"Moyu, I'll go outside and call someone in. You'll wait here later, knock him out, and make the mask right away. We don't have much time. The longer we delay in this, the more suspicious they will be."

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Rong Lang said while walking outside, successfully led a man in, while Mo Yu and Lu Liangcheng stayed inside to make masks.

When the masks of the three men had been made, they went outside. Instead of going to the original corner, they changed places and each served a glass of wine.

"This is my Rong Lang swearing on one side. Seeing Lu Liangcheng's back injured, I feel guilty.

"What now?"

"I can't go back to the manor. It's estimated that there will be a mess there. Now there are only three of us left. If I didn't guess wrong, the foreign contacts would have betrayed us long ago, and those who did not betray would have died. Now going back to the manor is a suicide."

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Luliang City gasped for breath. The river water was too sharp and shivering.

"Come on, go to my industry first. I have my own territory here."

Rong Lang wanted to support Lu Liangcheng, but was thrown away by Lu Liangcheng. "I'm not a serious injury."

"Cut, I don't want to serve you!"

They are still the same as before. Mo Yu looks at Lu Liangcheng's back with worry. He soaked in the water. If he can't deal with it well, it's easy to get inflamed. His lips wriggle a few times, and finally he doesn't say anything and follows them.

Three people walk to the point of ronglang, is a small apartment, but inside the equipment is very complete.

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Mo Yu immediately found the medicine box and cut off the clothes on Lu Liangcheng's back. Seeing the burnt black skin, he frowned, "boss, I'm going to help you cut off the rotten meat. You can't bear it a little bit."

Rong Lang see their appearance, it is some can't stand, "come on, hurry up, look at the sensational appearance of your whole, if you don't know, you think Lu Liangcheng is going to die."

Mo Yu angrily stares at Rong Lang, comes out to carry out the task, the most taboo is this dead word, this person in the end does not understand.

In fact, he didn't know that ronglang was impatient, but he couldn't spit out any good words, especially for Luliang City.

Now it's late at night here, but G city is sunny. After the last ghost threat, Qin Sangyu took a rest for several days to come out. Now the Bai family has disappeared and the evil ghost has died. No one can threaten her in G city for the time being. As soon as the weather is good, she is in a good mood and goes to the place where Lu Xiao lives now.

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Lu Xiao lives with baijue. When she enters the door, she sees green plants everywhere in the villa and is shocked by the warm scene. This is not like baijue's style. Moreover, she also sees baijue wearing an apron, which seems to be cooking soup in the kitchen.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really can't believe what Bai Jue looks like now. Lu Xiao, you are really good at training men."

Lu Xiao touches her stomach and chuckles. Where can she teach? In fact, Bai Jue is a very gentle man.

"Qin Sangyu, you come here. Lu Xiao is not convenient now. Tell me what fruit you want to eat. I'll wash it for you here."

Bai Jue poked out a head in the kitchen, which was completely to put Lu Xiaochong in the sky. Lu Xiao was embarrassed and roared angrily, "where is that exaggeration? Is it not pregnant with a child?! I can do things like fruit washing! "

Qin Sangyu is more or less at ease when she sees how they are getting along with each other. She was worried that Su Jiaoyang's affairs would lead to estrangement between them. Now it seems that her worries are superfluous, and people love each other very much.

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Bai Jue Ma Liu washed the fruit and put it on the tea table. "If you have a baby, don't move around. It's better to sit down. If you want to go out, I'll accompany you out for a walk later."

Looking at Bai Jue's appearance, Lu Xiao would like to take Lu Xiao as his own eyeball. Lu Xiao's face turned red, and he took a look at Qin Sangyu. Suddenly, he chuckled, "that's what he is. Make a mountain out of a molehill. Don't worry about him."

Qin Sangyu also felt a little funny, but still seriously charged a few words, "pregnant children do need to pay more attention, he is also for your good, men, the first time when a father is like this, very nervous."

Qin Sangyu suddenly wants to know what Lu Liangcheng looks like as a father. The man has been clamoring for children. She decides that when the other party comes back, she will seize the time to have a baby.

"Lu Liangcheng has gone abroad recently. Can't you sleep? In the past, I knew something about his work. It was very dangerous. Now that he has a family, he should think about things with you. He can't continue to do such a task. You should persuade him. "

"He said that he would retire after coming back this time. This is his responsibility. I can't force him. Lu Xiao, the greater one's ability, the greater the responsibility. I can only try my best to understand him and hope he won't get hurt."

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