Lu Liangcheng looked at two people speechless. Could it be so difficult to say a few lies? He felt happy when talking to bit, and he seemed to have a high IQ.

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"You can handle it yourself. As for how to deal with it, don't tell me."

Mo Lang bit and Mo Rong are about to leave.

When he was walking in the manor, he was suddenly covered with a plastic bag, and then was beaten mercilessly. He could guess who these two people were with his butt. They must be Rong Lang and Mo Yu. They had been looking at him for a long time.

"Damn it! Stop it! Do you think I want to be a spy?! My family has been caught. If I don't follow their demands, my wife and daughter will die! "

"You let go of Laozi

Bit this time returned to normal voice, face knot solid after a few times, really a little angry, "hit people do not hit face ah, you are really too much

Rong Lang didn't know what bit said was true or false, so he stopped his work. Mo Yu stopped and looked at him suspiciously, "do you really believe this man's words?"

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"I think his words are very believable. The superiors have secretly trained many talents who are involved in international events. We don't know that it is normal. Yesterday my brother sent me a list of those people. There is indeed the name bit in the list."

Bit opened the garbage bag on his head and saw the two men standing in front of him. His nose was crooked with anger. He had been growing up in G city and had received so much brainwashing since childhood, which was much more patriotic than these two men.


"Hey! You little boy

On the second floor, he was stopped by Mo Yu. "Let him talk about it. What's going on? What's his position there? If you can, maybe you can come up with a counter plot."

Biti was suddenly silent. He was worried about his family. If he really got mixed up with Lu Liangcheng, his family would be ruined. There were many people like him who were forced to betray. Most of them were his family members who were under control and had to listen to other people's orders.

"I can't work with you, or my family has no hope of survival."

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Rong Lang and Mo Yu's faces were full of ridicule, "you don't know how terrible Bai Yuan is. He dug up the bodies of 48 people in the research room of G city. All of them were used to do experiments. These people include women, children, and old people. His crimes are far more than these. In Brazil, he directly blew up the dam, let the dam burst, and drowned 3000 people Many people, including a school, do you really think your family is still alive? "

Although it's cruel to tell the other party this way, it's the fact that in Bai Yuan's hands, there can't be any alive mouth. Maybe it has been reduced to an experimental object for a long time. "If you don't believe it, tonight you'll say you want to video with your wife to see if they will agree."

Bit's face suddenly turned pale. His wife was from G City, and his daughter was a beautiful half blood baby. How could he forget that Bai Yuan was in the laboratory of G city. At this moment, his heart seemed to stop and he looked up slightly, "do you have the photos of the 48 dead? I want to have a look...

his voice is very hoarse, and he is very nervous before peeping into the truth.

Rong Lang suddenly sympathized with the male craze, and immediately asked the police in G city to pass the photos of the 48 victims, and then put them in front of bit.

Bit looked at the two familiar faces above. His chest suddenly hurt violently. His face was pale like paper. "How did he die?"

Rong Lang probably guessed that his wife and daughter were in it, and sighed, "he was taken as an experimental object, and was tortured to death. If you read these, you still want to work for Baiyuan. Whatever you want."

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The dead people actually can't see the real face, because the rot is so bad, the data is still known through DNA comparison.

Bit roared on the top, like an angry Beast, tears big big big drop down, suddenly crazy like to rush out, but was stopped by the ink rain.

"What do you want? Do you want to fight with Bai Yuan? Now you are not his opponent at all. If you die, who will revenge them? Biti, you won't really be so brainless

His daughter was only five years old and very cute. He and his wife met each other when they were on duty. They almost knew each other at a glance. They immediately held a wedding ceremony and had a baby daughter the next year. It was only because of the particularity of his work that he seldom got together with them Together, until they were kidnapped, and then he put himself into the camp there. He always wanted to see his wife and daughter again. Unexpectedly, they had been tortured in the laboratory...

at this time, the thick ink rain felt a little sympathy for this man, but this is the world. What's more, their identity does not allow them to live like ordinary people."Take care of your mood and follow us on the mission."

Bit did not speak, a person quietly stayed in place, as if all the strength had been drained, and Rong Lang and Mo Yu left here and went to Luliang City.

"That's what you did with it?"

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Lu Liangcheng didn't have much sympathy, but after experiencing Qin Sangyu's kidnapping, he felt a little sympathy for this man. But bit's brain was so simple that he didn't want to take him with him.

"A defeated man, his hatred is very strong. I think we can take him with him. After so many years of training, bit's ability is no worse than ours!"

At last, the three men planned again. Finally, they agreed to take bit with them. Bit became very quiet and did not inquire about their plans as before. In the evening, they would report the wrong information there. It was a smoke bomb.

"Their fever will arrive tomorrow night. It's about seven o'clock in the evening. At the bar nearest to here, people from the pharmaceutical factory will arrive in advance. Then we will find the factory director himself, and then we will swap him with Bai Yuan's people."

After making a close plan, several people fell asleep, only bit did not sleep, looking at the ceiling of the room, showing a faint smile.

It seems that the three idiots were completely cheated by him. It's a pity that they will die in that bar tomorrow night!

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