"Mr. Qin, someone came to interview our underwear model today."

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Qin Sangyu introduced underwear these two days, because girls are willing to spend money on their underwear, which is expected to become the most profitable field.

"Who? Didn't I let you choose? "

Qin Sangyu frowned at Zhang Han, Zhang Han quickly lowered his head, "Mr. Qin, this is the character we selected, all aspects are good, but some people criticize her identity. She is a net star and has opened a Taobao store."

Qin Sangyu finally knows why Zhang Han's criticism is. Nowadays, many people have a great prejudice against the word "Internet celebrity". What's more, the upper class circle despises even the stars. In their eyes, most of the stars are just actors. Even the stars are not on the Internet, and the treatment is not worth mentioning.

But Qin Sangyu has never been biased in this respect, which can be seen in the company's recruitment. She only values ability. "You think her temperament is in line, so hire."

Zhang Han nodded and immediately went down to prepare.

Qin Sangyu thought that she had nothing to do with this online celebrity, but when she got off work, she saw a beautiful girl in front of the company. She should be about 20 years old, with a delicate face like a doll.

The girl was holding a very cute teddy. She didn't know whether it was an employee of Nathan. Pets are not allowed in the company, so she stopped the other party and said, "pets are not allowed in the company. What department are you from?"

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The girl blinked her long eyelashes, put Teddy on the ground, led the rope, Teddy also wore a dress, looked cute to burst.

"I'm not an employee here. The dog came with me. Now I'll take it away. I'm sorry."

Qin Sangyu nods, reaches out and rubs her temple. Maybe it's because she's been too fussy recently. Sometimes when she walks, she feels dizzy. However, she has introduced underwear as a cooperative project. She has to watch carefully and make no mistakes.

"Be careful!"

Her body was suddenly thrown out, a large piece of glass broke in the place where she just stood. Qin Sangyu was almost deafened by the huge sound. When she got up, she saw that the girl's ankle was covered with blood.

"Are you all right? I'll take you to the hospital

Knowing that the girl was injured in order to guess for herself, she immediately called an ambulance to come over. Seeing the girl's dog anxiously circling on the ground, she sighed and got out of the car to pick up the dog.

"It's called meat. It's been with me for nearly ten years. At the beginning, he was a very small stray dog."

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The girl seemed to like the dog very much. Seeing the dog in Qin Sangyu's arms with panic, she couldn't bear to hold the dog into her arms.

Qin Sangyu can understand each other's feelings and has been with her for ten years. In the girl's heart, it is estimated that the dog is as important as her relatives.

After going to the hospital, the doctor quickly bandaged up the girl's leg. Qin Sangyu felt sorry for her, saying that she wanted to compensate, but the girl refused to accept anything.

After returning to isan, there were already staff members changing the glass. It was just an accident. Because of the strong wind in the morning and the glass itself was defective, it fell down.

When Qin Sangyu returned to the office, Zhang Han just took the hard photo of underwear magazine. "Mr. Qin, this is the model we chose. Everything is ready. If you are satisfied, we can publish the magazine in two days."

Qin Sangyu took a sip of coffee and took a look at the hard photo. She found that the girl above was actually the one who helped her. She turned out to be the one who helped herself. She used to think that wanghong was all cosmetic surgery. But today when I saw that girl, she found her face was very nice and fresh everywhere.

"Yes, double her salary. I like this girl."

Zhang Han nodded and immediately went out with the document. However, before the magazine was released, the little girl who was on the Internet had an accident.

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After work, Qin Sangyu went to see people and found that she had planned to leave the hospital, and still took that lovely little teddy.

"I'll take you back. It's not convenient for you to take a taxi like this."

"It's OK. It's not a serious injury. I can take a taxi back."

During the talk, the girl has stopped the taxi by herself. Qin Sangyu looks at the other party with some worry, but finally she doesn't go up.

But when she went back, she found something wrong. The photo of her little sister burst on the Internet, saying that she beat the pregnant woman.

Qin Sangyu looked at it for a while and found that the person in the photo was really the little sister of the Internet celebrity, and the informant also broke out a video.

The little sister of wanghong is mo Qing, who is only 20 years old. Because the quality of the clothes in the store is very good, she has attracted a large number of fans. She often sends her beautiful photos on her microblog, which makes her more popular.

In the video is her mother, her mother yells at the top of her voice. As for what is roaring, she doesn't hear clearly, but looking at the other party's appearance, it's really scary.Qin Sangyu frowned and wanted to know what was going on. Even though she didn't know her identity, she was not a cruel person. But in a short period of time, there were countless people abusing her on the Internet, and her family members also scolded her.

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"It's really vicious. It's said that the pregnant women are about to miscarry. The woman looks so good-looking that it turns out to be a black heart."

"You should never beat a pregnant woman. It's against the law. The police should arrest her!"

"Renmei is heartless, and her face is almost broken! Go to hell

The abuse on the Internet was disgusting. It was like a plague, and quickly spread throughout the network. Qin Sangyu knew that in only three hours, the pregnant woman had gone to the hospital and gave an examination book, which clearly said that there was a lot of bleeding. A certificate was full of mosaics, but netizens began to grasp the four words of massive bleeding, Wanton vent of dissatisfaction with Mo Qing.

Qin Sangyu wants to make a phone call to Mo Qing, but finds that she doesn't know her name at all. In addition, Lu Liangcheng has been telling her to go to bed. She can only put this matter aside for the time being, and she wants to contact Mo Qing again tomorrow.

But when Qin Sangyu paid more attention to this matter, he found that in a short night, public opinion had developed to a terrible level. On the Internet, Mo Qing was scolded, saying that she was unworthy of being a human being and let her die.

When Qin Sangyu thought of the little girl who saved her that day, she didn't dare to think about the way she beat up a pregnant woman. How could she think about this matter? How could she think about it.

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