"Lu Chen! You haven't been an adult for a long time! Go on a blind date! Mom knows what?! I will sue you now

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When Lu Chen heard her words, she immediately raised her neck. "Of course, my mother knows that she still supports me very much. I have not seen a girl in the army for ten or eight years. This time is a vacation. When I come out next time, I may be an old bachelor. If I can have a girl with me, my mother will be too happy. Hum."

Lu Chen's face was full of complacency and made Qin Sangyu angry. She always felt that this man was hiding something from herself, but the other party was not willing to say. She pursed her lips and thought about the latest bit by bit. It seemed that after the news was sent from Luliang City, this person began to feel all wrong. A bold idea appeared in her mind, but Then he shook his head. Maybe Lu Liangcheng would not do that?

"Elder sister, don't always be paranoid, can you? There are still children in your stomach. You can think about what you eat today and treat the children better. My cousin will be very happy when he comes back."

"That's your cousin. He's a cousin all day. He's so big that he can't tell his relatives clearly. It's a shame."

Lu Chen's face is stiff. He is really not familiar with his relatives. In his heart, it doesn't matter what his name is. As long as he knows the status of that person in his heart, just like his cousin, he is an idol in his heart.

Both of them did not speak next. Lu Chen had time to spend with her. Anyway, he was very free recently. He lay on the bench and looked at the flowers and plants outside. Those were taken care of by his grandfather. Now they are all in blossom, and they are more beautiful than those in the flower shop.

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"Isn't grandma up yet? What about the leg injury? "

Qin Sangyu asked. Because she was pregnant, everyone didn't want her to visit her grandmother. She said that she was afraid of bumping into the child. Although some things could not be trusted, her grandmother had always been in awe of these things.

"When I wake up, I'm not in good spirits. You know, when you're old, you can't go back and forth like you used to, but you're already eating. If you take a rest, you won't have a big problem."

Lu Chen took one of the lollipops and put it in his mouth. He found it was too sweet. He gave it two times. Finally, he threw it into the garbage can. As soon as his hand was collected, he ate a chestnut on his head and nearly got a concussion.

"Qin Sangyu, you are planning to murder. Do you know it hurts so much?"

He cried with his head in his arms, while Qin Sangyu looked at the lollipops with heartache. The last time Lu Liangcheng ate her lollipops, she bought them to compensate her. She was reluctant to eat them. As a result, she not only ate them, but also threw them into the garbage can, which was too much.

Lu Chen rubbed his head out of her room, thinking that women are really unreasonable. It's just a lollipop. It's like a tribute.

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"Are you making your sister angry again?"

Chen Rong is cooking below. When she sees Lu Chen rubbing her head down, she sighs. Although she is very happy that the two children can play together, Lu Chen's temper can easily make people angry. What should Sangyu do if she gets sick due to anger.

"Where there is, I ate her a lollipop, look at her stingy look, women are really troublesome."

Chen Rong was a little funny. She cut a little fruit and put it in front of him. "It was a lollipop bought by a small town. Last time I saw her, I was very happy. She said that she couldn't bear to eat it. She should keep it well and eat it when the town comes back. Tell me how people are not angry."

Lu Chen took a bite of the apple. He never fell in love. He didn't know what it was like to like someone. He always felt that Qin Sangyu was exaggerating, "Mom, I don't understand. How to put the lollipop, isn't it a lollipop? Is it true that women who fall in love are so stupid that they are so happy when they send some lollipops

Chen Rong shook his head, "what do you know? You don't have a girl who loves you. Of course, you don't know how it feels to be two people together. Now the small town is going to carry out such a dangerous task. Lollipop in Sangyu's heart is the sustenance of the soul."

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Lu Chen rubbed his hair. "Don't say it. In my eyes, it's just an ordinary lollipop."

Chen Rong thought that the son would never understand, and he was always one track minded.

"By the way, mom, just now the news came from the hospital that Lu Ling has completely become a vegetable. Now Bai Yan is still with her. Do you want me to take this opportunity to ridicule them

When Chen Rong heard him say this, she would throw the spoon in her hand, but it was just a bluff. "What are you going to do? Take good care of yourself. Didn't you hear what your grandfather said last time? Everyone is pitiful, and so is Lu Ling. You should take good care of your mouth. If you let me know you are in trouble, see how I will deal with you!"

Lu Chen curled his lips. He just said it.

In the hospital.

When Bai Yan heard that Lu Ling would become a vegetable, she almost fainted on the spot. It's really a sin. Her good son, first of all, could not be humane, and now she has become a vegetable. She feels that the sky has collapsed, and she would like to sleep all the time. It's better to never wake up."Please cheer up, Mrs. white, Mr. Lu still has a slight consciousness. Maybe he is not completely in a coma. He may wake up one day in the future. But when is it? I don't know. This also needs your mother to call. I heard that Mr. Lu intended to commit suicide this time. It must be that the knot in his heart has not been opened. Before this knot is not opened, he will never wake up. "

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The knot in Lu Ling's heart? Bai Yan is stunned. Isn't this a hatred for Qin Sangyu? Does Qin Sangyu have to die before he can wake up?

Bai Yan clenched her fist. She didn't know why Lu Ling committed suicide. She pushed the pot to Qin Sangyu. She didn't think about it at all. Lu Ling was so disappointed with her parents that she couldn't think of it. He hated Qin Sangyu, but it was at the moment of death that he abandoned everything. He just hated such parents Only in this way can we choose to commit suicide.

"Qin Sangyu..."

Bai Yan quietly clenched her teeth and vomited out the name. She originally wanted to live a good life. As soon as her son was good, they moved into the house Lu Song gave them. But now her son has completely fallen into a coma. She has to untie her heart knot to wake up. Lu Song can't rely on her own strength to kill Qin Sangyu.

As long as Qin Sangyu dies, Xiaoling will wake up, and then they will leave G city and never come back.

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