"Xiaomo, let's go to the practice room. You haven't gone there with me for a long time."

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Su Hua suddenly got up and tidied up her clothes and said that both of them would go to the practice room to fight in the past, but Su Mo went to G city not long ago, so they did not fight for a long time.

Su Mo didn't doubt anything. When he got up, he would follow him. However, Qin Sangyu grabbed the other sleeve. Qin Sangyu's voice was very light, but it still passed into Su Mo's ear. "Brother, remember the oath you made."

Su Mo thought about it for a moment and understood that it was about her mother. She could not tell the secret to other people, even her elder brother. "Don't worry, I'll keep my mouth shut."

Qin Sangyu released his hand and cast his eyes on the TV. The old man could see clearly the interaction between them, and gave Su Hua a look. Su Hua quickly pulled Su Mo away.

"Sangyu, have you eaten outside? How is the food there? You've just come here and you've got a baby. Aren't you used to it? "

Qin Sangyu knows that the old man is looking for a topic to chat with himself, so he can talk with him or not.

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Pregnant women are prone to drowsiness. After talking for half an hour, she felt sleepy and yawned, with tears in the corners of her eyes.

Su Laozi saw her like this, quickly waved his hand, "you go upstairs to rest, don't wear yourself out, Su Mo mischievous, you don't follow him mischievous, pregnant, in the diet must pay more attention to, outside things don't eat, grandfather is very worried about you."

Qin Sangyu nodded all the time. Finally, he felt that he was really a little unable to hold on. He was about to stand up. "Grandfather, I'm really sleepy. I'll go upstairs to sleep first. You'll have an early rest. Isn't the doctor's suggestion that you should sleep more?"

The old man nodded, his face was smiling, "I also want to practice calligraphy and painting in the study."

On the other side of the practice room, Su Mo and Su Hua are practicing boxing crazily. They come and go, just like they are on the real battlefield. Men in the big family have been trained by special masters since childhood. They are much better than ordinary people in fighting.


Their fists collided in the air, and both seemed to have a spark, but they didn't seem to hurt at all. Then they lay on the floor, panting.

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Su Hua looked at the ceiling quietly and thought of the task that the old man had given him. He felt that the time was almost over. Then she asked, "Xiaomo, what I'm going to ask you next, don't hide it from me, and answer truthfully."

Su Mo's heart trembled and wanted to know what this man wanted to ask, but he had already vowed with Qin Sangyu that some things would not be told to anyone.

"Brother, if you have anything you want to ask, just tell me."

"Why did you and Qin Sangyu go to see that man? You know that my grandfather didn't like that man. It was because of him that our Su family got to this point. Did you forget about your mother's affairs? "

Su Hua's voice is full of pain, but Su Mo is not comfortable. It seems that this person also listened to those rumors, so he came to question him at this time.

"Brother, my mother is not such a person at all. When she had a car accident, I was the first one to rush to the scene. She said why she wanted to give birth to others. Brother, you haven't got along with your mother, so don't listen to other people's words. They are all nonsense!"

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Su Hua's eyes were deep. Of course, he knew that those people were talking nonsense. But why did Su Mo doubt about this matter? Was it because Qin Sangyu came and came, did they find something?

"Then why did you go to see the man?"

Su Mo carefully considered the problem and found that he could tell Su Hua about it. Qin Sangyu did not say that he had to keep it secret.

"Because sang Yu wanted to see her mother's picture, I searched at home and found no picture. You know, the things of her mother were almost burned at first. Now the Su family has not left anything of her. I think that man is so infatuated that he should have a picture of her mother, so I took Sangyu to the past."

Su Hua's eyes narrowed slowly, because they were lying on the floor with their heads to their heads. Su Mo couldn't see his expression at all. He was talking about himself.

Su Mo's life has been very mischievous in recent years. Because of the affairs of the Su family, he has never wanted to stay in this family, so he has become a killer and makes money by assassinating. Although this method is very wild, at least he can escape from the Su family. This elder brother has been quietly supporting him all the time, and has saved his life many times. He is 100% to this elder brother Trusted.

"Why did Qin Sangyu suddenly think of looking at her mother's picture? Did he not tell you anything when you went to find that man?"

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Su Mo's heart slightly some doubts, how could this person ask so much today, but he still answered.

"That man did say something, which is different from the rumor we usually hear. I thought my mother had actually given birth to the man at the beginning, but the fact is, the child is not a man. I still don't understand who the mother is when the newborn child is, and who the rumor was first spread. If you don't understand these things Problem, I'm really uncomfortable in my heart. "Su Hua's fist has been slowly clenched. It seems that the younger brother knows more than he imagined, "and what else, do you just see this? I see Qin Sangyu's expression, it seems that he knows something wonderful. Xiaomo, are you hiding from me

Su Hua's tone is aggressive. Su Mo knows that this is a symbol of his anger. Although he doesn't know why he is angry, he will never say anything about his mother's still alive.

"Brother, there's really nothing else except this. You know, sang Yu is still pregnant with a child. Where does she have the energy to toss around so much? The guy in Lu Liangcheng calls a dozen times a day to ask her to take good care of herself. She is not so interested in the affairs of the Su family. After all, she married Lu Liangcheng, and she has no interest in the property of the Su family, waiting for grandfather's If she gets better, she will return home. When I came back today, I heard that she and Lu Liangcheng were discussing the matter of returning home. "

This is the first time that Su Mo lied, and his face was not red and his heart was not beating. If he lied at ordinary times, Su Hua would certainly have heard it. But tonight, Su Hua was not calm, and Su Mo was much better than before. So for a while, he didn't realize that this man was lying.

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