Qin Sangyu will know Chen Feng, or from Ruan Hongzhuang's mouth, Ruan Hongzhuang's bone is a very gossip woman, she has heard Chen Feng's name from each other's mouth more than once, a very unreasonable man, with a small heart like the eye of a needle.

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Mo Yu hears Qin Sangyu's words and goes to carry out the order immediately. Recently, the boss has asked him to pay more attention to Ai Wei. It seems that he knows that there is someone behind Ai Wei.

In fact, Ivy was so quiet because the ghost told her last time that he was preparing a big move to deal with Qin Sangyu. Ai Wei believed in the devil's ability very much, so she waited patiently. However, it has been a month since the evil spirit did not take action. She felt that she could not wait any longer, so she contacted the evil ghost immediately.

"Brother, didn't you promise me to deal with Qin Sangyu? How come it's been so long without action. "

Although evil spirits are very good to Ivy, there is a reason. Ivy's body is very suitable for experiments. If Murray can't be found in the end, Ivy must be used to do the experiment.

But Ivy doesn't understand these. She thinks that the devil is really good to her, so she doesn't have any scruples.

has the final say that he is not comfortable with his evil spirits, but he still has his own temper. "This time I am not alone. I am not alone. I am not alone. I have to see what the other party is doing. You must not worry about these matters. You only know that Qin sang Yu is going to be a good one."

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Ai Wei's eyes are excited, trying to suppress her beating heart, and immediately began to say good words, "brother, I really see Qin Sangyu's AI sang getting better and better. I feel a little uncomfortable just now. I'm sorry, I just shouldn't have used that tone."

Evil ghost is too lazy to deal with, can only casually say a few words perfunctory, this time on the Internet, he has been paying attention to, from the beginning, knew that the netizens are being led by the nose, originally thought it was just an ordinary network violence incident, but finally things can reverse, and Qin Sangyu's AI sang can get so much benefit from it.

At that time, he did appreciate the woman, quietly playing with all the people in between the applause, before the beating things in the heart, this time seems to be burning again.

He looked down at the position of his chest. When he worked as an assistant in front of Qin Sangyu, he felt that something was different. Later, he knew that Qin Sangyu was on purpose. He was angry, but he also had some grievances. However, he did not dare to tell anyone.

"Mr. White, are you sure you are ready? You have been very close to that Lu Tian during this period. If you make an appointment with him now, he won't refuse. There will be an art exhibition tomorrow. I think you can make an appointment with him. "

He came to Baiyuan's place again. The bodyguards outside still didn't find him.

Bai Yuan took a sip of tea, but he didn't care. "I didn't participate in the fight between the big families these years. Lu Tian had a good feeling for me. If I invited him, he would sell me this face. Besides, my grandson helped Lu family boy a lot last time."

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The evil ghost's eyes are vicious. Thinking of what Qin Sangyu has done to him, he slowly squeezed his fist, "OK, I'll wait for your good news."

Bai Yuan put down the cup in his hand. "I feel your attitude towards Qin Sangyu is very different. If someone else had dared to design you like this before, it would have been dead. But if Qin Sangyu was replaced, you set a trap to deal with her. It seems unreasonable."

The devil's heart was scared. He didn't want anyone to see his heart. He could only hide his thoughts about Qin Sangyu.

"I was designed by a woman like this, do you think I'd let her die so easily? I want him to see the things she cares about lose little by little, and the faith she relies on collapse a little bit. This is the most fun. You won't understand, Bai Lao

Bai Yuan picks eyebrows. He likes to kill and kill the heart. Indeed, there is no more terrible revenge than Zhuxin. His eyes are full of smiles. "You really like my appetite. I want to see what you can do this time."

Lu Tian and Bai Yuan have been very close recently. In addition, Bai Yuan has not been involved in the dirty affairs of G City in recent years. Therefore, he feels very good about this man. Recently, they have had more tea together.

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"Today, I'm going to see an art exhibition with Mr. Bai. I won't come back to eat at noon." Lu Tian plans to go out and says to Shen Bizhi.

Shen bichi's face is smiling. Before, the old man only knew how to clean up his flowers and plants. It's good to get together with friends like this.

"Go ahead. I'll water the flowers for you later."

Lu Tian nods. After getting on the bus, he sets out toward the appointed place.

On the other side, Qin Sangyu also set out. She has been busy with the affairs of AI sang, and it is the same today. When the car stopped at the crossroads, she saw a familiar car not far away. It was the Lu family's car, which the old man usually sat in.

It's strange that the old man didn't come out of the Lu family recently. Why did he come out today?She just wanted to step on the gas pedal to leave, but saw that the car window over there suddenly opened. The old man saw her and was stunned for a moment, "so early?"

In fact, the old man didn't know what to say with Qin Sangyu. When they met in this place, they were really embarrassed. Qin Sangyu also didn't know what to say. In front of the old man, she was always trembling and afraid of doing something wrong. But when she thought of Bai Jue's flattery to the old man, her eyes were full of smile, and some admired the man.

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"Grandfather Lu, do you come out to relax?"

Lu Tian nodded. Seeing that the light in front of him had changed, he motioned to the driver to drive. "There is a painting exhibition today. I have to go to have a look. I'll go first. If I'm free, I'll go to the Lu's house to eat more."

Since Qin Sangyu made contributions, the old man's attitude towards her has become better and better. After all, as long as Lu Tian stands in the middle of those old men, he will welcome a group of people's praise. This granddaughter-in-law is also striving for success, and has been recognized by those antiques so quickly.

"OK, grandfather Lu, take your time."

Qin Sangyu said this hard goodbye, thinking that he was still not suitable to say hello to the old man. He stepped on the gas pedal and planned to leave here. But the car had just started a distance, and a Maserati was coming. The driver seemed to be a novice. He turned directly in front of him, and the two cars quickly collided with each other.

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