When it comes to baijue's illness, both of them have a heavy face. They don't want to see their friends in trouble, not to mention Lu Liangcheng's best friend.

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Qin Sangyu reached out and took Lu Liangcheng's hand, with a serious face. "I believe he won't be so unlucky. Baijue has experienced so many things. God should treat him kindly."

I hope so.

They sat outside and enjoyed the scenery for a while. When dinner was ready, they walked into the living room reluctantly.

After dinner, Lu Liangcheng said he was going to watch a movie at home and asked Qin Sangyu if he was interested.

Qin Sangyu ate some fruit and sat next to him.

At this time, there is no one in the villa. Aunt Zhang has gone back. Mo Yu also said that he has something to do. He won't come here tonight.

Lu Liangcheng had a smile that Qin Sangyu couldn't understand. When she saw what was shown on the TV, her face suddenly burst into red, and she scrambled to take the remote control over. "Lu Liangcheng, you pervert, this is where you found the dish! Not for children

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She wanted to turn off the TV, afraid that people outside the villa would hear something, but Lu Liangcheng was unwilling to take her in his arms and imprison her hands.

"I found something on your computer. In your watching record, the content is similar to this one. Now I'm shy."

Qin Sangyu knew that the man looked through his own watching records, and his face was instantly red, and he hesitated and didn't know what to say. That night, when she was sleeping, an advertisement suddenly popped up on the screen. She was very curious, so she ordered it in. Who knows it's bloodletting Spray shot, although she felt embarrassed, all over the burning, but because of the curiosity in the heart, or endure to see.

I didn't expect to be caught by Lu Liangcheng. Now the other party thinks she often looks at those things secretly.

"I was just curious, curious, so I ordered in."

"Curious? But I think you've logged in to that website three times. Are they all because of curiosity? "

Faced with Lu Liangcheng's aggressiveness, Qin Sangyu wanted to bury her head on the ground. Well, she really wanted to know how the women's skills were, so she didn't resist and watched several.

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In fact, she is very concerned about her own skills in this area, Lu Liangcheng never said, and she was embarrassed to ask, so she could only look at it secretly.

Moreover, she also visited many websites, saying that men don't like women who are like dead fish in bed. Sadly, it seems that she has always been a dead fish in bed. Maybe Lu Liangcheng has been a little dissatisfied for a long time, but because of the relationship between the two people, she has not said it.

In front of her, it's just like opening her own website for another time.

"Shy? This kind of thing shouldn't be seen with me, Qin Sangyu. If you don't ask me to do something good, how can you become so selfish? "

Although it was just a funny tone, Qin Sangyu suddenly felt uncomfortable. If the video was really opened, Lu Liangcheng would see other women's bodies, which she didn't want to see. So her eyes kept looking at the remote control. When she found that the video was about to open, she reached out to grab the remote control.

"Wife, be good and finish with me."

Lu Liangcheng grabs her hand and thinks that this person is shy. His eyes are full of smile. But when he looks down, he finds that Qin sang is full of anger. The anger doesn't look like it is because of shyness.

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"What's the matter?" He suddenly lost his playful mind, put her on the sofa, and then reached out to touch her head.

Qin Sangyu took a deep breath, then slowly said, "I don't want you to see this, look at other women's bodies, my heart will be uncomfortable."

Lu Liangcheng raised her head and raised her eyebrow. "When you look at this, I feel uncomfortable when I look at other men's bodies. What should I do?"

Qin Sangyu knew that this man didn't want to see these things with her at all, but was jealous because she secretly looked at other men's bodies. So he was jealous and angry, so he deliberately took out the things and said that he wanted to share them with her.

"I... I'm just curious, I..."

Qin Sangyu hesitated for a long time, and didn't know what to say. Finally, he hung his head dejectedly, "I know I'm wrong, and I'll never see it again. I'm sorry."

It was the first time that Lu Liangcheng saw Qin Sangyu so solemnly apologizing. In fact, he just felt uncomfortable for a moment. He didn't feel anything. He bent his mouth and took the remote control to stop the picture.

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"Let's not watch it. I'm not interested in other women's bodies."

Qin Sangyu was a little sweet in her heart, but when she thought about it carefully, she felt that she was too much. It seemed that when Lu Liangcheng wanted to see it, she thought about a lot of things carefully. Maybe it was that the state officials only allowed the people to set fire to the lights, and did not know whether he thought she was unreasonable.Qin Sangyu finds that the more he gets along with Lu Liangcheng, the more he cares about these details. He really wants to know what he thinks in his mind, such as whether he is a qualified wife and whether she has done something bad. However, since she married Lu Liangcheng, the other party has never said anything about her shortcomings, which makes her very worried.

Worry about whether Lu Liangcheng has hidden all his discontent in his heart, and silently resents her in his heart. When they quarrel one day, these resentments will burst out completely.

"Lu Liangcheng, don't you think I'm not good enough in some places? For example, when we are together, I will not take the initiative, will not please you, lifeless, without the slightest interest. "

Lu Liangcheng turned to look at her in surprise. He didn't know that there was such an idea in Qin Sangyu's heart. A glimmer of something flashed in his eyes. Finally, he looked at her tenderly, "you haven't done anything bad. If we quarrel about something, it's my fault. It must be that I did something bad, which made you sad. Don't think about it, we are the most The right person to be together, from the first time I see you, I feel like that. "

Qin Sangyu's heart was warm, as if someone had taken a reassurance. She took the remote control, "since you want to see it, I'll accompany you while the ink rain doesn't come back."

Lu Liangcheng suddenly reached out and hugged her and walked upstairs. "What's the meaning of seeing others? Let's explore it slowly."

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