"How has she been these years?"

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She said with red eyes that she had not fulfilled her parents' responsibilities when she was born. The child did not know if she would be blamed.

"No, when she was in the Qin family, she couldn't even eat enough food. The person who brought her out soon died. The new woman in that family always regarded her as a thorn in the eye. When she wanted to get rid of her, she would make money by herself when she was very young. In winter, she often had frostbite on her hand. Even if it was for Sangyu, you had to stay. She used to be so bitter. ”

Lu Liangcheng knew what to say about the woman's heart. Seeing that the second aunt's face was full of heartache, Lu Xing glanced at the second uncle. Lu Xing immediately understood, "Sangyu has been suffering for years. You know when she first came in, the old man didn't agree. She just didn't like her family. She didn't even have a decent dress. ”

the more they said about Qin Sangyu, the more pitiful they were. At last, Chen Rong began to cover her face. "I'm really selfish. I only thought that I had a bad time these years, but I didn't think of my daughter. I'm sorry for sang Yu."

Lu Liangcheng was a little relieved. As long as this man still remembers Qin Sangyu, he won't go too far. Now the Su family is almost collapsed. It is said that the eldest family is still harassing Su Hua, Finally, Su Hua asked people to beat him up and sent him to the countryside. The old man also left, and the second family died. This man would not go back to Su's house. Only G city could stop.

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Chen Rong cried for a while. Feeling headache, she stretched out her fingertips and rubbed her temple. Lu Xing quickly helped her, "I don't know if I brought you back in the first time. You were angry and thought I was too selfish, so I would go quietly this time. If it's because of this, I apologize, but Qin Sangyu is your daughter, Su Mo is your son, even Su Hua's child, These years are in the shadow of their own life experience, the father of the Su family has gone, you and a dead person vomit what anger, the past is over, don't make yourself unhappy for a dead person, you still have a son and daughter, and in the army's morning morning, morning morning call said, has been waiting for us to go back. "

Chen Rong's last determination has collapsed. She looked at the man around her and found that in a short period of time, his hair was half white. Her heart was even more sour. "I'm sorry, I didn't do it right this time. Let's go back together. Before we go back, we'll have a look at Sangyu and Xiaomo. I'm sorry for both of them. I'm really not a qualified mother."

Chen Rong said, feeling the pain in her head, she fell down on his shoulder. Lu Xing only felt that she was shocked by the ecstasy of being lost and recovered. She could only hold her rigidly. The two relied on each other and didn't know what to say.

Lu Liangcheng quickly took out his mobile phone and made a call to Su Mo, saying that there was a very important person to get to know her. He also called Qin Sangyu and asked her to hurry downstairs. There were important guests to come.

White rose saw that the misunderstanding between husband and wife was solved, and then she looked at Chen Rong with a look of regret. "Sister Rongrong, I'm sorry, I think they are in too much hurry, so I took them here. If anything happens again next time, you must not leave in anger. We will sit together to solve the misunderstanding and live with Meimei."

White rose didn't know about the Su family. She thought it was a quarrel between husband and wife, so she began to persuade her.

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Chen Rong's face had a trace of smile, waved her hand, "I know, don't worry, I'm not a child, such a thing makes enough."

Rong Lang is holding white rose's waist. It's the first time that she persuades a person so seriously. It seems that this woman is not totally emotionless. Her mouth is bent. As long as he has feelings, he can turn people home to be his wife if he is a little more patient.

Su Mo was a little confused when he received the phone call from Lu Liangcheng. He really didn't know what was going on and how he suddenly wanted to let him know someone. The circle between them didn't seem to intersect. He sipped his lips to see whether the other party was his brother-in-law, or he was very positive in the past.

After arriving at the villa in Luliang City, he found that there was no one in the villa. Only Qin Sangyu was sitting half asleep on the sofa. It seemed that he was not awake. When he saw him, he was obviously surprised, "brother? What are you doing here? Don't you go to the company today

"The guy in Lu Liangcheng said that there was a very important person to let me know, and I came here. Now when I saw him out, I always felt that he was playing with me."

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Su Mo didn't have a good temper to say, that man's ghost ideas are still many, if you really play him, wait and see, he has to tear off the other side's skin.

Qin Sangyu's eyebrows twisted, and Lu Liangcheng told her the same thing. It should not be a joke. Maybe there is an important person to come, who is related to her and Su mo.

"That's what he said to me, brother. Let's wait a moment. Don't be so impatient. He's not a joker."

Su Mo didn't have a good impression on Lu Liangcheng. Although this man successfully found his wife and children, he would never forgive him for the fight he had with himself.

They sat quietly on the sofa, and soon heard the voices of several people coming from outside. Qin Sangyu got up and planned to meet her in person. But when the door of the living room was pushed open, her whole body was stiff, and the whole person stopped at the same place.Su Mo is also. What he has been regretting is that he didn't say a word with his mother. He watched her move in front of him and leave. If he had driven his car faster, maybe he could stop the tragedy. But people have left, and it's useless to say anything.


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The two men spoke at the same time, and finally looked at each other. At the moment when they saw the man, they thought it was their own illusion. But when the other side also called out the word, they understood that it was not the illusion, but the man should be the guest in Lu Liangcheng's mouth.

"How do you...

Qin Sangyu just finished these three words, her eyes turned red, and immediately covered her stomach. Lu Liangcheng ran over and sat down with her." don't be excited. You have something to say slowly. Mom is OK, just don't want to face everyone, so she left. Now you come back and you have plenty of time to get along with each other. "

Qin Sangyu covers his stomach and nods. Then he looks at Chen Rong. Suddenly, he doesn't know what to say. He pulls Su Mo's sleeve and finds that Su Mo has already cried and wiped two tears. It's really disgraceful.

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