The old man quickly made a good policy in his mind. After making sure that Qin Sangyu probably would not say anything that was really equivalent to the Su family, he bent his mouth and said, "treat those who are delicious and have a good drink. Don't worry about other things. I believe Qin Sangyu is not a fool. She has her own sense of propriety. Now she has no feelings for the Su family and no feelings for me. I believe that she will not deal with things Let's go. When they leave, the Su family will be at peace. "

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What the old man really thought was right. Qin Sangyu didn't regard herself as the Su family at the beginning. Apart from caring about Su Mo, she didn't care about the rest of the Su family. If the old man didn't take the initiative to take measures, she would leave here with Lu Liangcheng and never come back.

The next morning, everyone got up early and sat on the sofa below. Uncle Lu always wanted to find time to have a good chat with Lu Liangcheng these days. It was better to talk about some business matters. However, Lu Liangcheng was always stuck with Qin Sangyu, and his arm was broken by Qin Sangyu. If Lu Liangcheng asked, Qin Sangyu told the truth He didn't flatter, maybe he would be hated, so he didn't have time to flatter.

The second aunt was also very anxious. Seeing that the day had passed, Lu Liangcheng still did not say a word with Su Meng. This was something that had never happened before. She had always believed in her daughter's charm. At school, many boys would send her love letters. The Su family occasionally held banquets. Her daughter was also the most dazzling one because of this The uncle's family still held a grudge against them for a long time, saying that they stole the limelight.

Su Meng took advantage of everyone's inattention, slipped into the kitchen, and found that the nanny was making tea for everyone, just like yesterday, with the corners of her mouth bent, "show me if there is jasmine tea left. I don't want to drink this any more. I want to change my taste."

"Miss Su, wait a minute. I'll take this pot of tea to the guests."

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The nanny bent down and said, but Su Meng was very impatient, "if you want to find me, you can find it. If you want to talk about what you are doing, say one more word, and be careful that I will fire you directly."

Su Meng was so unreasonable in the Su family. No matter whether she was wrong or not, to be exact, she never realized her mistake. When she saw the nanny bending down to look for jasmine tea, she took out the things in her hands, put them into the teapot, stirred them for a few times, and cleared her throat only when she was sure that she would not be seen.

"Well, bring it to the guests. I don't want to drink tea again."

Nanny saw Su Meng's appearance, although wronged in the heart, but also had to bow to the teapot, and then went to the side of the tea table.

There is a family of liangbo and sanbo in Liangcheng.

When Lu Liangcheng saw the teapot being brought over, he poured himself a cup. He found that Qin Sangyu was also pouring tea and patted her hand. "You can't drink indiscriminately. I'll open a bag of milk for you later. Good, or I'll be angry."

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Qin Sangyu's mouth was shriveled. Although she didn't want to drink tea in her heart, she didn't mean that she didn't want to drink tea. Even if she poured it, she would drink it occasionally, just like sunflower seeds.

Lu Liangcheng knew that Qin Sangyu was just greedy and wanted to drink it when he saw others drinking. So she stopped her in time. But Su Meng was worried. She added the things she bought. If Qin Sangyu didn't drink, everything would be in vain.

"It's good for pregnant women to drink tea. Qin Sangyu, you'd better have some. I think your lips are cracked."

Last night, Lu Liangcheng was afraid that Qin Sangyu would be cold, so he turned on the air conditioner. After all, he was pregnant with a child. Now he is very careful about everything. So he has been short of water all night. Qin Sangyu's lips are really dry.

Lu Liangcheng saw her lips, immediately got up to take the milk in the refrigerator, specially warmed it, and then put it in front of her, "drink warm milk, darling."

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Qin Sangyu has always listened to Lu Liangcheng's words. Especially after she was pregnant, she really wanted to drink some tea, but seeing Lu Liangcheng's concern for the baby in her stomach, she took warm milk and drank it in a big way.

Su Meng looked more and more anxious. Finally, he poured a cup of tea into the cup and put it in front of Qin Sangyu. "This is the best tea. My grandfather specially serves you. We usually drink coffee. Do you really not taste it?"

Qin Sangyu had been very surprised, why Su Meng was so attentive this morning, but now seeing the sweat on her face, she suddenly had a bold idea that maybe something was put down in the tea.

Su Meng has never done such a thing before. After all, she can't get what she wants, so she disdains to use other means. However, she has encountered many obstacles here in Luliang City, and she has such an idea. She wants to rob people. Now she finds that Qin Sangyu doesn't touch tea at all. She has already begun to worry. As soon as she is worried, she starts to flow on her face Sweat.

"The temperature is not very high this morning, but Su Meng, how are you sweating all over your face? Have you done something bad for fear that others will find out?"

Qin Sangyu forced to ask. Seeing Su Meng's frightened eyes, she is very sure that the tea must have been drugged. The corners of her mouth are hooked up and her face is full of storms. She can pretend that she can't see this person's mind. However, when people move their hands and feet to her stomach, she will never show mercy."Husband, go to a doctor and come here. I want to know what is in the tea and why Miss Su is so panicked. If I guess right, I hope you can find a good lawyer, because I will tell the whole story and put you in prison."

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As soon as the word "prison" came out, Su Meng was in a panic. She raised her hand and wanted to knock over the tea. However, Mo Yu caught it quickly and put the teapot in her own hand. Everyone noticed that Su Meng was wrong. Even the second aunt began to worry. The child should not have done anything in the tea.

"Mengmeng, you should not really have done something in the tea. You child, how could you be so confused? Please apologize to Sang Yu, or your mother can't help you today."

The second aunt was stupid in other aspects, but she was smart today. As long as she first asked Su Meng to apologize and said it was a joke between children, and then it would be difficult for Su Meng to find a lawyer, this matter could be changed into a big one and a small one.

However, her cleverness does not mean that her daughter is in the same hurry as her. Su Meng has been tortured crazy by Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng these two days. Now she finds that her mask has been torn open, which reveals her original face completely.

"I've done something about it. So what, Qin Sangyu, will you really send me to jail?"

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