Shen Bizhi's face was stiff and some were not good-looking, but he still respected the grandson's decision. When he was going to leave, Lu Song was unwilling.

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"What? It is not happy to let you hand in Qin Sangyu. Is this matter necessary for me to go to the police station? Whatever the reason, the assassin is Qin Sangyu. The old man will let you. I can't. I have saved the video, and I will give it to the police station later! "

Lu Song's face was red. From beginning to end, Lu Liangcheng ignored him all the time. His eyes didn't give him one. He was a father, and he was really a failure.

Lu Liangcheng finally saw Lu Song and laughed at him. "You can tell, but Qin Sangyu enters the police station. You think you can have a good life. I promise you to beg in the street."

Lu Song stood up and pointed to Luliang City. "Ma, you see what virtue he is, and you are spoiled to be like this! Now it's becoming more and more indulgent, and there is no older generation of us in our eyes! "

Luxiao finally couldn't help it. He took the cup and hit Lu Song directly. He hit Lu Song directly on his forehead and said, "then you can see if you are worthy of respect. Are there few absurd things you have done in these years? Have a face to say people here! "

Lu Xiao is the first time to lose his temper with his relatives, and he moves his hand. Shen Bizhi is scared. She quickly pulls Lu Xiaola to stop. "Xiaoxiao, don't be angry. What are you doing? What is your father? Are you so good? I'm not going back with you. "

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Lu Song was frightened by Lu Xiao's appearance. All words were choked in his voice and could not spit a word. Finally, some of them dropped their shoulders and followed shenbizhi silently.

Lu Xiao turned his head to look at Luliang City, and apologized. "Sorry, I didn't hold my mouth."

Luliang City didn't speak. When several people left, they let people close the door of the living room. He got up to the second floor, and when he opened the door, he saw Qin Sangyu still sleeping and slept very well.

"Not hungry? It's been so long. "

Luliang City picked her up and pinched her face. Qin Sangyu woke up immediately. Seeing the smile on Lu Liangcheng's face, his eyes bent. "I just got up, but I didn't dare to go down and know who the person came, and slept on the bed again."

Luliang City nodded, kissed her forehead, took the coat beside her and put on her, "sorry, I can't take you to Lu's house now. Grandpa is angry. Grandma is also, and you don't know what happened that day. If they ask, you can't stand up completely. So in this time, you will be at home with me. I will ask you to come here "See if you can solve hypnosis on you."

Qin Sangyu nodded very skillfully. She knew that Luliang City must be very guilty to be sandwiched in the middle. She was a relative on the one hand and she had her lips pressed worried. If she could know what happened that day, she would not have to do it as it is now. Her eyes are dark and she doesn't know what to do.

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Luliang City soon let Aunt Zhang cook the meal to serve, Qin Sangyu ate very fragrant, drank a little soup, then nest in bed to start painting, Lu Liangcheng was waiting for her to deal with business.

Qin Sangyu suddenly jumped out of her mind something. She looked at Luliang City's computer and found that it was a big project that Tiancheng recently wanted to do. All the major projects in Tiancheng in the first half of the year have been handed over to the company of Su family. This time, Luliang City received it in his own name. If it can be successfully done, the loss in the first half of the year can be recovered by this.

Qin Sangyu watched for a while, and immediately bowed her head and watched the TV series on the computer quietly. She didn't know what she was thinking, and her mind seemed to be a blank.

"Hungry or not? I'll have Aunt Zhang come up at the end of the night. "

Lu Liang turned off the computer, turned around and hugged her, and touched her shoulder intimately. Qin Sangyu was like a clever doll, without any action. The dark whirlpool was deep in his eyes. The black seemed to suck everyone in.

"Qin Sangyu?"

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Luliang City called, feel his neck to pass a dull pain, immediately Qin Sangyu a hand to subdue, see each other's face is ferocious smile, know that the other side is again attack.

"Dark rain! Tranquilizer! "

The dark rain outside the door immediately called the doctor, and first pumped the tranquilizer into the syringe, but Qin Sangyu struggled all the time, "let me go! Luliang City! Don't be proud of you! I'll be back early and late! blamed! You let me go

Qin Sangyu is on the edge of out of control. There is only one line left in his mind. He killed all the people and killed everyone here!

She stared at Lu Liangcheng hate, and saw the vase on the head of the bed. She smiled in the eyes. She reached for the vase to lift it and hit it towards the head of landing cool city. But Lu Liangcheng had already grasped her wrist step by step, and her eyes were full of pain. "Qin Sangyu! You wake me up a little! "

Qin Sangyu eyes fog suddenly legs down, and became a clear, see so many people around themselves, frown up, "what? You look so ugly. "

Mo Yu relaxed his tone, released the hand that suppressed Qin Sangyu, thinking that Miss Qin started to be crazy. The strength was really big. Just now, several of them pressed each other, and felt hard."Boss, it can't go on like this. Miss Qin can't stand it sooner or later. The three hypnotic ways are worse than each other. If she continues to resist, her brain will be destroyed."

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Qin Sangyu listen to the clouds, just what happened, she really can't remember, can only helplessly look at a few people around, this feeling is really panic, like falling into a huge whirlpool.

Lu Liangcheng touched Qin Sangyu's face. For the first time, he felt that he was so incompetent. Finally, he sighed, "next time, if you feel uncomfortable, just follow your inner thoughts. Don't be depressed. No matter where you go, I will find you."

He really can't bear Qin Sangyu to go on suffering like this. What if her brain is really bad, he can't bear the result.

Qin Sangyu did not speak, slightly touched in the heart, but then, she fell into a coma.

Lu Liangcheng held her in her arms and rubbed her face gently. Her face was full of attachment. She was reluctant to give up. Her eyes turned red. Finally, she looked at several men who were still discussing, "can't you really solve this hypnosis?"

The men frowned and discussed for a long time that they began to speak slowly. "Mr. Lu, we have come up with a solution, but the blow to Miss Qin will be great. What does Miss Qin care about most, she will destroy that thing. Under the great grief, the three hypnotics can be destroyed."

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