White rose sneered and didn't speak any more. Rong Lang was treated like this by the second person. The first was Lu Liangcheng, and the second was Bai rose. His nose was crooked. But he thought that he was still in the task. There was no way but to keep the resentment in the bottom of his heart.

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"In ten minutes, the auction will start. Ronglang, after I change the antidote, you remember to pretend to be a waiter and take out the antidote. Mo Yu, you are responsible for dispersing the bodyguards around Baiyuan and breaking their formation. Lu Liangcheng, I have heard that you are a great sniper. Whether you can kill Bai Yuan this time depends on your shooting skill."

White rose is still as confident as she just met, and she has arranged all her plans. Lu Liangcheng actually thinks so, but she says it first, and her mouth is crooked. "You just need to do your own work well, and leave the rest to me."

Soon, the charity dinner started. All the people who came to the scene donated something. They would auction here, and the money from the auction would be donated to the welfare home.

White rose, wearing a tight white skirt, went up and took the microphone. First, she expressed her gratitude to the people who donated things. Then she introduced a lot of big people. After the salute, the auction officially began.

Because they were all things that Luliang City didn't need, so they didn't pay much attention at the beginning. When approaching the antidote, white rose looked at him, far away.

White rose is very beautiful. As soon as she goes up, many men begin to whistle, but there are many big people here. No matter how much you like beauty in your bones, you have to take it easy at this time.

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The prince of M has been staring at white rose in a daze. When he noticed her haughty waist, he only felt that he had been slapped by someone in his heart. The woman was so beautiful that she was like a goddess coming down to earth. He could only think of this word, so he could not move his eyes when staring at white rose all the time, as if he had been under a spell.

The antidote was brought up. White rose saw what was under the red curtain, and her mouth bent. "This thing was donated by a mysterious person. The other party didn't want to disclose her name. As usual, there was no reserve price, and the higher price would get."

People at the bottom are all talking about it. Who are the mysterious people and why they don't want to reveal their names?

White rose took advantage of everyone in the conversation, quietly changed the antidote, and then put the similar liquid on it. The real antidote was put in the small bag on her waist.

"You can start bidding. Mysterious people have said that this is a magic treasure, which can bring infinite wealth to a person. Only those who understand can know what it is."

The factory director sitting in the field was already eager to try, which was the antidote he was thinking of. The old man Bai Yuan was really brave enough to ask him to trade in such a place. It was a good feeling under people's eyes.

"A million dollars."

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Because there is no low price, people who bid at the beginning dare not put the price too high. Moreover, no one can see what it is, and all the people present are shaking their heads.

"Three million dollars!"

When the factory director offered a price, his face was full of potential. All the people here knew his identity. Now, seeing that this man had offered, he thought that it might be a good thing, so he made a price. The price was raised to 10 million US dollars all the way, and there was a trend of pause.

"Fifteen million dollars!"

The director of the factory looked at the young man who had been arguing with him. Did the man know what was on it? What could he buy for millions of dollars, he was carried to 15 million by the other party.

Rong Lang was the one who made the price with him. At this time, the real antidote was already in Rong Lang's hands. However, he was willing to cooperate with people like Bai Yuan, which proved that the factory director was just a mercenary villain. In order to make money and ignore the safety of others' lives, he had to tear off a layer of skin from each other today.

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"20 million dollars."

Because I know that the factory director will definitely auction the antidote today, no matter how high he will raise the price in the end, the factory director will follow up. As the host of this time, white rose will take a commission from the goods sold at the auction. The higher the auction price is, the greater the profit she will get. Therefore, she is happy to see Rong Lang contradict each other.

However, Bai Yuan is not happy. He just wants to finish everything here as soon as possible. When the pharmaceutical factory makes the antidote on a large scale, he can release the virus himself. At that time, the whole human race will usher in a disaster. He has no time to waste in such a place.

"Find out the identity of that man. If he leaves here and kills him in the middle of the way, I don't want anyone to disturb my plan."

Before the ink rain broke up Bai Yuan's bodyguards, Bai Yuan sent two bodyguards to ronglang's side.

"You've already angered Baiyuan. He asked two bodyguards to come to you. Take care of yourself. Don't be bullied."

The bodyguards' assassination is terrible. If ronglang doesn't notice the two men around him in the next time, he will surely die. Therefore, Lu Liangcheng, who uses the sniper gun, kindly reminds him.

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"I don't need you to say it. It's just two small minions. Hum.""These two little minions are number one on the list of killers. If you are careless, don't cry later."

I heard that people ranked first. Rong Lang didn't dare to be careless. He saw one of the men put his hand into his pocket. The tiger's body shook and bent over. A bullet was sent out immediately and fell in front of him. If he flashed slowly, he would have died just now.

Ronglang was frightened out of a cold sweat by their hands. However, the two did not guess that ronglang could escape. One assassination was no good. They would not make a second attempt here. Although it was a silencing gun, if the bullets were fired again, it would certainly cause panic on the scene. At that time, the whole dinner party would be white tiger by the army, which was not conducive to their plan.

Rong Lang saw that the two men were about to leave here and return to Baiyuan. He knew that Luliang City was going to snipe Baiyuan. If they did go back, they would cause some trouble to sniper. So he raised his hand.

"Sorry, I'll go to the bathroom first. My auction is not over yet. I hope you can wait."

The white rose on the stage said a few words appropriately, but in fact, she bit her teeth. She always felt that the man looked at her strangely. I don't know if it was her illusion. Damn it, was it because she was wearing too sexy today?

White rose has always been confident in her appearance and figure, and she has been sticking to aerobic exercise for so many years, showing young and energetic.

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