"No, I just think he did help me a lot before."

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Lu Liangcheng said that he did not change his face. He did not reveal his mind at all. On the other hand, he was still thinking about how to save him. He would like to slap himself in the face for Qin Sangyu and this person. Now, well, if Su Mo knew the real identity of Qin Sangyu, he could not carry it immediately.

Qin Sangyu looked at the man suspiciously and felt that it was really baffling.

Su Mo also frowned. Lu Liangcheng had a bad attitude towards him. He could understand. After all, in this man, this attitude has always been the same. But when the other side began to deliberately please him, he really felt that the sun came out from the West.

"You'd better be normal. If I eat in your house, I won't come next time after this meal."

Su Mo said this sentence is sincere, he also does not want a couple because of him, there are any contradictions.

Lu Liangcheng felt that things were really bad. He had to rack his brains to think of a way. Finally, he began to change the topic rigidly, "didn't I hit you last time? I didn't mean it that time. Don't worry about it This should be Lu Liangcheng's disguised apology.

Su Mo thought it was the hell tonight. He put down the bowl in his hand, took his prepared gift and handed it to Qin Sangyu. After that, he gently pulled his lips. "I left first. I always feel that this man is strange. This is a gift brought to you when I went on a business trip abroad recently. Please take it."

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Qin Sangyu almost reflexively went to see Lu Liangcheng's face. Normally, the man would take Su Mo's gift away, but today, the other party has been quietly lowering his head, as if he had not seen this scene.

After su Mo gave the gift, he left soon. Qin Sangyu, who was left behind, was beating drums in his heart. Seeing that Lu Liangcheng was still bowing his head and not talking, he quickly expressed his attitude, "if you don't want me to accept your gift, I'll throw it away now."

When she was about to do it, Lu Liangcheng suddenly reached out and stopped her, blaming her all over his face, "since this is the heart of others, you can take it."

Qin Sangyu was even more surprised, thinking about whether Lu Liangcheng was taking a retreat as an advance. "Don't try me out on purpose. I'm serious. If you don't like my receiving gifts, I can throw them away now."

Lu Liangcheng felt inexplicably agitated. It seemed that his usual attitude towards Su Mo was really bad, "keep it!"

He murmured and put the gift aside. His face was full of tangles. He must have been the first to find out the identity of Qin Sangyu. He hesitated to tell Qin Sangyu the news.

Qin Sangyu saw that the man had something on his mind. He didn't know how to comfort him. He always felt that the other party was angry because of Su Mo's gift. "Su Mo is like my brother. He also said that he just treats me as my sister. I know that many men and women are out there confused about relatives and picking up the plane. But Su Mo and I are definitely not like that."

Qin Sangyu stretched out his hand and swore to show Lu Liangcheng his attitude.

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But this made Lu Liangcheng more melancholy. He stretched out his finger and rubbed his temple. "I know that I don't mind your relationship. You are an independent individual and have the right to make friends outside."

What's more, Su Mo is really her brother. He has no right to refuse their contact.

Mo Yu can see clearly from the side, and also knows what his boss is struggling with. He sighs silently in his heart. When the boss and Su mo were together, he secretly killed him. It is estimated that Su Mo also remembered the boss in his heart. It is impossible for them to get along with each other harmoniously.

When he went to bed at night, Lu Liangcheng was still thinking about how to make a good relationship with the Su family, especially Su Mo, who had already had a bad relationship. He had to find a way to break the relationship back.

At the same time, Su Mo also received a message from the old man that there was a missing child.

Su Mo's eyes brightened, almost instantly thought of Qin Sangyu. He didn't know why. When he saw Qin Sangyu, he felt kind. But he knew that Qin Sangyu was the daughter of the Qin family and had nothing to do with the Su family.

"Are you sure, grandfather? That child should be in her twenties now. We only have a picture of her when she was a child. When we were a baby, we all looked alike. Using that photo to find someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack. "

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Su Mo comforted on the phone, indicating that there was no hurry, saying that he was going to inquire first.

After hanging up the phone, Su Mo fell into deep thought. The child almost disappeared shortly after birth. Everyone thought that the child was dead. But when everyone was about to give up, news suddenly came, and he had to wonder whether it was a conspiracy of some people.

"go and check the woman who ran out of Su's family. I heard that she was from G city, You go to the archives in G city and give me all the information about her

At first, a nanny who worked in the Su family left with her child in a heavy rain. That night, the Su family was attacked and was badly attacked. The nanny disappeared that night. No one knows where she went, let alone whether she took the child. But this is the only clue that Su Mo can rely on.In less than two days, his men brought out the woman's information and put it in front of him.

Su Mo turned to half, the more frown the more tight, and finally some hands shaking, can't believe looking at the photos above.

If Qin Sangyu were there, she would certainly recognize the person in the photo. The woman was her mother.

"You said she married into the Qin family later?"

Su Mo's tone is not believe, an answer is coming out, he put the information, to Qin Sangyu made a phone call, asked her out.

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Because Lu Liangcheng didn't show hostility to Su Mo that night, Qin Sangyu had no trouble coming out of silk. They quickly agreed on a place. She took her handbag and went to the tea restaurant.

"The weather in G city is so good recently. Spring is coming." Su Mo see her, eyes are smiling, with a trace of their own did not notice the tenderness.

Qin Sangyu's face also relaxed, see the outside sun, light echo, "these days the weather is really good, let a person some slack."

Su Mo took out a photo and put it in front of her, "do you know this woman? My people say that she married into the Qin family. I don't know if it's the Qin family you know. "

Qin Sangyu slightly Leng for a moment, the previous second is still talking about the weather, how the next second to change the topic, and the change is so rigid.

She picked up the picture, looked at it and shook her head.

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