel very sorry.Qin Sangyu discussed with Ruan Hongzhuang on the phone, and finally announced a message on the official microblog, saying that the combination of AI sang and Tiancheng is one, and the boss behind the scenes is Lu Liangcheng. This time, he hopes to spend the crisis with Tiancheng.

As the most popular fashion brand at present, the stock has risen wildly since it was listed on the stock market, and now it has become stable. Many people want to invest, but the stock holders don't want to throw out their own stocks at all.

Now we hear that isan and Tiancheng are the same, and the boss is the same. Where can they still sit? Tiancheng is suffering from a huge crisis. If they invest at this time, they will be meritorious officials. Naturally, their status in Tiancheng will be high. As long as they enter Tiancheng, why can't they contact the shares of isan.

Therefore, within an hour after the announcement, Tiancheng's stock slowly rebounded, and within a day, it returned to its previous level.

People who had withdrawn their capital have regretted it, but now it is impossible to go back. Tiancheng has wiped out many businessmen who have no feelings for Tiancheng. The atmosphere in the top office seems to be stronger.

"Try this." Qin Sangyu's appetite has improved recently, and there are more dishes in the bowl from Lu Liangcheng. Recently, the other party always tries to cheat her into eating more.

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