Although Qin Sangyu is speechless to this man, she is extremely cooperative when the other party starts. In fact, she hopes to have a child in her heart. When Lu Liangcheng is on business, she will have a child with her.

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"I don't know if the evil spirits have gone with Bai Yuan. I'm worried about you, Qin Sangyu. The day before I leave, I'll take you to the old house of Lu family. You're not allowed to go out until I come back, you know?"

In the news he got, he only said that Bai Yuan had left, but did not mention the evil ghost. If the evil ghost was still in G City, once he left, Qin Sangyu would be in danger. Therefore, it is the best choice to let this person return to the Lu family. Even if the evil ghost has great ability, he does not dare to go to the old house to ask for someone.

"Well, I'll listen to you."

When the two were tired of ending, Mo Yu came in to inform the meeting results over there, saying that all the leaders had arrived. "Boss, the superior has assigned several people to us, saying that we don't want us to rush forward as before. This time, the person assigned by him will follow us all the way, hoping that we can cooperate well."

When Mo Yu said these things, his face was discontented. He really didn't want other people to crowd into their two person team, but this was the order of the above, and they had no way.

"Who is the man assigned in?" Lu Liangcheng doesn't care much about these things, as long as these people don't damage his affairs.

"One is Rong Lang, the other is bit. Rong Lang, you know, is the person who follows the superiors, is an assistant and bodyguard, and seems to be a tall and big foreigner."

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Mo Yu gave a brief introduction of their information, and then said that they would leave at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow, and there would be planes waiting outside.

Qin Sangyu's heart was tight. She turned her head and looked at Lu Liangcheng. She thought that the talent would leave in a few days. She didn't expect the meeting to end so soon.

Lu Liangcheng took a look at the sky outside. It was already evening. He pulled Qin Sangyu upstairs and came out with two boxes. "Listen to me. I'll go to my old house and have a good time. When I come back, I'll pick you up in person."

Qin Sangyu immediately began to pack his own luggage, but thinking of something, the action of folding clothes slowed down. This man was leaving at 5:00 in the morning, and he could not hold him to sleep on the last night.

"I'll stay with you at the Lu's tonight."

Maybe she saw her idea, said Lu Liangcheng slowly. She found that the little woman was becoming more and more sticky. She felt a strange satisfaction in her heart.

Qin Sangyu felt a little embarrassed, and the action of loading clothes was accelerated. He immediately packed two boxes of daily necessities.

Lu Liangcheng carried two boxes and went downstairs directly. After the rain, he frowned. "She's coming back from abroad. It's not a good time to inform Su Mo and disclose her flight back to him. I don't have an empty tube about these two people. Let Su Mo solve it by himself."

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"All right, boss."

Mo Yu also quickly packed up his things, three people on the bus, the car to the old house.

Shen Bizhi didn't expect that several people would come here at night and looked at them in surprise, "what's the matter? Are you going to eat here tonight

She called people in, told the nanny to add more food, and told the cook to cook more dishes. When the old man heard the news downstairs, he also came out of the study. Seeing that Lu Liangcheng's face was serious, he knew that he was going to deal with Baiyuan's affairs.

It's just that when the superior informed him about Bai Yuan, he didn't say that he was studying a virus, so we didn't know the seriousness of the matter. Even though the old man Lu retired, he didn't know what he had done. His cognition came from the news.

"Isn't it troublesome this time? I don't think it's just killing people. "

Lu Liangcheng nodded and took a sip of tea on the table. "He is studying the virus. Now the virus has been researched and brought out of the country. He will invest this virus in some part of the world. His behavior is very bad, and even will cause large-scale death. We can't figure out what the virus is."

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Therefore, it can be imagined that Lu Liangcheng did not say such dangerous factors as these. After all, Qin Sangyu is still sitting beside him. If Qin Sangyu knew that he might be killed in this trip, he would not be allowed to go out.

"Take good care of yourself. I'm old now. I'm not involved in the above things. You should pay more attention to everything."

Lu Tian didn't break the point, just said this sentence. Seeing that the nanny had already served the meal, he beckoned everyone to start eating.

Shen Bizhi has been picking vegetables for Qin Sangyu. It seems that she is still eager to hold her great grandson. "Is Sangyu going to live here these days? I've always prepared the rooms in the small town. You can live in the rooms in the small town."

Qin Sangyu nodded. She was not used to her grandmother's enthusiasm. She was really afraid that she would not be able to bear a child.

After dinner, the party simply said something about the family routine. Lu Liangcheng said that he wanted to chat with his wife. He left a group of people and pulled Qin Sangyu upstairs.Qin Sangyu thought that this man was busy making children again, but Lu Liangcheng just held her quietly and felt the time they spent together.

"Don't go down. We'll have a good chat."

Lu Liangcheng's tone is gentle, looking at Qin Sangyu's eyes are also full of tenderness, Qin Sangyu nests in his arms, thinking about what they can talk about after they have been together for so long.

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"After I come back this time, let's have a wedding. I always owe you a wedding. After the wedding, I'll take you to play around, and finally you can go to Su's house, OK?"

The situation of the Su family is really complicated. In the past, this person may have delayed for a long time. If we hold a wedding after everything is over, it will be too difficult to wait.

"Well, I'll listen to you."

Qin Sangyu is rarely obedient at this time, and his mouth is slightly hooked. He likes to spend time with Lu Liangcheng. They have been holding each other for a long time. They went in for a bath. When they came out of the window, they saw the light outside. They were quite moved.

Lu Liangcheng held Qin Sangyu in his arms from behind, and sighed slightly, "when I come back this time, I will resign from the position above, and I will accompany you all the time."

Every time he was delayed outside because of things, he always felt that the loss on Qin Sangyu's face was too obvious to make him feel uncomfortable. He also knew what this person was worried about. If he had children in the future, if he still engaged in such a dangerous job, how could he give the family a sense of security.

Qin Sangyu's heart is very moved, in fact, she has always wanted to say this, but afraid that this person thinks she is too selfish.

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