However, she knew that she had used a lot of strength. At that time, she thought that she knew her woman's identity. So she didn't show any mercy. Who could have thought that someone else had just come out of the bathhouse, and she had not been to the bathhouse, how could she know that it was the bathhouse.

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The next few people did not speak, probably because they had solved their doubts for several years. Ronglang's meal was more delicious than usual. He added several bowls of rice, and even Aunt Zhang was praising him for being able to eat.

Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng have no appetite. They just take a few mouthfuls and finish. Qin Sangyu says they want to go to bed. When Lu Liangcheng sees that white rose and ronglang are still eating, they accompany her upstairs.

"I want to take a bath. I've been wearing too many clothes recently. It's warm again. It's easy to sweat up and down stairs."

Because she was pregnant, Lu Liangcheng has always been very careful about her. She can't wear only one coat. Every time, she will add another coat to her, which makes her feel cumbersome every time. Now, she even finds it hard to go up and down stairs.

"I'll go in and put some water for you."

Lu Liangcheng turned around and went into the bathroom, while Qin Sangyu came to the window sill. She saw a beautiful paper windmill. It was a red paper windmill. Recently, this thing would appear outside her window. She was afraid that Lu Liangcheng was worried. So she kept silent. Once she saw it, she would take it in immediately and throw it into the garbage can.

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Just like now, she reached out and took the paper windmill in. She found that the paper windmill had turned twice. It was a beautiful paper windmill. The way the windmill was folded was very skillful. However, in addition to its beauty, she only felt cold everywhere. How did the paper windmill get into her windowsill? Did someone watch her outside every day. It was clear that the guard around the villa was so tight, How did the man get in and stay so many times quietly.

She didn't even want to put the garbage in the bathroom when she heard it. Otherwise, she didn't want to put the garbage into the bathroom.

"The water is ready. Come in."

Lu Liangcheng's hand tried in the bathtub for a while, then pulled Qin Sangyu in and helped her take off her thick clothes. "Are you wearing too many clothes? I'm just afraid you catch a cold, your body bone is very bad, the doctor said during pregnancy must pay attention to, can't catch a cold

Qin Sangyu also knows that his body bone is not small, the nutrition did not keep up with when he was a child, so it is not easy to get pregnant. If something happens in the middle of the way, it is estimated that both of them will have to cry to death.

After she took off her clothes, she went into the bathtub and stayed. The whole person seemed to be wrapped up in warmth. Lu Liangcheng poured a little shower gel into her hands, and then took the bath ball to rub it into bubbles. Then she rubbed it carefully on her body.

Although Qin Sangyu didn't keep up with his nutrition when he was a child, his skin was very good. With a little exertion, he would have a large red mark, which made him heartache. However, every time she took a bath, she didn't know how to cherish herself and was used to rubbing her body with force. Therefore, her skin was always red after bathing.

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"Can you exert a little bit, it won't rub clean."

Maybe she is used to her own set of bathing mode. Now she is treated so gently by Lu Liangcheng. She really doesn't feel used to it and keeps her mouth curled.

"Shut up."

Lu Liangcheng lightly said these two words, still gently rubbing her body, probably feel almost, began to hold water for her to wash up.

Qin Sangyu fixed to look at him, suddenly moved his eyes, married for so long, he is so gentle, especially when doing things for her quietly, his face is full of tenderness, she has never doubted the man's love for himself, so when he made a difficult choice, although his heart was bitter, he still had to support him.

Out of the bathroom, she immediately lay down on the bed, "well, you go down, ronglang, they are still waiting for you, a good discussion of your plan, don't be in a hurry at that time, I have to sleep for a while, I always feel sleepy recently, Ruan Hongzhuang said right, pregnant people like to sleep."

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Lu Liangcheng nodded and went downstairs to find that Aunt Zhang had put away the dishes and chopsticks. He sat on the sofa and continued to discuss the topic with white rose.

But at noon, an unexpected person came over. It was the second uncle.

Seeing Lu Liangcheng and Rong Lang, Lu Xing sighed first, then sat down on the sofa, "I also said who is going to compete to complete this task. It's really you two little bunnies, Xiaocheng. This time it's uncle. I'm sorry. I was just stuck in my heart and wanted to go there, The old man said that it was you who carried out this task for me. Sangyu was still pregnant. I was really worried. "

Lu Xing's hair turned white in a short time. Ronglang, who was sitting next to him, was surprised. What destroyed this man.

"Second uncle, you really can't go to this mission. It's very dangerous. Your heart is in disorder now. If you go there, something will happen. My grandfather is old. Besides, you are still in the army in the morning. You should not forget that you have a child. We are all very sad when the second aunt goes, but you should cheer up."Lu Xing was full of shame when he heard Lu Liangcheng talk about his children. On the day his wife went, he even thought about going together. He forgot his child and was still waiting for them to go home in the morning.

White rose is baffled by the fact that she was in the army before. Naturally, she has met Chen Rong. But these people say that sister Rongrong is dead. What's the matter? She never heard of it.

Lu Xing didn't speak any more. He twisted his hand in silence, like a helpless child. He made Lu Liangcheng feel distressed. When this man was in the army, he was so high spirited, but now, it has become this way.

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"Small town, you must protect yourself and come back alive."

"Are you talking about sister Rongrong? When did you say she was dead? She called me back the day before yesterday. I'm absolutely sure that the person on the phone is her. Now I'm so scared that I feel goose bumps all over my body. "

White rose rubbed her body, thinking that the person calling her might not be a person, so she felt a chill on her back.

Lu Liangcheng looked at her in surprise, and suddenly turned to stare at Lu Xing. "Second uncle, did you see the body of the second aunt cremated with your own eyes?"

Lu Xing's hand suddenly shook and recalled the scene carefully. "No, the cremation staff said that scene was cruel, so I waited outside, and they gave me the urn directly."

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