The eyebrows as like as two peas were all creased together. Before that, he thought that this thing was over. After all, the white man died, but after he died, there was a massive death in some place. And the death and the virus caused the death of people alike. This made him wonder whether he had left the white yuan before.

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"Are you sure?"

Lu Liangcheng asked lightly, such a thing, we must be 100% sure before we dare to report it, or it will only cause panic. What's more, the place where things happen now is small African countries, which are thousands of miles away from them. There is no need to use this to make the head ache for the time being.

"I'm not sure yet, but we happen to have someone on a mission in that country. Let me ask you what to do with the news."

"If it is a virus, it will be very dangerous there. Let him withdraw quickly. Once the virus is verified, the country will definitely close the country. We all know the horror of that virus. If it is later, no matter what your identity is, you can't get out."

Lu Liangcheng's face began to be serious. Before, he thought that what Mo Yu had reported was just a small matter. Now it seems that the follow-up problems are very serious.

"I see. I'll get him back in a minute."

Mo Yu didn't think of this problem before. Now he was reminded by Lu Liangcheng and was in a cold sweat. Indeed, if it is really a virus, according to the practices of those big men in the world, it must be to reduce the spread of the virus. Naturally, everything around will be sealed and no one is allowed to enter.

When Mo Yu left, Lu Liangcheng fell into a deep thought, thinking whether he had missed something. If the virus really spread, it would prove that there was an accomplice of the white master outside, but they had not paid attention to this accomplice before, sighed. He really didn't want to leave Qin Sangyu at this time. The child in Qin Sangyu's belly is still too young. If he was out there Noodles have three long and two short, but how to do.

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Qin Sangyu doesn't know all this. She sleeps soundly in her own room. She begins to have some strange dreams in her head, with sweat on her forehead. In the dream, there is always an old man's face. She doesn't know who the old man is, but it makes her feel strange.

When she woke up, she rubbed her head and found that Lu Liangcheng was not in the room. She wanted to go out to find someone. But she heard the noise coming from the window. She turned her head and looked at it, but there was nothing. I don't know if it was the reason why she was too sensitive recently.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo."

Outside the wind has been blowing, as if it is going to rain, she called a Luliang City, heard the footsteps outside the door, knew that he was coming.

Lu Liangcheng opened the door and carried a cup of coffee. He had just bathed in the smell. He wanted to take advantage of this person's sleep and go to the kitchen to deal with some things. As a result, he just sat down and heard her voice.

"What's the matter? Had a nightmare, didn't you? "

Qin Sangyu's forehead is cold sweat. Looking at this man, he finally put down his heart, nodded lightly, and suddenly hugged him. "I dreamed of a very obscene old man, and I don't know his name. It's really strange how it can appear in my dream, frightening me, and can't wake up if I want to wake up."

Lu Liangcheng patted her on the shoulder. "It's normal to dream of strangers, and I often do. Don't think about it."

Qin Sangyu nodded, closed his eyes, heard the thunder outside, knew it was going to rain, "you go to close the window, it's going to rain."

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Lu Liangcheng went to the window, closed the window and drew the curtain by the way.


A black figure suddenly fell down on his side, and the pungent smell of blood was floating in the whole room.


the man just vomited out such a word, and then he fainted. Qin Sangyu finally knew why he had just heard the noise of the window. It should be this man. How could he come to the villa or was he seriously injured? Was he chased into their room? However, there are guards around the villa, and this man can come in with serious injuries, and his skill is excellent.

"Who is this man?"

Qin Sangyu stood up and hid behind Luliang City, who shook his head and called Mo Yu to come in.

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Mo Yu carried the man downstairs, and then called the doctor. Fortunately, several people's psychological quality is relatively strong, otherwise in the rainy night, I would be scared to death.

The doctor treated the man's wounds and found that he had not only new injuries, but also many old ones, such as being abused for a long time.

"Let's cure it first. Mo Yu, you look good. Don't let him run away. Ask him about his origin. Aunt Zhang, you ask someone to clean my room. Qin Sangyu is pregnant now. I don't want her to smell blood."

"Yes, Mr. Lu."

Aunt Zhang immediately took a few agile maids up, just met Qin Sangyu down, still very slightly bulging stomach.

"Husband, do you know his identity?"

Qin Sangyu worried asked, she now has a baby, really don't want to happen anything, just want to live in peace, but there are such men into their home, if there is trouble to do."I'll ask Mo Yu to check. Don't worry."

Lu Liangcheng saw her face full of anxiety and sighed, "don't think about everything bad. Maybe it's just a lost person. If there's something really, we'll have to wait until he wakes up."

Qin Sangyu rubs her temples. She has been bothered by these things in G city for a long time. When she is about to give birth, can you let her stop a little.

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"Husband, if you find out his identity, let me know."

She sat down on the sofa, this time did not have the mind to sleep, fixed on the ceiling, thought for a while, took the remote control to turn on the TV.

TV is still playing the latest news that a couple's car fell into the water. Two people had not survived. The police suspect he killed, but they could not find the suspect. So the news went on for several days and was still being brought out.

Qin Sangyu didn't pay attention to this before. Now when he saw the dead man who had been coded, he always felt that the clothes they were wearing were very familiar to him. On second thought, it was not the second uncle and the second aunt. They frowned and immediately picked up the mobile phone and called Su mo.

"Brother, did you watch TV? The second uncle and the second aunt are dead."

Su Mo is coax Sheng Sheng Sheng to sleep, this time is in the balcony to answer the phone, "I know, it was su Hua who did it, he called me two days ago."

Qin Sangyu suddenly didn't know what to say. Although the second aunt and the second uncle were really damned, they didn't even have to collect the corpse. It was really a pity, "what did he call you for? Is it hard for him to remember the last time? "

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