Qin Sangyu heard Shen Bizhi finish. As soon as he was about to finish, he felt someone gently pull his sleeve. He turned his head and saw that Lu Liangcheng was winking at him. His face was puzzled at first, and finally he did not speak.

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In fact, in the final analysis, it is because of her, because she provoked the evil spirits. The evil spirits want to use the old man to separate the relationship between her and Lu Liangcheng. Therefore, the old man is implicated. She is not innocent.

But now Lu Liangcheng's attitude is to keep her silent.

In Shen Bizhi's opinion, it was just like being wronged. She quickly took out a paper towel and put it in front of Qin Sangyu. She was afraid that she would recall something sad. "Thinking about Sangyu, she was also poor. She got involved in such a thing for no reason. A girl in that situation should be very desperate, not to mention getting along with people there for so long."

When the old man heard Shen Bizhi finish, he felt guilty. He thought that people didn't have these things just because they married into the Lu family. Now he has no right to blame others.

Lu Liangcheng saw that the old man was a little loose, and immediately opened his mouth, "grandfather, Qin Sangyu's mood is very bad at this time. I'm worried that she will suffer from depression, so I decided to take her for a walk. It's near."

The old man's face was really more relaxed. He carefully lowered his head and began to think. Finally, he waved his hand, "then take her to have a good time to relax. The matter of your divorce should be slow first."

Lu Liangcheng's eyes were full of smiles when he heard the old man finish. Although he was very angry this time, he actually liked Qin Sangyu, the granddaughter-in-law, so he subconsciously believed Shen Bizhi's words.

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"Dad, you can't forgive Qin Sangyu because of this. This time it's not urgent. I'm afraid..."

before Lu Song finished his words, Shen Bizhi interrupted him, "I'm afraid what? I'm afraid. You can't wait for the old man to die. Get out of here and don't talk!"

Lu Song only feels aggrieved. Why can Qin Sangyu be forgiven for making such a big mistake? But now the two old people are not satisfied with him everywhere. He looks at Qin Sangyu with resentment and rolls out with a face unwilling.

Lu Xiao's face gradually expanded and took Qin Sangyu's hand. "That's great. I also think that Luliang City should take you out for relaxation. Those abnormal people are really terrible. If I were you, I would certainly have a heart attack."

The old man's face is a little sad, said is also right, Qin Sangyu, a child without any background, who can be provoked? What's more, when Qin Sangyu assassinated him, he said that it was the people there who had nothing to do with Qin Sangyu, so Qin Sangyu was forced to get involved in this fight.

He stood up and gently waved his hand, "well, don't say that our Lu family treats you badly. At least it's true that you stabbed me. I won't investigate this matter. But in the future, you have to read the good of my Lu family. I'm not unreasonable. During this period of time, let the town take you out to relax. I'm afraid you are also scared."

Qin Sangyu did not answer, next to Lu Liangcheng immediately stood up, "grandfather, I have found a doctor for her treatment, there are no other major problems, may be scared, you see she now looks silly, can't pick up a few words."

Lu Tian immediately looked at Qin Sangyu with worry, and found that the other side lowered his head, as if in a daze, "you can discuss it well, where you can order it yourself."

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He said, about to leave here, Shen Bizhi also quickly stood up, holding his hand, "you are also impatient, said you are going to come to the crime, do for a long time, not live to suffer what is, after a good stay in the Lu family, nothing else."

Lu Tian was helped to the door and suddenly turned to look at Lu Liangcheng. "Little city, I have something to discuss with you alone. You can come back tomorrow."

Lu Liangcheng roughly knew what was to be discussed, nodded and touched Qin Sangyu's head.

Bai Yan looked at the two men with hatred and clenched her fists secretly. I didn't expect that the accusation of assassinating the old man was so light that she was killed. Qin Sangyu is really eating more and more in the Lu family. Now everyone is holding her.

"Don't be too proud, Lu Liangcheng, you are too. I don't believe you can finally come together."

Put down this sentence, she just left here, catch up with the old man and them.

When everyone was almost gone, Qin Sangyu looked at Lu Liangcheng and began to worry, "in fact, evil spirits will deal with the old man, mainly because of me. Just now my grandmother said that, my conscience is a little bad."

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Lu Liangcheng rubbed her head with a smile, held her in his arms, and sat on the sofa, "fool, grandma actually knows all about it, but I want my grandfather to forgive you. Don't think so much."

Qin Sangyu leans on his shoulder, lips Nuo, finally kisses his neck, "grandfather should know about the white family?"

Lu Liangcheng's eyes suddenly darkened. Even if he knew it, he could not be destroyed overnight after so many years of accumulation. Moreover, he has great prestige in the Research Institute. Even if something happens, he will be tolerated.

"Well, I guess that he went to the exhibition at the invitation of grandfather Bai, and I saved you in Bai's house. As long as I'm not stupid, I know that grandfather Bai has problems."Qin Sangyu buried in the arms of Luliang City, rubbing against his chest, eyes are sleepy, "I am a little sleepy, recently did not sleep well."

After listening to her, Lu Liangcheng immediately held her in his arms, got up and went to the second floor, and gently put her on the bed. "When you have a rest for two days, we will go outside to have a rest."


Qin Sangyu said with a smile that he was too sleepy to sleep directly.

Lu Liangcheng took the office computer and was here to deal with the company's documents. Occasionally he reached out and patted Qin Sangyu, who was restless and restless.

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He has already ordered a place to relax. In Yuezhou, there is a sea of pink flowers. At this time, all the flowers have already opened.

Qin Sangyu had a rest for two days and was taken to the car by Lu Liangcheng, "what about the ink rain? She looked around and could not see the shadow of the dark rain.

Lu Liangcheng pulled up the door, stepped on the gas pedal and drove out directly, "what is our world of two people, with ink rain for?"

Qin Sangyu nest into his arms, took the side of the dried fruit Chucha eat up, occasionally reach out to feed a piece into his mouth.

Lu Liangcheng felt funny and shook his legs. "Sit well. It's very dangerous. What does it look like?"

But Qin Sangyu really picked his eyebrows and directly aimed his face at his stomach. "What's the danger? The beauty is in my arms. You should be happy."

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