Rong Lang put his hand on Rongjiu's shoulder and patted it as if comforting. "You don't worry about others. Since you're back tonight, you'd better show it in front of your grandfather. Maybe you'll have a chance to come back to Rongjia."

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Rong Lang gives Rong Jiu an idea, but Rong Jiu's brain is full of Su Jiaoyang's explanation. He wants to make the Rong family and Qin Sangyu have a bad relationship. He sighs, "grandfather, he doesn't care about me at all. This Rong family, only you care about my life and death."

Rong Jiu's words are serious. If this brother didn't want to see him this time, Rong's family would not want to find him, and Su Jiaoyang would not let him out.

Rong Lang knew that his brother had some inferiority complex in his bones, but he grew up in the army when he was young. He didn't know what to say to comfort him, so he could only curl his lips. "What a jerk you've done, my grandfather has been cold hearted for a long time. Don't talk about that tonight. Stay at home for me, and don't go anywhere. In the next few days, I'll take good care of you."

Rong Jiu's heart trembled, and he had to find a chance to find Su Jiaoyang for an antidote. If he was closely watched by this man, how could he go.

Both of them have other thoughts in their hearts, but ronglang hopes that this person can perform well in front of his grandfather and maybe return to Rong family. So in recent days, he will take care of his younger brother.

This evening is the birthday party of the elder Rong family. Naturally, many people come here. The status of the Rong family and the Lu family is quite equal. In addition, the father is holding his own birthday party for the first time. Those flattering people almost flock here, hoping to take advantage of this opportunity to have a good relationship with the Rong family.

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Both Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng are here. It seems that Lu Liangcheng and ronglang have a good relationship, so we must attend this trip. However, after seeing the way the two men get along, Qin Sangyu can't imagine that the relationship between them is good.

"Are you sure you and Rong Lang are brothers who have known each other for many years? Why do I feel like he hates you

Qin Sangyu crept up to the side of Luliang City and opened his mouth slowly. He caught a glimpse of ronglang's staring eyes, which made him more sure of his own thoughts. I'm afraid that the two men had a grudge in private.

"The depth of love is the responsibility." Lu Liangcheng slowly spit out this sentence. Fortunately, Rong Lang can't hear it. Otherwise, he has to fight with him.

Qin Sangyu felt numb all over. Looking at Lu Liangcheng, he found that the other side was serious. He gave a sharp slap at the corner of his mouth.

Rong Lang saw Lu Liangcheng from a long distance, and his eyes were filled with sparks. No matter how cold he was in front of outsiders, he always seemed to be able to break through the skill in an instant and was eager to tear up the other party. The shadow of the past was like a dense net, firmly entangled him.

Qin Sangyu accompanied Lu Liangcheng and met various political leaders. After greeting each other, he found a seat to sit down.

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Lu Xiao also came tonight. Seeing her sitting here and greeting the people around her, Lu Xiao immediately pushed aside the crowd and came over. "Such a party is really boring. Most of the people who come tonight want to flatter Rongjia. This is the first banquet held by Rong family, and it is also held for the old man. You can see their faces are full of flattery." Lu Xiao sat down and whispered in Qin Sangyu's ear.

Qin Sangyu's eyes are full of smiles. It is said that the elder son of the Rong family has never been out since he retired from the army. He has been resting all the time. Those who want to curry favor can't find any chance at all, so they can only take advantage of this evening to try their luck.

"My legs are sore." Lu Xiao quietly took off her high-heeled shoes, and found that Bai Jue and Lu Liangcheng met together, and Rong Lang, but Rong Lang was the same as before, and did not like to see Lu Liangcheng.

"I feel that Rong Lang and Lu Liangcheng have a feud. Has something happened?"

After all, your roommate asked this question. I'm really curious. People like Lu Liangcheng have done something so cruel that Rong Lang can't hide his expression.

Lu Xiao leaned over, full of gossip. "In fact, I'm not very clear about this matter, but I heard that Rong Lang and my brother had a drink or something. Anyway, he was cut off and then thrown to that kind of place. I heard that he still doesn't let women touch him, which is the shadow of that time."

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A good-looking, rich and powerful man was thrown into that kind of place. I want to know that the woman inside should be like a jackal. It's no wonder that Rong Lang still has no girlfriend. It's said that Rong family also wants to take advantage of this opportunity to choose a girlfriend for him.

"Luliang City is really immoral."

Qin Sangyu silently spit out this sentence, thinking that at that time, everyone was very brave. Lu Liangcheng did things without considering the consequences. If ronglang no longer liked women, he would be the culprit of Rong family.

"It's no wonder that Rong Lang hates Lu Liangcheng so much. At the beginning, things made a lot of noise. He must have felt that it was a shame, so he went into the army after that, and sometimes he would not come back for the Spring Festival."

With red wine in his hand, Lu Xiao casually tells all the gossip he knows and looks at ronglang with a smile on his face.

Qin Sangyu to Rong Lang's silence, in the heart of Lu Liangcheng scolded again, and then slightly squint eyes, in this place to rest.

"It's been a long time since I saw you. Do you seem to have grown tall?" Not far away, Bai Jue put his hand on Rong Lang's shoulder. The three of them used to play together. But after that, ronglang entered the army and rarely came back."Hum." To answer him, it was Rong Lang's cold hum.

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Baijue didn't care. Knowing that the two had a heart knot, he didn't force him to make up. "When your brother and Su Jiaoyang got married, the whole city of G knew that. I wonder why you didn't come back."

Hearing Bai Jue talk about Rong Jiu, Rong Lang can't afford to be angry. She looks up slightly, "isn't Su Jiaoyang always interested in Luliang City? How can you suddenly take a fancy to Rongjiu's rubbish. "

Even in front of outsiders, he also called his brother that way.

Lu Liangcheng raised her eyebrows and talked about Rongjiu. It seemed that she had to talk about Su Jiaoyang's having a baby. However, it didn't seem very good for Bai Jue to tell her about Su Jiaoyang. At that time, Bai Jue watched Su Jiaoyang be carried in by Rong Jiu.

"Don't you know your own bastard brother? Of course, he acted as the master of the Rong family. He also told everyone that he was the successor of the Rong family. Su Jiaoyang gave himself as a gift in order to get involved with the Rong family. However, the so-called wedding was just a conspiracy. In order to get rid of the children in front of all the media, and put the blame on Qin Sangyu. "

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