Qin Sangyu frowned at Lu Chen's question, thinking that the child knew a lot. Lu Liangcheng told her about five things. It seemed that he had something to do with the man who came to their house. "I heard a little about it. What's the matter?"

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Lu Chenzai carefully looked at the red paper windmill in the garbage can. "I just think that only five men in five places will leave the red paper windmill, but who is it? It's not clear. When I saw the red paper windmill last night, I knew it was bad. I was afraid that you would have any connection with them. Anyway, don't try to provoke the people inside. It's all a group of abnormal people."

Qin Sangyu thought that it seemed that this man knew something about five places. He bent his mouth and looked at him with a smile, "what do you know? Tell me about it."

Lu Chen sighed, "before, when our troops went to drill in the mountains, they happened to encounter their base. There were all dead people in it, or dead people picked out from coffins. They were doing a sacrificial activity, that is, dressing up the dead. When we went in, we smelled a great smell of corpses. Maybe they didn't want to hand them over to us War, at that time, they were removed, but the bodies with good make-up were not removed. You don't know. On a hot day, many bodies were rotten, and the ground was full of pus and maggots. The brothers who had seen them at that time all vomited. Anyway, the people in five places were very evil. "

Lu Chen said, a little pale, a light deep breath, then suddenly turned to look at Qin Sangyu, "anyway, they are very good at using the body, as for the specific what to do, I don't know, sister, I don't want you and five people have anything to do, cousin, anyway, you can do it yourself."

Lu Chen secretly poked to learn to smoke from adults, but Qin Sangyu smoked it. His face was full of ridicule, "what do children learn from others?"

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Lu Chen shrugged and didn't speak. They talked about each other once in a while, but they didn't look embarrassed. It seemed that they were born to be brothers and sisters.

Although Qin Sangyu knew that Lu Liangcheng had an antidote, he could not help worrying about other things, so when he didn't talk to Lu Chen, he always wanted to land in Liangcheng.

Lu Liangcheng is still on the plane. When he sees the white clouds outside, his eyes are gloomy. Ronglang and Bai Meigui have no idea of fighting. Both of them attach great importance to the task this time, which is probably the first major task they have encountered in so many years.

"Later, you should remember not to jump off the side when you parachute, and when you meet people from other countries, don't communicate more. Now we are all in a panic. We don't know whether our antidote has been leaked out. If those people know that we have an antidote, they will ambush us first, so try not to communicate and parachute in a safe place. ”

Lu Liangcheng looked at the following situation from the satellite, and his mind was very confused. Finally, he turned to look at them, "let's meet below, and remember to contact more. When we meet people infected with the virus, we should be very flustered. At least we can't show that we have been injected with antidotes."

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Rong Lang and Bai rose nodded. They both said very little today. Bai Rose had been pressing the place where she had the amulet on her chest. Although her adoptive parents were very kind to her, this was the first old man to treat her so well. She had been working for her and had not contacted many people at all. Thinking that such an old man was Lu Liangcheng's grandmother, she felt a little jealous.

The plane quickly arrived at the designated position. The three people packed their parachutes and jumped down. Skydiving is actually a very dangerous thing, especially in the case of small accidents, such as meeting a flying bird or something, they may all die.

Lu Liangcheng landed steadily and looked at the sky. He found that ronglang and Bai Rose's umbrellas were still floating, which was not far away from here by the wind. He immediately married the parachute and put it away. Then he looked at the direction of landing there and walked over.

Rong Lang landed on the ground and sorted out the parachute. He found that the white rose landed on his side with a smile in his eyes. He walked over and said that he wanted to help her with the parachute.

White rose curls her lips and is happy.

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When Lu Liangcheng came by, he happened to see Rong Lang in the scene of happily sorting out his parachute and rubbing his temples with headache. This man is really, never forgetting to be attentive.

"About three kilometers ahead is the main urban area of this country. It is said that the main urban area is now in a state of panic. We all know about the virus, and many soldiers are also mixed in it. We must pay more attention to it and don't say too much."

Lu Liangcheng is still charging, see two people like a good baby, nod, suddenly feel funny, "you are not very nervous, it's OK, there are people at home waiting for us to go back, we must not die in this place."

When Bai rose heard that Lu Liangcheng said someone was waiting for her to go back, she subconsciously took a look at Rong Lang, waiting for her own reaction and turned her face fiercely. It seemed that this man was with him. There was no one in G city waiting for her to go back.

"Don't let down my grandmother's amulet."

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Lu Liangcheng said faintly. He walked in front of him in an instant, and ronglang and Bai rose immediately followed him. Ronglang reached out and held the white rose. The corners of his mouth were bent very high. This is the first time that he took the hand of white rose to go shopping. Now he is not worried at all. If he is with this person, he is not afraid of anything.The three soon arrived in the main urban area. Countries on this side of Africa are generally relatively backward. Even in the main urban area, they are only comparable to the suburbs of G city. Tall buildings are more invisible, but occasionally there are even bungalows that can be seen.

"If I stay in these places all my life, I'll be crazy. The atmosphere is depressing. It's hard."

People in this country already know about the virus, but what can ordinary people do? They can only rely on the government, but the backward government can not think of a good way. After all, no matter what aspect of research, they are the one at the bottom.

Fortunately, the international community has been paying attention to such problems. Now the virus is not only their business, but also international affairs.

Lu Liangcheng and Rong Lang went to their own hotel because they only came here to complete the task, and they didn't plan to have a good room. There was a room that could meet their requirements. To be exact, it was a set of two rooms. There was a wall in the middle, but there was only one gate in total, which was very good for them.

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