Although people here have been living in the panic of the virus, no one knows what the virus looks like, so those who have experienced the virus have died in the end. They have not even seen people with touching viruses, and they do not know that people infected with the virus will be full of blisters.

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But Lu Liangcheng saw the video, and he knew what the infected person looked like. So when he saw the onlookers from a distance, he immediately took ronglang and white rose and went back to the car he had come to.

"Let's go! The virus is spreading in amby

White rose and Rong Lang also saw that video, 100% sure that just that man is infected with the virus, but they do not know it.

When their car was not far away, they saw that the agents were coming here. It was estimated that they wanted to go back to amby town. Lu Liangcheng stopped the car and looked at these lucky people coldly. Maybe it was God's pity that they all escaped.

"I advise you not to go back. Someone in amby town has just been infected with the virus, and now it is estimated that everyone has been infected. I can see clearly that you can only die in the past."

A few m country's agents saw Lu Liangcheng's face, some excited, all hands and feet followed on the car.

"I'm sorry I robbed your antidote last time. The virus is so terrible that we don't want to die."

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"There are still several relatives waiting for me in my family. When I came to find out the truth, it was too difficult for me to collapse. God, if I could go back alive this time, I would retire immediately."

It is human nature to be afraid of death. Lu Liangcheng didn't say much about it. If you think about it from another angle, maybe he would steal the antidote, but he didn't intend to keep in touch with these people. After all, after stealing the antidote, some of them were going to be killed.

The car drove back to the capital. No one seems to know about the virus in amby town. Lu Liangcheng thinks that it is not safe here in the capital. After all, it's only three hours' drive away from amby town. What if someone comes out of the town during this time.

They had to tell the news to their superiors first, and then the higher authorities would relay it to the leaders of the country. Within half an hour, they heard that the road to amby town had been blocked, and amby town had become another place where the virus had been slaughtered.

However, the people who live in amby town don't know anything, let alone the government of this country and abandon them. They are surrounded by a lot of soldiers. If anyone dares to leave, they will shoot on the spot.

The man with long blisters suddenly felt uncomfortable in the evening, and his nose began to bleed. Finally, more and more blood was shed on his body. He fell to the ground and died directly. Everyone was scared and planned to throw people out. After all, this place is the place where they sleep. Now it's really bad luck for a dead person.

"Isn't he infected with the virus? Now it's all about viruses. Don't you know? It's terrible. There are no people in the whole village over there. It's said that the old people and children have died because of the virus. Now there is no way for the authorities to do it. There has been a lot of panic in the world. "

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"True or false, I have heard of this news. If he is infected with the virus, then will all of us die?"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone began to panic. Far away from the dead man, someone stood up and said that he wanted to leave here and not wait to die here.

With him so a stand out, everyone began to riot, desperate to run out, while the virus has not spread, must leave here.

But they just heard that the virus is rampant, but they don't know how terrible the virus is. From the moment the infected man entered the town, they were doomed to have no possibility of survival.

Many people ran out for a distance and found that there were many helicopters floating in the air. They were very far away, but bombs began to explode in this place, with sparks everywhere and people shouting.

They thought there was hope of survival if they left there, but they did not know that what was waiting for them was still a massacre, and it was a thorough massacre.

this was also the decision made by the superior after a long time of consideration. At present, they have no way to deal with the virus, but can only stop its spread.

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"Listen to the people below. Go back to amby, or you'll die. Go back!"

The people who are still on the run finally understand that amby town is sealed and they will die there. They are not welcome in other places.

It seems that amby town has not appeared in the world. Everything about it has been completely banned. People in the capital are also in panic. It is said that people in amby town have been killed. They don't know when the bomb will fall on their heads. There are very few people selling things in the street. Everyone is waiting for the disaster to pass.

"It's cruel, but it's really the most effective way. Now the antidote is just a little bit. Our country is the most advanced country in this field. In addition, families like wanqijia can't come up with an antidote. It's estimated that it will take some time before we can completely control it. We just don't know how many people will die before that."Rong Lang looked at the outside and said, found that in a short time, there was no one on the street.

Lu Liangcheng squinted and was more sure that the incident had something to do with the factories over there. Amby town was closed down. If you want to go in, you have to use those helicopters.

"To see where those helicopters are parked at night, we still have to go into the factory and see what's going on inside."

The people of M seem to have made up their mind to follow them. After they heard that they were going to get a helicopter, they also planned to get one.

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That night, two helicopters flew in the air and flew to the factory side. Lu Liangcheng operated the helicopter and hovered in the air for a while, and finally dropped a bomb.

Rong Lang and white rose are both stunned. Is this too direct and rude?

After a bomb, the people inside ran out.

The people of m also learned to land in Liangcheng and lost a few of them. They thought that they could eat meat with Lu Liangcheng. This man didn't play cards according to the routine.

Henry and Henri were both frightened. They were staying in the research room. A burst of mud fell from the ceiling. There was an explosion outside. Today, amby was bombed. They thought they could do research in peace. In the evening, the factory was bombed.

"Go down! Catch them

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