If you really want to be a powerful role, how can this person dare not take people home? Ha ha, it is obvious that it is a disgrace!

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"Su Mo, don't think we don't know that you are helping Qin Sangyu. If her husband is really a character, how can we not know Qin Sangyu? Don't say these words to scare us. Su family's company is now in the top ten. You say Qin Sangyu doesn't like what we are fighting for. Can't she be the first president's wife of Tiancheng Joke

Su Mo picks eyebrows and thinks that people are really, but he is too lazy to argue with this group of people. If you don't believe it, you will not believe it. Anyway, there will be a day when he will fight.

The old man has been rubbing his temple. The situation is very bad. If his granddaughter hadn't been found back, he would be too happy to die. Otherwise, looking at the current situation of the Su family, he would like to step into the coffin immediately, so as not to see these people again. He seems to have never felt comfortable in his life!!

"Sangyu, you and Xiaomo go to see your father later, and then go back. You can see the current situation of the Su family. My grandfather really doesn't want to stay in this place. You are pregnant with a child and need to have a good pregnancy. He must be worried about you. My grandfather is really confused. What do you want to come back for at this time?"

The old man said that he was a bit self reproached, but his body was no longer good at this time. Seeing his granddaughter was his obsession over the years. Now that people have seen him, he has nothing to worry about. It's better to go back earlier.

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Qin Sangyu was about to say something, but Su Mo held his sleeve. Su Mo couldn't stand the atmosphere here. It was a wrong decision to bring Qin Sangyu back. Fortunately, the children in her stomach had no problems, otherwise he would have to kill those men.

"What are you doing, brother?"

She was pulled away from there, thinking about leaving her grandfather to the wolves, and she turned to go back. "I agree with my grandfather. You'd better go to see the man and leave here. Lu Liangcheng must be worried about you. Now the uncle has already tried to attack the child in your stomach. This time she has escaped. What about the next time, Qin Sangyu, you It's impossible that luck will always be so good and obedient. "

Qin Sangyu heard him talking about the man. It seemed that he was just a stranger. She pursed her lips. Although everyone was saying that the man was not good, she was really curious about what her father looked like. She was prepared for the situation and got on Su Mo's car.

The car quickly stopped in front of another apartment. Su Mo pulled her up and went to the front and back of a door and took out the one in her pocket. If the door was opened, the room was clean and spacious. There was a man sitting in the wheelchair. Because of the continuous treatment, now the whole person was haggard. When he saw Su Mo coming, he seemed to see nothing strange However, his eyes stopped for a few seconds on Qin Sangyu's face, and then slightly staggered his own line of sight.

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"Xiaomo, is this your girlfriend? It's good. Xiaomo, you're going to get married."

There is no facial expression on the man's face. It is probably the beauty that has been immersed for many years. It seems that the body is empty, and it can be broken if you pinch it gently.

Su Mo's face was full of sarcasm, "Dad, can't you see who this person looks like? Don't you like that woman so much? Can't you see that her facial features are very similar to her? "

The man was stiff, and then he raised his head again. He had not seen the woman for many years, so he didn't really remember the moment he saw Qin Sangyu. Now, after su Mo's reminding, he pulled his mouth and said, "it's you. The child I lost at the beginning. I thought you died, but I didn't expect to live well."

A father, for his daughter, a long time to see, there is no surprise, but a light regret, it seems that he really wanted her to die.

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Qin Sangyu is not angry. To be honest, she doesn't really feel much about the Su family. Except for Su Mo and her grandfather, others are strangers to her, even the man in front of her.

Like the owner of this family, she walked around the room and found that the environment here is really good, suitable for the elderly. It seems that although the old man thinks the son is not competitive, he does not treat him badly.

"It's a pity that I not only didn't die, but also married someone. Now I'm pregnant and live a good life, but it's you who have mixed up like this."

The man seems to be stabbed in the heart, suddenly want to stand up, eyes staring at Qin Sangyu, "I mixed up like this?! Do you know that your mother is responsible for me? That cheap woman cheated me! I rolled the bed sheet with my lover. Maybe you are not my child. Maybe you are just a wild seed. When the Su family asked me to look for you, I deliberately didn't go, because in my heart, you are a wild seed! I don't have a daughter like you! Your mother is a bitch, too

The more the man scolds, the more excited he is. Finally, his face is twisted. His life is not as good as death these years. It is the woman who hurt him!!

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Qin Sangyu's brow frowned. What's the matter with this man? His own nature is not good. He regards love as everything. Now how to put all the responsibility on a woman's body, with her lips pursed and no words, she already knows that this man has gastric cancer, and he can't live for long. In today's society, gastric cancer can't be cured There's something to die for.So for the man's speech, she did not argue, saw Su Mo's expression is not very good, know each other is very sad, reached out to pat his shoulder, "in fact, I come not to see him are the same, this man has not saved, he did not know how unfilial he is, until now is still in the original resentment, I do not want to give him a father, brother, you don't live Qi, we went back to Su's house and took grandpa to G city for the elderly. Anyway, you have your own career in G city. Even if these people really want to, they can't get your head, let them bite the dog. "

Qin Sangyu was not polite to speak. In her view, the Su family is now a large dog house. Everyone is protecting the food in their mouth. They have long been unable to see any family relationship, and the old man has not been assimilated.

Su Mo slowly closed his eyes. At the beginning, he was a little bit expecting the man. He hoped that he could change his own life and pay attention to the family again. But he waited so many years and saw more and more terrible, and the man had always stood up.

"Dad, do you know why mom was giving birth to other people?"

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