"Don't worry about that. I'm just curious about her."

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But how much love begins with curiosity? Evil spirits will not understand. From the first soft hearted beginning, the fetters between him and Qin Sangyu have already been created. Even if the fate is irreparable, he doesn't want to let go of this woman.

"You are my best partner. I don't want you to have any problems."

The evil spirit nodded, and her eyes moved to Qin Sangyu, who was lying beside her. Because she was struggling with the things in her mind, she was so tired that she fell asleep. Her face was pink and tender. It was really lovely to watch.

"Since I can't move this person, I'm not polite to your sister. I can't wait to make my own plan. Ghost, let your sister come out tomorrow."

"Why wait till tomorrow. You can go with me later."

The devil took Qin Sangyu in his arms and went to the waiting car outside. The place where they had just stayed was the underground laboratory, where Baiyuan secretly did experiments.

Bai Yuan heard that she could bring Ivy here now. With a smile in her eyes, she got on the car with the devil. "You're really heartless. Anyway, that girl called your brother for so many years. Now she's a seller, but she's not soft at all."

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The evil spirit snorted coldly. How could he not know that Bai Yuan was teasing himself? He clearly knew that people like them had no feelings. If Bai Yuan had not said that Ivy's body was a good material for doing experiments, he would not have deliberately been close to that kind of mindless woman.

"He's our lab, and now it's time for her to contribute."

The devil drove to Ivy's house and called her.

Ai Wei has been very anxious these days. She has been paying close attention to Qin Sangyu's news, but she has never heard of Qin Sangyu's accident, so she has some dissatisfaction with the evil spirits. This person said that she could do it soon. How can she wait until this time? She is really upset.

she sat down on the chair, took a picture, put it on the mask, saw that her mobile phone screen was bright, and it was a ghost, and her eyes were shining. He immediately ripped the mask on his face and threw it into the trash can without hesitation.

"Brother, what's up? Did you catch Qin Sangyu?"

Her voice was full of surprise. She heard the voice of the devil as gentle as before, like the whisper between lovers, and her face turned red instantly.

"Dear sister, Qin Sangyu is in my hand now. Would you like to come down and have a look?"

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Ai Wei's face is full of excitement. Qin Sangyu, a cheap woman, is finally caught. She still falls into her brother's hands. She knows something about that brother's means. Qin Sangyu will never come back alive.

"Brother, wait a minute. I'll change my clothes and come down in a minute."

The devil hung up the phone and looked at Bai Yuan in the rearview mirror. "She will come down immediately."

Bai Yuan touches his chin. Now the girls are really good at cheating. At this time point, they don't even doubt the intention of evil spirits. They don't have the slightest brain.

Ai Wei quickly ran down, panting. The ghost opened the window. Ai Wei saw Qin Suying in her arms. She was surprised. "Brother, you are so good. Her husband is Lu Liangcheng, but you still succeed."

Lu Liangcheng is not afraid of anyone in this world.

"Sister, get in the car. I'll take you to see the fate of Qin Sangyu. Don't you hate Qin Sangyu very much? It should be very happy to see her die with your own eyes?"

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Ivy immediately opened the door and sat in the back seat. The ghost quietly locked the doors on both sides, and drove the car toward the laboratory just now, with a grim smile in her eyes.

But Ai Wei didn't feel these things at all. She believed in evil spirits and was totally immersed in the excitement of abusing Qin Sangyu. She would vent all her grievances on this woman.

"Brother, can you let me cut Qin Sangyu's face a few times later? She was extremely rampant before. I didn't expect that there would be a few days."

The more Avril said, the more proud he was. He didn't pay attention to Bai Yuan, who was sitting in the front passenger's seat. Bai Yuan didn't speak. He didn't like Ivy's personality very much. He was pleased that Ivy's body was really suitable for doing experiments.

The car stopped soon. The devil looked back and said, "sister, get out of the car."

Ivy got out of the car very obediently. She saw the devil holding Qin Sangyu and followed her down. There was an old man she didn't know. She was so excited just now that she didn't pay much attention to the old man. At first glance, she found that the old man was quite decent.

She was about to speak when she saw several bodyguards coming out of the room, surrounded her, and quickly put shackles on her hands.

"Brother?" Ivy anxiously looked at the devil, thinking whether there was any misunderstanding in the middle, "you caught the wrong person, I am your guest, let me go."At this time, Ivy still did not have any doubts, pitifully looked at the devil, "brother, you look at them, it is really no rules, I am your sister ah."

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The evil spirit got on the bus again, put Qin Sangyu in his co driver's seat, looked up at Bai Yuan and said, "what you want has arrived. Please inform me when your research is successful."

Bai Yuan nodded, turned to look at Ai Wei, whose face turned pale, and put his hand on her chin. "Now it's time to doubt it, mindless girl. Your brother sold you, and then you have to follow me."

Ivy's tears came out in an instant. I can't believe this scene. Your brother, who was very gentle to her, suddenly sold her.

"You let me go!! Let me go! Human traffickers! You are not entitled to buy me! "

Bai Yuan's brow frowned. He preferred to be quiet. He didn't want to hear this crazy woman's roar. He walked in front of him with impatience. "Cut her tongue. I don't want to hear her voice."

Ivy's whole body was scared and softened. The old man was so vicious that he would cut her tongue. She struggled harder and tried to rush to the front. However, several bodyguards were so powerful that they grabbed her hair directly and dragged her inside, imitating what kind of animal she was.

In Bai Yuan's opinion, the experimental body is a kind of animal. The animal does not need any pity, and he never pities anyone.

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