After Miao Miao got out of the company, she always wanted to find Linlin and explain the matter well. The best thing was to pour all the dirty water on Qin Sangyu. However, no matter how she called Linlin, there was no answer. The best thing was to put her in the black list. Miao Miao swore a few words in his heart, and then he received a call from home saying it was Dad Tu However, she was resigned and asked if she had made Linlin unhappy.

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Miao Miao tugged at the corner of her mouth. People in her family always hope that she will do everything possible to please Linlin, so that the family can get more benefits. They have never thought that girls of this age have self-esteem and follow a girl's buttocks for such a long time, She had long felt that she had no face. People outside said that she was a follower and had no future. Even if she went to a good university, she was just a flatterer in the eyes of others.

"Yes, there was a quarrel. I had long been unhappy with her. Now I see another woman. I don't want to bear it. I've endured it like a turtle with a shrinking head. You don't care about my feelings. Only the interests of my family will always come to mind."

"Miao Miao, how can you be so disobedient? Linlin is your miss, you are the maid, You should serve the young lady well. You can't be childish. Your father is old. No one wants to find another job now. He can only be a driver. Do you know how high it is to work as a driver in her home. You should come back and apologize to Linlin. We have to take you in today's bet! "

Miao Miao hung up the phone impatiently, and suddenly looked up at Tiancheng on her head. She remembered Qin Sangyu's face. In fact, she hated Qin Sangyu very much, because this woman was just an unpopular girl. She heard that she was often bullied by others when she was at home. Now she began to squeeze employees like them when she was climbing a high branch She, how could she be resigned? If she didn't retaliate against each other, the evil spirit in her heart would be blocked forever. It was really miserable.

However, Qin Sangyu didn't care about these things. Now for her, the most important thing is to take good care of the children in her stomach. She sat in the office for a while, feeling a bit bored. She took the newspaper beside her and began to sleep. Her eyes were slightly narrowed. The spring outside was beautiful and there was a place for lovers to stay. This feeling was really good.

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After sleeping for a while, she felt that her mobile phone was shaking. When she picked it up, it was Ruan Hongzhuang, who had not seen her for a long time. She said she was going to stay here for a while. She heard that she was pregnant and wanted to come and have a look.

Qin Sangyu is now worried that there is no one to accompany her to play with. If Ruan Hongzhuang comes here, she can ask her how to have a baby, so she won't be in a hurry.

"Where are you? I'll pick you up. "

"At the airport, today's people are really dead. Oh, my arms are all sour, and my mother's delicate makeup is so hard to change. It's just like this. Damn it."

Ruan Hongzhuang's temperament is still as hot as before. Qin Sangyu listens here and laughs all the time. Finally, she goes downstairs and says hello to Lu Liangcheng.

When she drove to the airport, she saw Ruan Hongzhuang sitting outside, wearing a big hat. She was probably afraid that she would be recognized. She was wrapped up all over her body.

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"Didn't Julio come with you? It's strange that the follower is sticking

"If she comes along, who will take care of the children? I'm really bored by that little guy at home, babbling every day. I heard that you're pregnant, and I insist on seeing you, but I'm here on vacation. It's too painful to take care of the children. I'd better leave everything to him."

Ruan Hongzhuang has already got on the car at this time, and is still muttering. It seems that she was hurt by the children's affairs, "won't your mother-in-law say you?"

Although Ruan Hongzhuang's mother-in-law are very sensible people, but for such a woman who leaves her children alone and goes on holiday, she should not have any tolerance heart?

"They have a good temper and like children very much. When I was there, the child would stick to me, and they would cry if they hugged me. They just wanted me to hold them. My parents in law wanted me to leave quickly. They said that I wanted to cultivate feelings with my great grandson. I was very happy. They immediately said that they would come to G city to look for you. They promised that they would go out for a walk after giving birth to the baby, otherwise they would Get postpartum depression. "

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Qin sang Yu saw Ruan red makeup, which was full of Tucao's face, and kept smiling. The parents in law make complaints about the good wives. Julio is the most suitable woman for this woman.

"I think you have to give birth in August and September. If you have anything you don't know, you can ask me. I'm a stranger now."

"Yes, miss."

They came to Tiancheng all the way. When they stopped at the bottom of the building, Ruan looked up and said, "no matter how many times I saw this building, I would feel shocked. Alas, unfortunately, I didn't stay here for a long time. Lu Liangcheng is a very reliable boss."

Qin Sangyu knows what Ruan Hongzhuang is talking about. Ruan Hongzhuang signed a contract with Tiancheng at the beginning, but later, in the face of her friends, even if she broke the contract, the company did not pursue anything. Now she revisits the old place, and it is estimated that she has a lot of emotion.They went all the way to the top floor. It was not the first time for everyone to see Ruan Hongzhuang. It was said that the other party had already passed away and would not plan to film in the future. Now it is exciting to see real people. Many employees in Tiancheng are Ruan Hongzhuang fans, because Ruan Hongzhuang is one of the few stars with the least black material.

At the peak of their career, quit the entertainment industry, full-time at home with children, this courage, few people can do.

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Qin Sangyu and Ruan Hongzhuang came to the top floor and were about to push the door in. They heard what Lu Liangcheng and Moyu were saying. Their faces were very dignified.

"The second uncle hasn't woken up from that incident. It's said that he hasn't been to the army recently. Does the leader really want to send him out? He's not in very good shape

"Boss, it is said that only he is competent for such a task, or he will send you there, as well as ronglang and white rose. This is the most suitable person. But you have said not long ago that you will not take on any task any more. They think about it and think that they should let the second uncle deal with this matter."

Qin Sangyu stops outside. Ruan Hongzhuang wonders why this woman opens a crack in the door but doesn't push the door. She also gathers a head to come over.

"More and more people are dying there. Now they are saying that if they are sent to that place, there is only one way to die. Boss, you know the horror of the virus. Up to now, although we have antidote samples, no expert has been able to make antidotes. In terms of pharmacology, Bai Yuan is the world's top-notch, and many papers are published by him What he has made will be impossible for a while. "

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