The two groups of people did not expect that they would meet people from other countries, so they were ready to fight. However, they thought that Lu Liangcheng was still there. Their strength was not for fun. They could only stare at each other like that. They saw the people of M put the antidote into their pockets and left the window.

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"Shit! Catch up

"You can't let them run. The antidote is on them."

The group immediately jumped out of the window and followed them out. When it was completely quiet, Lu Liangcheng and Rong Lang woke up from their beds. Then they opened the window and looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

"It's really you. Knowing that we all suspect that we have antidotes, we just came out like this, which made them think that the antidote was taken away, but it was just vitamins. Ha ha ha ha."

Rong Lang laughs, but Lu Liangcheng immediately covers his mouth. In these places, who knows if there is a camera or a bug? Even if you know the secret, you can't tell it.

Rong Lang also knew that he had made a mistake. He immediately closed his mouth, locked the door again, and then came to his side, "I really convinced you of this move. Now those who are still around covetously looking for the antidote, I'm afraid they have all gone to the people of M country. It's really cool. We can have a good sleep."

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Rong Lang is right. The people of M country are in great distress now. After a short period of time, we all know that they have stolen the antidote, so many people came to besiege them. Finally, you hit me and I beat you, and everyone got into a mess in the alley, but there were no dead people. This kind of fight on the surface, we all dare not kill at will. After all, it represents two countries Ah.

When something goes wrong, it's a matter of two countries.

Lu Liangcheng and Rong Lang almost slept until dawn. In order to make everyone believe that their antidote was stolen, they did not wander around these days. Instead, they discussed countermeasures in their room. However, in other people's eyes, the antidote was stolen, and they were scolded by the people above. They didn't want to come out to see people again.

"Do you think the people in these two places are related? Why do you choose these two places to spread the virus?"

Rong Lang looked at the map in a daze. He couldn't think of the relationship between the two places. He frowned. He found Lu Liangcheng frowned and sighed, "it can't be because they happen to have bases in these places. After all, you know that Africa is a place with poor public security. Even if they make trouble, go ahead I can't find the people I met. "

Lu Liangcheng squinted at ronglang. Maybe this person is right, because the law and order in Africa is always poor. If you go to those developed countries, I'm afraid they will just go in and someone else will check. Only in Africa can they study those things with ease.

"One is the easternmost Town, and the other is the westernmost town. It's just a straight line. I can't see anything."

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Rong Lang's head wanted to blow up. He heard the waiter outside the door saying that he had brought lunch. He thought that he had eaten first and then brought the lunch in.

He raised his hand and was about to eat, so Lu Liangcheng grabbed his wrist and said, "why, is it poisonous?"

"Do you know who is spreading the virus? Do you know where they are in this place? They can be anyone, a hotel attendant, or even a street vendor. Can you be more careful when you're out

The corner of Rong Lang's mouth took a puff, put down the meal, and touched his stomach.


A pile of snacks hit his head. He looked up at the white rose in surprise, and found that the other party had begun to tear open the package to eat. "How come you brought so many things, enough for the three of us to eat for a month?"

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There were a lot of compressed biscuits and milk in it, which almost knocked his head out. He looked at her gratefully, then took the biscuit and began to eat it.

Lu Liangcheng was also hungry. He tore open the package and ate. He wanted to go to the supermarket below to buy something. However, Bai rose thought so much that she took all the things with her. It's really terrifying for a woman to be such a creature.

"Go out tomorrow morning. I heard that the agents are going to amby. I don't know why. We're going to have a look."

He suspected that the agents had received any news, the corners of his mouth bent, and they just had to follow behind.

"How do you know that they are going to amby town. It seems that there are factories there. There was a lot of accident a few years ago, and then the factory was scrapped. Now there are a lot of vagabonds there. It is said that it is a paradise for the poor.

"It's a place like this where people don't pay attention, right? After all, no one will be so idle to see how tramps survive."

Rong Lang also came to be interested in, "are you installing a bug in someone else's sleeping room, and that group of idiots didn't even notice that, with such intelligence quotient, they dare to steal our antidote."

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It's easy for Lu Liangcheng to enter those people's rooms easily. His ability is very strong. In addition, the hotel here is only on the fourth floor at most, so you can climb up with your bare hands.The three men discussed for a while about tomorrow's affairs. They packed all the food and divided them into three backpacks, each carrying one on his back.

The next morning, several men followed the others, and soon set out to attack amby.

Amby town was very peaceful at the beginning, because there were factories where people had things to do. Although they had a small income, they did not commit crimes. Later, a series of accidents occurred in the factory. It was said that the high temperature steam directly evaporated a living person. The high temperature of several thousand degrees directly steamed people into steam. The whole workshop was full of human flesh, which was from this country The leaders came to inspect the factory several times, and found that the safety facilities of the factory were not well done. Every year, such appalling accidents would occur, so they ordered the factories over there to close down. All the local people were lazy and unwilling to go to work again. As time went by, there became a paradise for liulanghan.

After driving for three hours, the bus finally arrived at amby Town, because people from other countries had already entered. Luliang City and ronglang had to change their appearance. Before that, they had brought the black technology to them. They all wore leather and facial products on their faces, and then they changed into the clothes they only had here. Then they walked in slowly.

One of the advantages is that the clothes here are wide. Even if they pin all the guns on their waists, outsiders can't see anything. What's more, they deliberately want to disguise, and each person carries a bag and goes in.

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