Lu Liangcheng's eyes are complicated, and some sympathize with baijue. No wonder baijue will be hit. The one who takes the shot is his most respected grandfather. He probably didn't want to be on guard against each other.

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"What are you going to do now?"

He knew that Bai Jue's temperament should be impossible to forgive Bai's grandfather, but it was too painful to feel the loss of relatives and lovers at the same time.

"Announced the termination of the relationship with the white family, I am not a white family."

Bai Jue leaned her head against the sofa, her scarlet eyes looked at the ceiling, and suddenly grinned. "In fact, Lu Xiao is right to leave me, because things about Bai's family will come out sooner or later, and no one can be spared. I thought I was going to spend the difficult time with my grandfather, but the other side left me first. Maybe he was for my good, but he destroyed me I can't forgive happiness

His voice is very light, but in the quiet recollection of some things in the past, Lu Liangcheng saw his appearance of dying. He didn't know what to do, because Lu Xiao was also injured there, and maybe the damage was not as small as this person.

"Those companies under your banner are all your own and have nothing to do with the white family. Take advantage of this period of time, do a good business and strive to become a brand."

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Although baijue is rich now, it is all acquired by purchasing other things, such as amusement park and KTV. These industries are fragmentary, and there is no unique brand of baijue.

"I know that when I was with Lu Xiao before, I thought a lot about it. But once I lost her, I didn't feel strong enough to do anything, and my strength was pulled away. I just came to talk to you tonight. I really don't know where to go. I'm gone."

He got up and stood up. When he came to the door, he did not forget to remind Lu Liangcheng, "be careful of that medicine. Su Jiaoyang can do everything now, and there is no bottom line."

Lu Liangcheng nodded solemnly, "don't worry, I will be careful of him."

After Bai Jue left, Qin Sangyu soon came down from the upstairs and sat beside Luliang City, "what's going on? Is it true that grandfather Bai gave baijue medicine? How he can do such a thing, and how to say it, it's his grandson. "

Just now, she heard the conversation between them. She grasped the most important point. Now, she still has some rough feelings in her heart. What happened to Bai Jue and her relatives like this.

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"He has done a lot of things. It's not uncommon to treat baijue like this. However, it is true that he has a relationship with Su Jiaoyang. You know Lu Xiao's temper and won't forgive him. During this period of time, you can accompany her well. I'm afraid that the child will cry ill."

Qin Sangyu nods. She won't go to AI sang for the next few days. She takes time to comfort Lu Xiao. Seeing that this guy is already packing, her eyes are swollen and she knows that the other party is just hiding all his worries in his heart.

"Are you really going to leave? Or go back to the Lu family. "

This villa is the place where she and baijue live together. Originally, she and Meimei are going to separate soon. What a sin Bai Yuan and Su Jiaoyang have done.

"Go back to Lu's house for the time being. I won't be silly because a man left G city. It's my home. I still have so many relatives and you, so I won't leave."

Qin Sangyu breathes a sigh of relief. Ruan Hongzhuang has left here. If this person also leaves, she will have no one to talk to. She bends over to help her pack up. She sees Lu Xiao putting a photo into the box. The photo shows her and baijue's wedding photos.

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Qin Sangyu said nothing, quietly helped her to install the things. As a result, as soon as they opened the room, they saw baijue push open the door and come in. The three of them were silent together.

Lu Xiao hums coldly and plans to walk past Bai Jue. However, her wrist is grasped by the other party. Bai Jue is silent and looks at her with scarlet eyes.

"Let go Lu Xiao is a little impatient. It is this person who betrayed their feelings first. He did not seriously weigh his relatives and lovers, which led to the present situation.

"Do you have to move out? Xiaoxiao, I know I'm wrong. I dare not ask for your forgiveness. This villa is our two people's home. You said that no matter what happens, we will not separate. "

His voice was hoarse, because he hadn't slept for a long time. He had a big black eye ring on his eyelid. He looked haggard, but Lu Xiao was no better. After shaking off his hand, he looked at the man quietly.

"Did you ever think about me when you went to bed with Su Jiaoyang? Baijue, I don't care why you have sex with her. I only value the result. You betrayed me. Don't think I can forgive you. I'm not the only one who has to do with you."

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She pulled the box and left without looking back. Qin Sangyu, who stayed in the same place, took a look at baijue and found that his shoulders were shaking. She sighed faintly. She was not good at interrupting other people's feelings. She only hoped that both of them could recover quickly and stop tormenting her body.

After she got on the bus, she heard the suppressed cry from the car and stepped on the accelerator silently."I really don't understand how he colluded with Su Jiaoyang. Even if he confessed to me immediately afterwards, I would not be so desperate and angry. However, he actually went to the bar with Su Jiaoyang, making me feel like an idiot, waiting at home for so long and calling him anxiously. Qin Sangyu, do you know? Maybe my bottom line is not so high. I can forgive him and Su Jiaoyang, but what can't be forgiven is that he did it afterwards, which caused me a second injury. "

Therefore, Lu Xiao has always been a man of reason, while Bai Jue is not very mature in dealing with this matter. However, it may also be because both sides care too much that others can take advantage of it.

The car finally stops at Lu's house. After getting out of the car, Lu Xiao walks in without looking back. She is afraid that if she talks to Qin Sangyu again, she can't help crying again.

Qin Sangyu stayed in the car for a while and began to look out in a daze. It was strange that at this moment, her heart was calmer, and her feelings tormented people like this. She always knew that Su Jiaoyang, Lu Xiao and Bai Jue had a long way to go.

After driving the car back, Lu Liangcheng was not at home. After sitting on the sofa for a while, she saw Mo Yu come in in in a hurry. "Miss Qin, something's wrong. You go to Tiancheng with me! Now

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