"Qin Sangyu!" Lu Liangcheng held her fast, and found that her face was flushed. By touching her, she found that she had a fever.

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"What's wrong with her?" Su Mo was also a little anxious. He wanted to explore Qin Sangyu's forehead, but he was patted open by Lu Liangcheng, "get out!"

Su Mo's hand a meal, instantly angry want to rob people, "if you can't take care of her, give her to me!"

Lu Liangcheng gritted his teeth and saw that there were so many people watching the drama around him. He knew that rumors would be flying all over the sky tomorrow. He lowered his voice, "if you really do it for her good, you'd better think about the media reports tomorrow. Qin Sangyu is my wife, and she doesn't need other men to worry about her affairs."

Su Mo turned his head, as expected, saw that everyone gathered together to whisper, and several reporters were taking pictures. His face turned black in an instant. He snorted coldly and immediately let go of his hand.

Lu Liangcheng takes Qin Sangyu to the outside with great strides. Mo Yu drives the car to the hospital.

How can Qin Sangyu have a fever suddenly? It's all right before that.

After arriving at the hospital, the doctor quickly examined Qin Sangyu's body, prescribed the medicine, and pricked the infusion needle. "This little girl's body is very weak. She usually eats more food. Her constitution is not good. It should be a problem left behind when she was a child. In addition, she was stimulated, and her body collapsed at once."


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Lu Liangcheng held Qin Sangyu's hand and carefully ruled out the recent events. Qin Sangyu's mood has been very good. Although she was hypnotized before, the influence of hypnosis has gradually disappeared. Now everything is back on track. What's wrong.

He anxiously walked around the ward, found Qin Sangyu did not wake up, anxious to drop two eyelashes.

"Boss." Ink rain some can't bear to open his mouth, eyebrows followed twist up.

"Did the hypnotic things affect a lot? How else can you be stimulated for no reason? "

Lu Liangcheng sat on one side and finally calmed down to think about it slowly.

"Miss Qin's performance during this period is very normal. The hypnotic effect should not be so big. It may be something else."

Lu Liangcheng sighed, reached out and rubbed his temple, "I'm here to watch her, you go back to Tiancheng."

Mo Yu nods. Tiancheng has experienced the last stock crash and has been very busy recently. The boss took the time to come to the award ceremony today because Miss Qin is here.

After Mo Yu left, Lu Liangcheng sat quietly for a while, then put Qin Sangyu's hand in his, and planned to wait for her to wake up and ask her.

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However, Qin sang Yu slept directly for three days. In her dream, there were all kinds of strange scenes, sometimes Xia Ying kissing Lu Liangcheng, sometimes Lu Liangcheng abandoned her and left with Xia Ying.

"You see, Lu Liangcheng doesn't love you. Men are like this. When you see a man who loves one, especially such a rich man, Qin Sangyu, wake up and stop cheating yourself."

The voice in the mind said over and over again, Qin Sangyu was tormented by this voice and went crazy. Suddenly he opened his eyes calmly and saw that Lu Liangcheng was wiping sweat for her.

"Better?" Lu Liangcheng's voice is very gentle, eyes anxiously looking at her.

Qin Sangyu a Leng, nod, don't know how to get to the hospital again, look like this, is not general serious.

"You've had a fever for three days, and the doctor said that if you don't wake up today, you may be burned to a fool."

Lu Liangcheng's voice with a trace of happiness, will hold her, eyes are water light, "how do you always let me worry."

Qin Sangyu is stiff all over. Suddenly, he doesn't know how to answer this sentence. Does he like a woman who doesn't worry him? Is Xia Ying right?

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"I'm already well, tens of thousands want to go back." She suddenly didn't want to stay in the hospital. The atmosphere here was oppressive and had a sense of despair.

"It's up to the doctor to decide."

Lu Liangcheng did not immediately agree to him, but called the doctor. The doctor checked her for a while, and found that her body surface has returned to normal, some strange, "can be discharged, but after going out, you must pay attention to diet."

Lu Liangcheng immediately went down to handle the discharge procedures for Qin Sangyu. Qin Sangyu looked at his back, thought a lot of things in his mind, and finally sighed slightly.

Back home, she did not stick to landing in Liangcheng as usual, and the next few days, she was also busy with all kinds of things about Ethan.

Whenever Lu Liangcheng has such ideas, she always says that she is busy and tired. Then she covers her quilt and immediately falls asleep.

At the end of Qin Dynasty, because of what happened at the award ceremony that day, Cha Yu has become a laughing talk among netizens. Up to now, there are still photos of her naked on the Internet. There are a lot of malicious things about her on the Internet. They all say that she deliberately wants to be red and want everyone to remember her.

At the end of Qin Dynasty, seeing netizens full of malicious speculation, directly smashed her own computer. She had already sent people to check it, but nothing was found out. The waiter disappeared from the world. To say that all this was not arranged by others, she really didn't believe it.

Although she won the most popular actress award, it was accompanied by the humiliation of that day, which became her nightmare.And there is another news on the Internet, saying that Qin Sangyu pedaled two boats, landing less, but also entangled with another, but about this rumor, no one has released photos, because all the photos were hanged by Su Mo and Lu Liangcheng, and none of them was let go.

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There is no picture, no truth, netizens do not believe, thinking that there must be someone in black Qin Sangyu, but the person who broke the news was asked by netizens to the eighteen generations of ancestors.

"Lu Shao."

"Lu Shao."

The passing staff saluted Lu Liangcheng one after another, thinking that it was the first time for Lu Shao to come to the headquarters of isan. Although a long time ago, eisang announced that he was part of Tiancheng, Lu shaoke never came here. Today is the first time.

Lu Liangcheng was also forced. Qin Sangyu stayed in the headquarters of AI sang all day in the daytime, and she could not see her figure at all. At night, she even ate dinner outside and went home only to sleep.

It seems that the villa is not her home, but a place for her to stay. Lu Liangcheng is very uncomfortable with this cognition, so she decided to visit the headquarters of isan today.

When he was about to open the door of the office, he heard whispers from the staff around him. It was about Qin Sangyu who appreciated a new employee recently and promoted him to be an assistant in a few days.

Lu Liangcheng felt a little uncomfortable. When he opened the door and found that the assistant was still a little beautiful, the uncomfortable feeling became stronger. The three words "little white face" suddenly popped into his mind and looked at the assistant's eyes full of misdeeds.

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