He felt that he was very sorry for Lu Xiao now. The guilt was like a wild vine, tightly wrapped around his throat. He did not dare to answer the phone or think about anything related to Lu Xiao. He could only stay here and vent his fear.

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Lu Xiao has been waiting for Bai Jue at home, no matter how many calls he made, he did not answer, which made her very worried.

Until evening, baijue didn't come back. She had to drive to Bai's house and ring the doorbell, which was opened by the housekeeper.

"Is baijue here?"

Her head went inside, probably did not know that on the sofa, Su Jiaoyang was entangled with the old man Bai, and her clothes had been stripped clean. However, people around her had already seen the strange things and even took them for granted.

"Miss Lu, master Bai is not in. We are cleaning up. I'm afraid it's not convenient for you to go in."

White housekeeper's face is serious, can not see the trace of lying, Lu Xiao also feel that this person does not need to lie to deceive himself, so nodded and left here.

"I was scared to death. I thought she was going to come in. It seems that baijue hasn't come home yet. I don't know if he will come to me."

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Su Jiaoyang's face was flushed with shyness. When she thought about the affair with baijue, she felt that her mind was about to explode. The old man couldn't give her that feeling. However, in order to benefit from Bai Yuan, she had to temporarily aggrieve herself.

Bai Jue didn't speak. She put on her clothes and took a sip of tea. "Since you want to find him so much, go now. I want you to break them up."

Su Jiaoyang's eyes are bright. It's not easy to tear them apart, relying on the video in her hand.

"Well, I'll go now."

Su Jiaoyang quickly put on her clothes. After leaving Bai's home, she called Bai Jue, and her tone was full of pride. "You don't want me to run again. Baijue, I've photographed that night's video. If you dare to run, you'll have to bear the consequences."

Bai Jue's eyes were cold, and his will was not clear that night. Su Jiaoyang might have taken a video. He took a deep breath and his face was complicated. "What do you want?"

He doesn't want to be separated from Lu Xiao. If this person really forces him, don't blame him for being rude.

"I know you like Lu Xiao now, but I also like you, and you have already had a relationship with me. Shouldn't you be responsible for me?"

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Su Jiaoyang said that she was right, as if she was forced that night.

"Where to meet?" Bai Jue tries to calm herself down. Such a video must not be seen by Lu Xiao. Otherwise, he and Lu Xiao are really out of the question.

"It's in the coffee shop around your house. You often drink coffee there. People are waiting for you there."

Su Jiaoyang's ambiguity is like deliberately disgusting baijue. She is not clear about baijue's feelings for herself. She is expecting baijue to forgive herself, fall in love with herself again, and then separate from Lu Xiao. In order to achieve this goal, she seems to have a long way to go.

When they arrived at the appointed cafe, she opened her mobile phone and put out the video. Seeing that Bai Jue's face became more and more ugly, her eyebrows were full of pride. "Since it's a foregone conclusion, you should think about the consequences. That night, it was not me who took the initiative. It was you who called me into the car and had a relationship with me."

Bai Jue is holding the coffee cup tightly. He doesn't know what happened that night. He saw Lu Xiao. How could he wake up and become Su Jiaoyang.

"What do you want?" Now Su Jiaoyang has a video in his hand, and he can't do anything. He's afraid that this person will send the video to Lu Xiao. It's hard to kill him.

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"Don't you know what I want? I want you to be responsible for me. Besides, you have liked me before. Can't we start over? "

Su Jiaoyang said of course, it seems that all this did not happen, she was still the superior Miss Su, and baijue was still the man who pursued her hard.

But now so many things have happened, and both of them can't go back to their original days. In Bai Jue's opinion, Su Jiaoyang is no different from a bus. He won't like a bus.

"Responsible for you? There are so many men who have sex with you. If you let them be responsible for everything, where is the responsibility? Su Jiaoyang, I don't want to talk nonsense with you and hand over the video, otherwise don't blame me for being rude. "

Su Jiaoyang picks eyebrow, this person really thinks oneself is a fool, if hand over video, she relies on what to threaten each other.

"Before I came, I had already sent this video on my computer. As long as I arrived at 3:00 p.m., the video would be automatically sent to Lu Xiao's mobile phone. It was sent regularly. Baijue, if you dare to act rashly today, you will never want to stay with Lu Xiao in this life."

Su Jiaoyang's brain turned very quickly. Seeing the anger on baijue's face gradually disappeared, she knew that the man had completely compromised and reached out to cover his hand. "My requirements are not much. When my boyfriend of one month, if you don't like me in this month, I'll let you go, OK?"Su Jiaoyang slowed down her tone, hoping that baijue could think about it carefully, and her eyes were full of expectation. Finally, she saw Bai Jue nodding hard and her face was full of excitement.

Bai Jue has no other choice. If that video stream to Lu Xiao's mobile phone, he would like to die now. That video is too shameful. All the postures can be seen clearly. There are also su Jiaoyang's deliberate questions at that time. If Lu Xiao heard that, I'm afraid Lu Xiao would hate him for the rest of his life.

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The two men discussed here, but Lu Xiao was still looking for Bai Jue, and even found Qin Sangyu's place. His face was full of loss.

"What's the matter with you? It looks like you've been lovelorn."

Qin Sangyu will pull people into the room, see her face dejected look, let people carry fruit dish up, "eat something, your lips are very dry."

Lu Xiao shakes her head and can't find Bai Jue. She can't eat anything now. She just feels stuffy and miserable.

"The last time baijue said he wanted to go home, but he hasn't come back. I went to Bai's house and he wasn't there. Qin Sangyu, what do you think I should do? Will he leave me alone and fly away

Lu Xiao's face is full of fear. Suddenly, the scene of Bai Jue walking with another woman appears in his mind. There is a twinkling pain in his heart.

Qin Sangyu tugged at the corner of her mouth. Although she didn't know Bai Jue, she was a friend of Lu Liangcheng, and she should not have done such a thing.

"There should be some delay. Lu Liangcheng often goes missing. Sometimes it takes half a month to disappear."

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