Qin Sangyu's speech has been incoherent, pale face, messy hair, like a madman, mouth has been mumbling, finally lying on the edge of the bed began to cry.

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"Qin Sangyu?" Lu Liangcheng called softly and reached out to hold her hand. She should be back to normal. She was very pleased, "I'm ok. Don't cry."

Mo Yu immediately called the doctor up and pointed to Lu Liangcheng lying on the bed.

The doctor's mouth twitched. He found that he was almost settled in the villa. People were injured every day. He immediately took out the medicine box and began to clean up the wound for Lu Liangcheng. Qin Sangyu, under the huge impact, had fainted. He was obedient and clever - lying on the head of the bed, wronged like a child who made mistakes.

Several hypnotists approached her, opened her eyelids, and found that her pupils were similar to those of normal people. They nodded, "ideas should be useless to her. This time she collapsed, the whole brain was strongly rejecting foreign things, and it has returned to normal. However, it should be noted that in a short time, she should not be stimulated. Her bearing capacity is very weak now Every stimulus will collapse. "

Mo Yu nodded and helped the doctor press the chest of landing in Liangcheng. He saw that the knife he pulled out still had flesh and blood, and the muscles on his face took a puff. The boss still had a smile. Can't you feel the pain?

Lu Liangcheng felt happy because Qin Sangyu finally recovered to normal. As for the rest, he did not think so much about it for the time being.

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The doctor wrapped a bandage around his chest and told him a few words. Then he opened his mouth with fear. "Fortunately, it was not stabbed to harm. The dagger was too deep. It can be seen that Miss Qin was killed."

Lu Liangcheng's back was covered with sweat. At that time, he slightly sidestepped it, so the dagger did not plunge into the heart, that is, the slight side stroke saved his life.

When Qin Sangyu woke up, it was already midnight. She turned her head and saw Lu Liangcheng lying beside her, with a dazzling white bandage on her chest. She did not hold back and began to cover her pillow and cry.

"What are you crying for?"

Lu Liangcheng stretched out his hand and took her hand. Although his face was pale, he could see that he was in a good mood. He was indeed the thing Qin Sangyu cared about most. Otherwise, he would not succeed this time.

"I thought you were dead and my fingers didn't try to breathe. I was so scared that I felt a blank in my mind."

Qin Sangyu sobbed and said, tears soaked the pillow, but now Lu Liangcheng can't lean on her side, can only tightly grasp her hand, "it's OK, darling, don't cry. In fact, every time you have a change in your eyes, I know that I could have avoided that, but the hypnosis in you is really too strong. This move is a gamble, or you can only Send you to the devil. I'm afraid that the devil will become angry because he rescued you this time. He thinks that he can't send you there, so I decided to gamble. "

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Every time Qin Sangyu lost his mind, he knew that because he knew this person too well, knew her subtle changes like the palm of his hand, and also knew when she put the dagger under her pillow. That day, when he was dealing with documents, the man's eyes completely changed and peeped into his things.

"I'm sorry." Apart from these three words, Qin Sangyu didn't know what to do. He got up and sat down beside Luliang City. He felt his bandage and felt guilty.

Lu Liangcheng's mouth hook a bit, pointing to his own lips, the meaning is self-evident.

Qin Sangyu immediately approached him and gave him a kiss on the lip. His pale face had a trace of blush.

"In fact, I can see your performance in this period of time. You are very resistant to my approach. You are impatient, and occasionally return to normal. The duration will not exceed one minute. Now it's OK. You don't have to worry about it in the future."

Qin Sangyu quietly sleeps next to him, reaches out and holds his hand. Thinking of his current status in the heart of the Lu family, he gently pulls his lip. "How can I not worry? He won't forgive me for what I did to the old man, and I won't forgive myself. Luliang City, I love you very much, and the more I love you, the more I fear to lose, my heart is very guilty I'd like to die right away, so that we don't have to be embarrassed, and you don't have to be in the middle of us. "

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She really loves this person, but apart from heartache, she can't do anything.

"Well, grandfather is not that kind of person. He will forgive you in the future. However, his injury has not recovered recently. I have already told the old house that I will not take you there for the time being. By the way, do you know that Lu Xiao is engaged?"

Lu Liangcheng was afraid that Qin Sangyu would tangle with this problem again, and immediately took Lu Xiao's engagement to change the topic. Qin Sangyu was really led away, and his eyes were shocked, "really? when? I was engaged so soon. I didn't think these two people could get together

Lu Liangcheng's eyes were full of smiles. This woman was very good at deceiving. "The last time you disappeared, you were found in the Bai family. The white man and the devil were trading. I didn't find out the specific transaction. The guard of the Bai family is very strict, and a little slack on the day of engagement. I took advantage of that opportunity to rescue you."

The smile on Qin Sangyu's face gradually droops down. Bai Lao is involved in evil spirits. Does Bai Jue know? Who would baijue stand with if the matter finally came out?"Does Lu Xiao know this?" She asked anxiously, thinking of the people who had been quietly following baijue, she felt a little uncomfortable. It seemed that a lover always had to go through some tribulations to be together, and God was always so indifferent.

"She's not stupid. She should have guessed something."

Lu Liangcheng stretched out the uninjured side, hugged Qin Sangyu into his arms and rubbed her affectionately. "I'm worried about Bai Jue. Bai Jue has been with Bai grandfather since he was a child, and I respect him very much. If I know that Bai Jue has something to do with that place, I can't bear it."

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Qin Sangyu didn't speak. He sighed heavily and held his hand more tightly.

The two people are talking quietly, but the Bai family is not calm. Since the day Qin Sangyu was rescued, the evil spirit has been in a temper, full of rage.

"You are really out of order. The last time I planned to send you away, you just didn't go. You said that you had a private matter to deal with with with Qin Sangyu. Now it's better. I'm also dragged down by you. I don't know what the Lu family boy is going to do with me."

Bai Yuan held tea in his hand. Although he said so, he could not see that he was worried.

The evil ghost did not speak. He pounded the table heavily and gnashed his teeth. Lu Liangcheng! He recited the name in his heart, hoping to break up the other party. What he didn't know was that the anger was mixed with a little sour, like being fed a piece of lemon.

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