Chen Rong said definitely, but Qin Sangyu subconsciously looked at the second uncle, and found that the second uncle was full of disapproval. After all, the couple had just been together, and there was a lot to say. How could they be separated so quickly? She immediately said, "I will live in the old house. Then everyone will be in the old house. Mom, you can get along with the second uncle, How nice to take care of me again. "

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At the same time, she didn't want to go back to see the red paper windmill. It was really frightening. If Lu Liangcheng left, she would be even more afraid. Maybe she could not sleep.

When Lu Liangcheng heard that Qin Sangyu was going to live in the old house, he was relieved. He was worried that he could not ask him to come here. As long as Qin Sangyu came to the old house, he would not worry about going out. The old house is safe at least. Even if people from five places come out, they can't do anything. After all, there are grandfathers in the old house.

Grandfather's identity is sensitive. If people in five places dare to fight, it is against a country.

A group of people began to eat, during which they kept talking about the recent events. Qin Sangyu and Chen Rong seemed to talk more. Chen Rong talked about the interesting things happened in the army, and finally talked about white rose. We all know that white rose used to be a mixed male army.

"Are you a white rose?"

But Lu Chen sent out a exclamation. It should not be the white rose that he knows. I heard that he has super strong ability. He never fails to do a task alone. His bomb dismantling technology is world-class. "Is that white rose? It says it's a woman who can hit ten men and defuse bombs? "

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The original people will mention her ah, white rose thought in her heart, slowly nodded, looked up to find Lu Chen's eyes are stars.

"I'm learning how to bomb recently. Can you teach me?"

He is really busy dismantling bombs recently. This is a necessary skill for every special soldier. He has already thought about joining the special forces in the future and wandering in every country. It is best to be the best special forces.


White rose promised simply, after all, it was sister Rongrong's son, and it was nothing for her to teach.

"I'll teach you when I come back from abroad."

As soon as Lu Chen saw it, he knew that these people were going to carry out the task and his cousin, otherwise his mother would not have called him out to take care of his sister. Recently, he is really busy, and that person is not unaware.

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After eating a meal for more than an hour, Lu Liangcheng and Laozi, as well as Rong Lang, went to the study to work out a precise plan. Qin Sangyu saw that they were so serious, and her worries were less. At least in this way, the probability of making mistakes in the future would be smaller, and she was more assured.

"Morning, come and sit here."

She called, and Lu Chen immediately came over and sat down beside him.

"Can you play games?"

Qin Sangyu said leisurely that it was really lonely not to find a Kaihei. Lu Chen subconsciously shook his head, but he thought, "what game do you play? Are you eating chicken? I don't play with this, I only play with the glory of the king. "

Qin Sangyu's eyes lit up in an instant, and immediately took out his mobile phone, "anyway, we are bored now, let's play a few?"

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Lu Chen also took out his mobile phone, knowing that the game was completely accidental. Unexpectedly, it came into use at this time. His level was almost the same as Qin Sangyu. Both of them were gold and could be ranked together.

"Sister, are you the Su family?" During the game, he quietly asked, the corner of his eye found that his mother and grandmother were sitting together to talk, which was the only way to ask.

"Well, yes."

Lu Chen's eyes darkened. Although he has been listening to adults, he still knows something, "this time, is something wrong with mom? I think all of you are very happy, but this kind of happiness is the happiness of the survivors. "

Lu Chen's observation was very careful. Even Qin Sangyu was surprised and looked up at him, "be careful! You're dying

Lu Chen called, Qin Sangyu found that because of her distracted mind, she actually sent the first drop of blood, and immediately became serious, "you boy, you are very serious in observing, and there are some things that have happened, but I advise you not to know. It's not good for you and your mother. Since those things are in the past, let them pass. As long as you know, she is very good Just love you

Lu Chen's hand operation is so fast that he immediately takes a five kill. Qin Sangyu only knows that he has accidentally climbed up to a great God.

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"That cousin's mission this time is about viruses. I've heard about some things in the army. Anyway, it's very dangerous. Sister, don't worry. Since I've identified you in my heart, I'll take good care of you in the future."

Hearing this person say about the globovirus, Qin Sangyu can't concentrate on anything. She's always worried about Lu Liangcheng's life. What's more, this time it's still about the virus, killing people invisibly.

"Is it horrible?" She asked, shaking her voice. She looked at the child in front of her without blinking, hoping that he would tell her the truth."Well, elder sister, I don't want to deceive you. Before that, there was a man in our army who was very powerful. To what extent was he powerful? It was the record set by my cousin before Many of them have been broken by him. He is a new generation of wolf in the army, but he was sent to carry out this task not long ago, and then he never came back. We don't know where he went. Maybe he died in that village. He sent a video back He accidentally broke into the village, because it had not been confirmed that it was a virus. Anyway, there were a lot of dead people everywhere. When I saw that video, I was very shocked. You should have guessed the end. Anyway, he was also infected, but the news was blocked up on it, and no one in the outside world knew it. "

Lu Chen played seriously. Seeing Qin Sangyu's operator standing still, he was a little worried. "Elder sister, the group war, don't be dazed. We'll lose later."

But Qin Sangyu now where there is the mind to play what game, heard that this person's hand has a video, immediately quietly pulled his hand, "can you show me the video, or show it to your cousin, so that they can be prepared psychologically."

Lu Chen is in a bit of a dilemma. This is something strictly required by his superiors to keep secret. Even his cousin has never seen it. Moreover, he has issued a death order that the video should not be distributed, otherwise he will be punished.

"Sister, don't embarrass me. I swore in front of my captain."

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